Презентация к уроку на тему "Планеты"
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (8 класс) на тему

Данную презентацию можно использовать в качестве дополнительного материала в 8 классе при изучении темы "Планеты".


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Слайд 1

Mars The presentation was made by Polina Burlakova Alexandra Ripak and Shavlohova Fatima С lass 8 « А» school N1 9 53 with the participation of

Слайд 2

Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun and the second smallest planet in the Solar System. The Sun M ercury Venus The Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn

Слайд 3

Named in honor of Mars - the Roman God of war. Sometimes Mars is called the «red planet» because of the reddish color of the surface attached to her iron oxide . Compared with the Earth Mars is very small. Its Equatorial radius is only 53 percent of the earth and equal 3396,9 kilometers. The whole square surface of the red planet is equal to 144 million km2, that in accuracy coincides with the area of the earth's land surface, and its weight falls short only 11 % of the mass of the earth.

Слайд 4

The relief of Mars has many unique features. Martian extinct volcano Olympus is the highest known mountain of the planets of the Solar system (on the asteroid Vest), and the Mariner valley - the largest known canyon. The peculiarities of the surface relief of Mars can be considered to be impact craters like the moons, as well as volcanoes, valleys, deserts and polar ice caps like earths.

Слайд 5

Mars has two natural satellites - Phobos and Deimos (translated from Greek - «fear» and «terror» - the names of the two sons of Ares, who accompanied him in his battles)

Слайд 6

Around its axis Mars rotates 24 hours, 37 minutes and 23 seconds. Year on the red planet lasts 668,6 mars solar day . The seasons are also replace each other on Mars, as people used to watch it on their blue planet. Only summer here is not a holiday period. Across the planet hosted storms and eddies! Winter on the red planet harsh and cold. The temperature doesn ’ t rise above -100degrees. On the planet the average temperature is minus 53 degrees Celsius. In summer the average temperature at the equator zero degrees ю In temperate latitudes temperature stable minus 25 degrees Celsius, and at the poles very cold. Here the temperature is minus 150 degrees Celsius.

Слайд 7

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