The Mayflower pilgrims – The Plymouth Colony (Robin MacWizard’s diary) учебник Happy English для 9 классов К.И.Кауфман, М.Ю.Кауфман- Обнинск: Титул, 2008.
план-конспект урока (английский язык, 9 класс) по теме

Ручкина Лариса Владимировна



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Пояснительная записка

Предлагаемый урок английского языка, который проводился в 9 классе, адресован учителям старших классов, применяющим в своей практике проблемное обучение.

Автор: Ручкина Лариса  Владимировна

Образовательное учреждение. г. Белорецк

Должность: учитель английского языка

Предмет: английский язык

Класс: 9  

Тема: The Mayflower pilgrims – The Plymouth Colony (Robin MacWizard’s diary)

Продолжительность: 2 урока –  по 45 мин

Учебно-методическое обеспечение: учебник Happy English  для 9 классов К.И.Кауфман, М.Ю.Кауфман- Обнинск: Титул, 2008.

Необходимое оборудование, материалы  и ПО для занятия: магнитофон,  аудиокассета к учебнику,  видеопроектор, компьютер, операционная система Microsoft Windows XP, Microsoft Power Point, компьютерный медиапродукт – авторская презентация, карточки с вопросами, карточки с домашним заданием.

Современные образовательные технологии: проблемное обучение (обучение в сотрудничестве), приемы критического мышления, здоровье сберегающие технологии

Цель урока: совершенствование навыков чтения с полным пониманием содержания



1.Совершенствование произносительных навыков

2.Активизация лексики по теме

3.Закрепление навыка чтения с полным пониманием содержания


1.Развитие языковой догадки

2.Развитие способности анализировать и систематизировать предлагаемый материал

3.Развитие способностей к критическому мышлению


1.Формирование умения работать в коллективе

2.Воспитание уважения к собеседнику

3.Закрепление интереса к истории и культуре страны изучаемого языка

Данная разработка  включает в себя мультимедийную презентацию, карту урока, 2 приложения (тексты для чтения из учебника записаны в Приложении 1, задания из учебника даны в Приложении 2). Карта урока состоит из сценария урока и показывает  предлагаемое задание (с учетом временной реализации и  комментариями),  работу учителя, работу учеников, использование необходимого оборудования на каждом этапе работы.

Данная разработка рассчитана на два урока, поэтому стадия вызова осуществляется только на первом уроке. Предполагается 3 варианта выдачи материала: для групп с хорошей, средней и слабой языковой подготовкой.

Применение мультимедийных средств было целесообразно на всех этапах. В качестве иллюстративного материала отбирались картины, портреты участников событий, фотографии реальных мест и людей (например воссозданный Плимут в Америке), которые могут дать более точное представление о происходящих событиях и их участниках.

Фонетическая отработка лексических единиц с помощью аудиозаписи  помогает более эффективно работать на этапе взаимоопроса.

Данные уроки можно проводить в цикле внеклассных мероприятий, посвященных страноведению.

Фотографии использованы с сайтов: 


Содержание урока

Работа учителя

Работа учеников

Используемое оборудование

Стадия вызова: на этой стадии работа направлена на активизацию полученных ранее навыков и знаний по теме, на пробуждение любопытства и определение целей изучения предстоящего материала

1.When was America discovered?

2.Who discovered America?

3.Who inhabited America?

4.Why do Americans speak English?

2.Фонетическая зарядка. Упр. 1 стр. 37

2 мин.

  1. Учитель направляет, подсказывает

Ученики предлагают свои варианты ответов

Хоровая работа

1 слайд

2 слайд

Групповая мозговая атака:  прием «знаем, хотим узнать»

В ходе этого этапа у учеников возникает потребность узнать нечто новое, формируется потребность в новой информации

Вопросы для формирования потребности в новой информации

Do you know ……………..

1.When did the first pilgrims come to America?

2.How did they get there?

3.How long did it take them to get the shores of America?

4.Was the journey pleasant or dangerous?

5.Did all the people reach the shores of America safe?

6.Why did they decide to leave England for America?

7.How did Indians meet the first settlers?

5 мин.

Учитель суммирует и подводит итог. Все варианты ответов записываются на доске

Ученики предлагают свои варианты ответов

Комментарий: если на стадии размышления работа будет вестись в двух группах, то желательно и на этом этапе начать работу в 2-х группах

3 слайд

Когда учащиеся припомнили все, что знали, задались конкретными вопросами, поставили цели, они готовы приступить к стадии осмысления

Комментарий: здесь возможно несколько способов введения в тему в зависимости от уровня обученности класса. 1 вариант (слабый класса) эта стадия идет перед объявлением домашнего задания. На дом каждый ученик получает свой отрывок текста с заданием прочитать, перевести, ответить на вопросы. Подготовка к стадии осмысления происходит дома.

2 вариант (очень хорошая языковая подготовка) все ученики получают на дом одно задание: прочитать и перевести весь текст.

3 вариант (хорошо подготовленный класс) ученики получают отрывки на уроке.

Текст делится на 10 отрывков. Если в группе больше 10 учеников, то возможно некоторые отрывки предложить 2 ученикам.

Стадия осмысления: прием зигзаг

  1. Опираясь на слова и иллюстрации на слайдах ученики создают сообщения по теме предложенных вопросов.
  2. Вопросы из упр.А стр. 44 заранее разбиты на группы. Вопросы без номера предложены учителем
  3. 6 Sept. –  1.Who wrote the diary?
  4. 2.Why did Robin decide to write a diary?
  5. 3.Why is the diary addressed to an unknown friend?
  6. What did king James promise to everybody who supported him?
  7. 11 Sept. –
  8. 4. How many passengers were there on board the ship?
  9. 5.What was the name of the ship?
  10. 6.Who were the Saints and who were he Strangers?
  11. 7.Why did they decide o leave England?
  12. 19 Sept., 15 Oct. –
  13. What names do the Saints give to their children?
  14. Why was their journey dangerous?
  15. When did they plan the arrive in America?
  16. 7 Nov.-
  17. In how many weeks did they plan to cross the ocean?
  18. Were the passengers healthy?
  19. What happened to some passengers?
  20. 9 Nov.-
  21. 8. When did they see land?
  22. 9.Who was the leader of Saints?
  23. 10.Was he a remarkable man?
  24. 10Nov., 11 Nov. –
  25. 11.Where did they land?
  26. 12.Why did they land at Cape Cod?
  27. 13.What is the Mayflower Compact?
  28. 14. Who was chosen as governor?
  29. 6, 8 Dec.-
  30. 15.Did the Pilgrims stay on board or did they go on shore? Why?
  31. 16.Why did they have to leave the Cape Cod?
  32. 18, 25 Dec.
  33. 17.What was the name of the place they found their new home?
  34. 18. Was it better than the first place? Why? Why not?
  35. 3,16 March
  36. 19.Why did so many people die?
  37. 20. What were the Pilgrims going to do to survive?
  38. 21. What was the name of the fist Indian they met and talked to?
  39. 22. Did they trust him?
  40. 22 March-
  41. 23.What document did the Pilgrims’ governor and the Indians sign?
  42. 24.When did the Mayflower leave for England?
  43. 25. Did any of the Pilgrims want to go back? Why? Why not?
  44. Комментарий: если задание давалось по второму варианту, то ученики получают вопросы произвольно непосредственно на уроке. Им также дается время для поиска подтверждений в правильности своих ответов (3-4 мин.). Если задание дается по третьему варианту, то дается 7 мин. для прочтения отрывков и поиска ответов на вопросы.
  45. 15 мин. на обсуждение

Учитель корректирует

Индивидуальная работа

Ученики слушают друг друга, задают вопросы, если что-то не понятно. После каждого прослушивания вызываются желающие рассказать, что они поняли , опираясь на слова из слайдов.

4-15 слайды

Стадия размышления:

I. What do you know now…………

1.When did the first pilgrims come to America?

2.How did they get there?

3.How long did it take them to get the shores of America?

4.Was the journey pleasant or dangerous?

5.Did all the people reach the shores of America safe?

6.Why did they decide to leave England for America?

7.How did Indians meet the first settlers?

2 мин.

II. Number the events in the correct order.

Упр. В. Стр. 45

4 мин.

III. What facts lead you to conclude that the Pilgrims were very brave people.

3 мин.

IV. What would you take with you if you were among the Pilgrims?

2 мин.

V. Trace the events that led to signing the Mayflower Compact.

2 мин.

VI. Access the accuracy of the facts in the Robin’s diary

2 мин.

Подведение итогов урока

Учитель оценивает работу отдельного ученика или группы, подводит итог, объявляет домашнее задание

1 вариант: индивидуальная работа

2 вариант: работа в 2-х группах

3 слайд

16 слайд

Домашнее задание для 2 групп.

1 группа работает с материалами сайта 

самостоятельно готовит сообщение о пассажирах, о маршруте, о корабле, о встречах с индейцами,  о быте и т.п.

2 группа работает с текстом урока 8,9 стр. 70, разделенным на 5 частей: 15, 21, 27 April, 1 May; 20,22 June; 23 June; 1,2 Sept., 10,11,16 Oct; 31 Dec.

17 слайд

2 урок

1.Фонетическая разминка

Приветствие, проведение фонетической разминки

Хоровая работа

18 слайд

Стадия осмысления

2.Работа с текстом

Отрывок о 15, 21, 27 April, 1 May с опорой на вопросы:

1.Who was helping the Pilgrims?

2.Why was his friendship important?

3.Why was William Bradford elected as a new governor?

4.Who made friendship with Squanto?

Координирует, корректирует, оценивает

Представитель 2-ой группы рассказывает, представитель 1–ой группы дополняет информацией найденной на сайте

19 слайд

Отрывок 20,22 June

1.Why did Squanto surprise Robert?

2.What did Robert hope to find in New World?

3.Did he want to tell his secret to anybody?

Координирует, корректирует, оценивает

Представитель 2-ой группы рассказывает, представитель 1–ой группы дополняет информацией найденной на сайте

20 слайд

Отрывок 23 June

1.What happened to Squanto?

2.Why was he sold in slavery?

3.Who taught him to read and write?

4.What did Squanto tell about Christopher Columbus?

5.Who destroyed the ancient civilizations?

6.What happened to Squanto’s tribe?

7.Why couldn’t Squanto leave the treasure in the cave?

8. Why did Squanto trust Robin?

9. Why was Robin surprised when he saw the treasure?

Координирует, корректирует, оценивает

Представитель 2-ой группы рассказывает, представитель 1–ой группы дополняет информацией найденной на сайте

21,22,23,24 слайд

1 Sept, 2 Sept., 10, 11, 16 Oct

1.Who became the guard of the treasure?

2.What things couldn’t Robert do?

3.What did Robert decide to do with the treasure?

4.What was Robert getting ready for?

5.Why did the Pilgrims decide the thank God?

6.How did they call the holiday?

7.What did they prepare for it?

    Координирует, корректирует, оценивает

Представитель 2-ой группы рассказывает, представитель 1–ой группы дополняет информацией найденной на сайте

25, 26  слайд

31 Dec.

1.Where did Robert leave the treasure?

2.Did he leave the clues to find the treasure?

Координирует, корректирует, оценивает

Представитель 2-ой группы рассказывает, представитель 1–ой группы дополняет информацией найденной на сайте

27 слайд

Стадия размышления

1.Let’s recall the main events of the story.

Ex. 3 p. 76

Ex.A p. 77

2.What do you infer to be the main idea of the text?

3.What facts lead you to conclude that friendship is a great thing?

4.How are the Indians and the Pilgrims similar/alike?

5.Is the story worth reading? Why?

Координирует, корректирует, оценивает

Индивидуальная работа

1 вариант: устно

2 вариант: письменно

Индивидуальная работа

28, 29 слайд

30,31 слайд

Домашнее задание:

Подготовить сообщение:

  1. о дне благодарения

When is it celebrated?

What is celebrated on this day?

What’s the history of this holiday?

What do people do on this day?

Food they eat on this day

  1. О цивилизации Майя (Ацтеков, Инков)

Where did they live?

The period of their civilization.

Their achievements

When were they destroyed? Why?

Подведение итогов урока, объяснение домашнего задания

32 слайд


1 урок

1 карточка

6 September 1620


My unknown friend,

Today I'm leaving my country forever and going to the New World. I'm sailing off into the unknown because all my work here is finished. I don't know what is going to happen to me. Will I die on the way and be buried in the cold waters of the Atlantic or will I be killed by the fierce tribes which live in America? I'm not afraid of that, there is only one thing that scares me: if I die, the memory of my family will be lost forever. So I have decided to write this diary. I hope that one day somebody will read it. That's why I write it for you, my unknown friend. My name is Robin MacWizard. I come from Scotland, and I'm the last member of the ancient MacWizard clan that used to be big and powerful. Many centuries ago a prophecy was made that one day a Scottish king would rule both Scotland and England. The duty of my clan was to help the Scottish king get to the English throne. The prophecy came true in 1603 when the Scottish king, James, got the crown of England. How it happened is another story, but my family played an important role in it. King James promised everybody who supported him that he would become a kind and tolerant king and would grant people religious freedom. But when James finally became the King of England, he changed his mind. Anybody who disagreed with the official church or the king was burned at the stake. Unfortunately, our family was no exception. When I was away, King James's soldiers broke into my castle and took my wife and two children away. I spent years looking for them everywhere, and finally I found the grave of my dear wife, Mary. But I didn't find any graves for my children, so I still hope that they're alive and well.

Be ready to answer the questions.

1.Who wrote the diary?

2.Why did Robin decide to write a diary?

3.Why is the diary addressed to an unknown friend?

4.What did king James promise to everybody who supported him?

2 карточка

11 September

My dear friend,

I've been very busy these days, as most of the passengers on board the ship are seasick and need help. But let me tell you more about the ship and its 120 passengers. The ship's called the Mayflower. She's not very big but was thought to be strong enough to

cross the Atlantic. The passengers on the ship are a really unusual group of people. Most of them left home for a very important reason: religion. They call themselves the Saints of the Holy Discipline, or just Saints. The Saints do not believe in the Church of Rome, the Pope or the power of the king over other people. They think that God is in people's hearts, not in a church. You may say there is nothing so bad about these beliefs, but in 1620 when James was king, people couldn't choose their religion. The Saints are a well educated, industrious, peace-loving people. They just want to worship God in their own way. They dream that in the Ne World they will be free to do what they want. This dream has made the take their wives and their children to start this dangerous journey. The Saints call the other passengers "strangers". The Strangers have come with us for different reasons: some hope to get rich, some want the chance of a better life and some, like me, are just running away from Britain to save their lives. So I, Robin MacWizard, am definitely a Stranger. I've even started a poem about our group. Here is the beginning:

The New World promised us freedom and changes,

The weather was rough and the sea was cold,

But we left our homes, both Saints and Strangers,

Some for religion and some for gold.

Be ready to answer the questions.

4. How many passengers were there on board the ship?

5.What was the name of the ship?

6.Who were the Saints and who were he Strangers?

7.Why did they decide o leave England?

3 карточка

19 September


We've 6een at sea for two weeks now. I’m getting to know the other passengers on board the ship. The Saints give their children interesting names. I've already met Remember, Love and Patience. I think the Saints believe that these names will help their children have the same qualities later in their lives. Well, we'll see.

15 October


My dear friend,

We have been through (испытали) a lot this month. There was a horrible storm, and the main beam cracked. The ship was in real danger. At first nobody knew what to do, but then our clever Captain Jones had an idea of how to fix the problem and we went on. The weather is awful. We've had nothing but (кроме) fog for days. People get wet through and have no chance to dry their clothes. The food is not very good, so a lot of passengers are getting ill. Even the people who are not ill yet are getting weaker. They're starting to think about all the dangers of the New World. I sometimes get worried, too. The Mayflower left England too late in the year. Originally we were supposed to leave in summer and arrive in America in the warm autumn months. But it's already October and we still have a long way to go. What will happen to us when we arrive in winter? There'll be no houses there, no food, no help...

Be ready to answer the questions.

What names do the Saints give to their children?

Why was their journey dangerous?

When did they plan the arrive in America?

4 карточка

7 November


It has been nearly nine weeks since we left and originally we hoped to cross the sea in six weeks. Captain Jones and his officers have started looking for birds, plants, trees or other signs that we are close to land, but they haven't seen anything yet. The health of the passengers on board is getting worse every day. William Button, the young servant of Doctor Samuel Fuller, died and we buried him at sea — 43 degrees North — 2,835 miles from England. That's where his grave is.

Be ready to answer the questions.

In how many weeks did they plan to cross the ocean?

Were the passengers healthy?

What happened to some passengers?

5 карточка

9 November


At last we saw land. There is joy on every face. To remember this day I have written the second part of my poem. Here it is:

With storms and disease, we faced many dangers,

Our families died, but we didn't stop,

And we reached the New World, both Saints and Strangers,

Soldiers of fortune and pilgrims of hope.

Before we landed, I decided to show the poem to William Bradford. I should have mentioned him before in this diary. He’s the Saints’ leader, a man of great intelligence and kindness. Out of all his friends, he could really be called a “saint”. He’s keeping a detailed record of everything that happens on the Mayflower.

I thought he might like to copy my little poem into his journal, so I showed it to him. Here is what he said, ”We are not just Saints or just Strangers anymore. Although we have our differences, we are all God’s children, and our Lord loves us equally. So now together we are God’s pilgrims and that’s the name we shall be called”. When I heard these kind, wise words, I didn’t feel upset at all. Bradford was right, so today I  wrote the ending of the poem. I hope he’ll like it when I show it to him:

We will love these rivers and mountain ranges,

We will fight for this land to our last breath,

And we’ll stay here forever, both Saints and Strangers,

Brothers and sisters in life and death.

Be ready to answer the questions.

8. When did they see land?

9.Who was the leader of Saints?

10.Was he a remarkable man?

6 карточка

10 November


The Mayflower brought us to the New World safely, but troubles are just beginning. The crew made a mistake, so we landed in Cape Cod, which is not a very suitable place for a settlement. It’s winter and very cold, and the land is covered with ice. Our supplies of food and fresh water are running out. A lot of people are unhappy and even angry, and some are even thinking of a revolt.

11 November


Master Bradford is a truly great man. Today he had the idea that all of us, Saints and Strangers, should choose a governor and agree to obey him and the laws we agree on. Most of us liked the idea and signed an agreement which we called the Mayflower Compact. Then we voted and chose John Carver for governor. I personally voted for Bradford, but Carver is a good choice too. 6

Be ready to answer the questions.

11.Where did they land?

12.Why did they land at Cape Cod?

13.What is the Mayflower Compact?

14. Who was chosen as governor?

7 карточка

6 December


Some of the men went on expeditions on shore to look for something to eat and to find some fresh water, but we weren't very successful. We came across an Indian village, but it was clear that the Indians had seen us and had left the village before we arrived. The Mayflower has been at anchor at Cape Cod for twenty-six days, and most of the Pilgrims are still on board. We still can't decide if we should stay here or look for a more suitable place to build our village. The conditions on the ship are very bad and more people are getting ill and could die. There are only one hundred and one of us left now.

8 December


The Indians finally showed themselves. In the morning when we were returning from one of our expeditions, some arrows shot out from one of the trees and hit us. We were caught at the worst possible moment because some of us were tired and had put down our guns a few yards away. We ran for our guns and fought back. There were twenty of us against forty Indians, who were fit and strong and fought really bravely. However, the Indians had only bows and arrows and couldn't do much against our guns.

We won that first battle and, fortunately, nobody was killed. When we reached the ship, we finally decided to leave Cape Cod and sail to Plymouth.

Be ready to answer the questions.

15.Did the Pilgrims stay on board or did they go on shore? Why?

16.Why did they have to leave the Cape Cod?

8 карточка

18 December


After nearly two months in the new land we decided to go on shore and build our first village. This place is a lot better than Cape Cod. We found a lot of trees, different herbs and berries, and we hoped to find animals to hunt.

25 December


My dear friend, On Christmas Day, which we didn't celebrate because this day isn't important to the Saints, we started to build the first houses. By the next couple of days we had still made very little progress, as the weather was terrible. The icy rain and extreme cold continued to take more lives. We haven't met any Indians yet, but far away in the distance we can see the smoke of their fires. The Indians are not far away, but we hope they won't leave their warm wigwams until spring.

Be ready to answer the questions.

17.What was the name of the place they found their new home?

18. Was it better than the first place? Why? Why not?

9 карточка

3 March


My dear friend,

I'm sorry I haven't written for so long. The last two months have been the worst of my life. More than half the people who came with us to the New World have died. They were killed by cold and disease. But there is hope for the rest of us. The weather is getting warmer now and we are hoping to be able to plant some crops soon, so we can survive. Our main worry is now the Indians. We are expecting them to attack at any time.

l6 March


most amazing thing has happened. Earlier today, I suddenly heard some cries and shouts, and when I ran to where they were coming from, I saw an Indian coming towards our village. He walked up to us, then he smiled and said "welcome"

in English. He didn't speak English very well, but he told us more about himself. His name t is Samoset, and he is not an enemy. He learned English from some English fishermen who used to come to fish in these waters. When he heard about us, he decided to come and offer us some help. He doesn't belong to any local tribe, but he has friends here. He especially recommended one of his friends called Squanto. He said that Squanto's English was really good. We wanted to trust Samoset, but we were also scared of him. He could be an Indian spy, so we sighed with relief when he finally left.

Be ready to answer the questions.

19.Why did so many people die?

20. What were the Pilgrims going to do to survive?

21. What was the name of the fist Indian they met and talked to?

22. Did they trust him?

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22 March


Samoset came back with some friends. One of them was Squanto, who is a really amazing person. He told us that the Indians and the Pilgrims should finally get to know each other and become friends. He introduced us to the chief of the local tribe, whose name is Massasoit. The first meeting went very well and soon after that Massasoit and our governor signed an agreement to live in peace and help each other. It was a great joy to us, but there are still many other tribes around so we can't feel absolutely safe.

1 April


A sad day. The Mayflower finally left for England. We all had tears in our eyes, as the last connection with home was gone, but none of us wanted to go back to England. The few of us who survived the winter didn't want to give up now that we had  Squanto's help.

Be ready to answer the questions.

23.What document did the Pilgrims’ governor and the Indians sign?

24.When did the Mayflower leave for England?

25. Did any of the Pilgrims want to go back? Why? Why not?

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15 April


The most important thing now is to make sure we have enough to eat over the next year. If we plant seeds now, we'll be able to harvest the crops and we'll be fine in the coming winter. We're learning a lot from Squanto, who is helping us with everything.

We all understand how many mistakes we'd been making before we met him and how important his friendship is.

21 April


Our governor died today. I'm too sad to write. We hoped so much that there wouldn't be any more deaths.

27 April


William Bradford was elected as our new governor. What a good choice!

1 May


Squanto and I are becoming good friends. When he has time, he sits down with his long pipe and tells me about his adventures.

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20 June


Squanto continues to surprise me. Today he spotted О the ring that I always wear on my chest. It is our old family ring, which has been in our clan since ancient times. "I have always known that you were not an ordinary man," he exclaimed. "You come from a family of great wizards. I've been expecting you for a long time." When I asked him to explain what he meant, he just laughed. But Squanto is right. Everything he said about me is true, but how on earth did he find out?

22 June


When I came to the New World, I had hoped that here I'd be able to have a new start, that I could forget my past and enjoy a simple life like everybody else. How naive I was! Today everything has changed. Squanto told me his story and shared his secret with me. This secret will be with me forever, and there isn't a single soul in the world I can tell. At the moment I can't say anything even to you, my unknown friend. Not now, not before I decide what to do.

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23 June


I still haven't decided, but I think I should write down Squanto's story. If you, my friend, ever read this diary, I want you to understand me, so I'll write as much as I can.

Squanto's Story

"I have seen a lot in my life. Ever since I was a child, there have been white men around. They came from faraway lands on big ships. They always fascinated me because they were so different from us. I made friends with some of the sailors and acted as their guide and translator. Our chief didn't like what I did, he didn't trust white men, but I was sure that there was no reason for us to fight them. One of my new friends, Captain John Smith, was a good, honest man. We shared the same ideas, and when he went back to England, he took me with him. We both thought it would be very important for the English to see what Indians were like so that our nations could find out more about each other. After a short stay in England, I decided to go back to my land. I went on the ship of another English captain, who had promised to get me home safely. But instead of keeping his word, he sold me into slavery, to the Spanish. Luckily, I was bought by monks. They taught me to read and write. Sometimes the monks told me stories about great people and their great deeds." "Take, for example, Christopher Columbus," they used to say. "This great man crossed the ocean in search of a new way to India and in 1492 discovered a new continent; the continent where you come from. Isn't it wonderful? He brought back a lot of gold and made Spain richer and more powerful." "My teachers were kind, but I didn't agree with them. In fact, the more 1 learned about white men's civilization, the less I liked it. In my opinion, it was greed and nothing more that led Columbus across the ocean. When  I read some books, I was horrified: after Columbus thousands of greedy Spanish went to my continent and destroyed the ancient civilizations of the Incas, the Aztecs and the Maya. The Spanish were looking for gold and this cost the lives of thousands of Indians. After some years in Spain, I finally had a chance to go home. When I got there, to my horror, I found out that all my tribe had died out. Diseases brought by white men had killed them. I was the only one left. Then I remembered about the greatest treasure of my tribe. The treasure was sacred to us ad: our tribe had kept it for thousands of years. It used to be hidden in a cave deep in the forest, but this place was not a big secret. I went to the forest and found the treasure in its usual place. Then I sat down and started to think. I didn't know what to do next. I couldn't leave the treasure there and I didn't dare destroy it. After all, I had found out about the white men, 1 understood that if they found the treasure it would be a catastrophe. Not only the Indians, but the continent and all its mountains, rivers, forests and even the animals would be in danger. I decided to stay near the graves of my tribe and guard the treasure myself. When your ships came, I watched you for a long time. I know that the Pilgrims are not bad people, they are better than a lot of other white men. I felt sorry for them and decided to help. When I met you, Robin, my first feeling was that you were different from the other Pilgrims. I trusted you more than anybody else, I wanted to talk to you, and then... I saw your ring. I recognized it. The same ring is engraved on the stone wall, near where the treasure lies. You are the man I have been expecting all these years. Forgive me for this, but now the destiny of the treasure and the whole New World is in your hands." I found Squanto's story very interesting, but it didn't worry me. I thought he was exaggerating the importance of his treasure. So I let him take me to the sacred cave in the forest where he showed me the treasure. At first, I felt surprised when I saw the very ordinary thing that was hidden in the stone wall, but very soon even without Squanto's help I understood what it really was. The danger of this ordinary-looking thing was so big that even in my secret diary I don't dare write another word to describe it. Then I thought what might happen if somebody found it. At that moment I felt sorry that I had gone to the New World at all. Suddenly England with all its dangers seemed a cosy, attractive place, but it was too late. Squanto had told me the truth: the future of the New World lay in my hands.

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1  September


 It's been more than a month since I became the guard for the treasure. All this time Squanto and I have been thinking about a good hiding place for it. I think we should simply destroy it, as it will always be a danger, but Squanto doesn't agree. He thinks that in the distant future people will become better and wiser. They will be able to use the treasure properly, and it will bring them much good.

2 September


Finally, we found the answer. The idea came unexpectedly. Squanto and I were talking about the treasure as usual when Squanto said, "It's a bit strange, Robin. You and I both know that you come from a family of great wizards, but you can't do anything useful." "Like what?" I asked. "Like healing people, making things invisible, moving mountains, predicting the future...," Squanto went on, but I wasn't listening any more. I already knew what to do. "You're quite right," I sighed. "I'm not a very useful wizard. I can't even predict the future, but... I can get there." "How can you do that?" he whispered. "It doesn't matter how, but I can," I said. "That would be ideal for us. I'll go to some distant future and hide the treasure there so nobody before that time will have a chance to find it." And that's exactly what you wanted, isn't it? "Yes," Squanto smiled, "it's very good."

10 October


My dear friend,

It's been a long time since I wrote to you last. I've been on different expeditions, hunted in the woods and visited some Indian villages. Life in Plymouth settlement is getting better. The people worked hard and got a great harvest this year. Now they are sure that this winter every family will have enough food. I'm getting ready for my journey to the future. I have done it once before and I had hoped I would never have to do it again. I'll probably have to stay in the future forever, but I don't see what else I can do.

II October


Governor Bradford had a great idea. He said that because the New World had been so kind to us and the harvest is so good we should celebrate and give thanks to God and to the Indians who have been helping us. So we are getting ready for the day they are calling Thanksgiving, and Squanto has been sent to invite Massasoit and his tribe.

16 October 1621


The celebrations went on for three days. Our women cooked corn and, the huge birds that live here. The Indians brought some of

their own food, and we all had a very good time. I'm feeling awfully sad because today I’m leaving the Pilgrims.  Hope I’ll be able to come back and see them today, but I’m trying not to hope for too much.

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31 December 1622

I'm back and I'm alive. I had to spend all this time in the future and the things that I saw there didn't make me happy. But I gave my word to Squanto and I had to keep my promise: I left the treasure in the distant future. And now as I promised I'll tell you, my friend, how to find it. I'll give you some clues which nobody in the next three hundred and fifty years will be able to understand. However, for people in the future after that these clues will be clear and easy. I'm sure, my friend, you will make no mistake about this unique place, which in your time will become famous across the whole world. So follow me and walk the road of stars, then come to the hills that shine with gold. Here is а map to help you if you have any trouble. Then find the place where the first, the third, the sixteenth and the twenty-sixth meet. Look up and you'll see a huge white horse. Under this; horse there is a deep cave. Follow the pictures on the cave wall and they'll lead you to the treasure. When you find it, it will be for you to decide what you'll do with it. I can't give you any advice. I can only pray that the treasure is found a long way into the future and that when it happens, no harm will be done. And now I'll have to say good luck and goodbye. My journey is over. I'll go back to my friends, the Pilgrims, and help them as much as I can.

Much love and always your friend,

Robin MacWizard


Ex. 3 p. 76

Look through the text and choose the right answer. Sometimes more than  one answer can be correct.

1. The most important thing on 15 April was

a) to elect the governor  b) not to die  c) to take care of the future harvest.

2. Squanto liked white men because

a) they taught him English  b) they were different from Indians  c) they gave him food  

3. Squanto came to England

a) to stay there, b) to show what the Indians were like, c) to sign an agreement.

4. Columbus's discovery of America

a) made Spain richer, b) destroyed the ancient civilizations, c) caused the death of thousands of Indians.

5. Squanto's tribe had died out because

a) they had nothing to eat. b) of the diseases brought by white men. c) white men killed them.

6. The Pilgrims decided to celebrate Thanksgiving

a) because Governor Bradford offered to do it. b) to give thanks to  God and to the Indians, c) they had gathered a good harvest.

7. Squanto told Robin about the treasure because

a) Robin was very clever, b) he recognized the ring that was engraved  on the wall of the cave, c) Robin knew his language.

8. What do you think was hidden in the cave?

a) gold b) a map c) a spaceship d) an atomic bomb

9. Try to predict: The treasure was very dangerous because

a) it could destroy the world, b) it could be the cause of a lot of  diseases, c) it could be the reason for nuclear war.

10. Robin decided to go to the future

a) because he hoped that in 350 years people would be better.  b) to hide the treasure, c) to see what they would do with the


Ex. A. p. 77

Fill in the gaps with the facts from both parts of the stories.

1. The Scottish king, James, got the crown of England in ... .

2. King James had promised everybody who supported him religious . . ..

3. King James ... all his old supporters.

4. People couldn't... their religion.

5. The Saints believed that God was in ..., not in a church.

6. The Saints wanted ... God in their own way.

7. On 6 September ... the Saints decided to leave England.

8. There were ... passengers on board the ship.

9. The ship was called . . ..

10. ... was the leader of the Saints.

11. Bradford came up with the idea to call the Saints and the Strangers . . ..

12. On 9 November 1620 the Pilgrims landed in ... .

13. On 11 November the Pilgrims ... "the Mayflower Compact" and chose . . ..

14. The governor's name was . . ..

15. On 8 December ... attacked the Pilgrims, but the Pilgrims won.

16. On 8 December ... the Pilgrims left Cape Cod and sailed to ... .

17. On 22 March 1621 Massasoit and the Pilgrims' governor signed ... to live

in peace and help each other.

18. On 1 April 1621 the Mayflower finally left for ... .

19. On 16 October 1621 the Pilgrims and the Indians celebrated . . ..

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