Урок по английскому языку в 5 классе по теме "Семья"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (5 класс) по теме

Шевцова Светлана Станиславовна

Урок по английскому языку в 5 классе по теме "Семья" развивает понимание на слух новой информации, формирует умения соблюдать логику парного и группового рассуждения при выполнении творческих заданий; совершенствует навыки говорения.


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Предварительный просмотр:

             Урок-игра по теме: « Семья», « Профессии»

Цель урока: Совершенствование социокультурной компетенции. Систематизировать и обобщить знания, умения и навыки по теме «Лондон», «Профессии».

Познавательный аспект: Формирование лингвострановедческой компетенции.

Развивающий аспект: Формирование самостоятельно и мотивированно организовывать свою познавательную деятельность (от постановки цели до получения результата);работать с различными источниками информации и делать соответствующие выводы; формирование умения работать в группе, используя технологию обучения сотрудничеству; развитие умения проектной деятельности.

Воспитательный аспект: воспитание уважения к иноязычной культуре и интереса к изучению поликультуры на основе ИКТ.

Учебный аспект: развитие понимания на слух новой информации ,формирование умения соблюдать логику парного и группового рассуждения при выполнении творческих заданий; совершенствование навыков говорения.

Оборудование: мультимедиапроектор, компьютер, презентация, раздаточный материал.

                                                Ход урока

1 Орг. Момент

 Т:Good morning!I am glad to see you. Let me introduce myself. My name is Svetlana Stanislavovna and I will be your teacher today. But not only your teacher,also your travel guide.Our lesson is unusual, because we are going to make a trip to the capital of Great Britain.What is the capital of Great Britain? You are right-London.

The aims of our lesson are: to get acquainted with British Royal family. To revise English grammar ( Present Continious Tense)and vocabulary according the themes “Famaly” ,“ My future profession”.

We will go to London by ship.But before we land in London,we shouldn’t forget about practising phonetics.Listen and repeat after me:

2 Phonetic exersises:

 Т:(th), (r),(t),(d), (ng)

(A:) father,grandfather.

(^) mother, brother,son,grandson,mum,cousin,uncle.

( O:) daughter,granddaughter.

What is a family?

Who is a family?

One and another makes two is a family.

Baby and  father and mother:a family.

Parents and sister  and brother:a family.

All kinds of people can make up a family.

All of your family plus you is a family.

T:Let’s read the poem all together line by line. First listen to me and then repeat after me.  (Reading and translation in a chain).

Please look through the poem and say who can make up a family.

Very good.We have already named some members of a family.And now let’s start our trip

2. The Game “See Battle”
















You are mistaken. You have gased.

T: While we are going to London, I suggest you to play the game “See Battle” with me.You know that there are many bad ships in the see.You must kill them.

You should name the letter in the first line, the second line and so on ,find out the ships and doing some exersises,kill them.Have you understood me? Let’s start.

  1. Make up the English words using the parts of the words and write down them.(mother,daughter,aunt,uncle, father,parents).Let’s check.
  2. Meet the British Royal family and name the members of it.
  3. Read and translate the text “ The Queen and Her Family” line by line.

Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth  II was born in London in 1926.Her full name is Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor. She  and her sister Margaratte got their  education at home. Elizabeth II came to the throne in 1953 after her father’s death.Her husband Philip Mountbatten and she had four children.They are: Prince Charles,Princess Anne,Prince Andrew and Prince Edward.Prince Charles and Lady Diana had two children:Prince William and Prince Henry.The Queen had six other grandchildren.Peter and Zara Philips are the son and daughter of Princess Anne;Princesses Beatrice and Eugenia are the daughters of Prince Andrew and little Louise  and James are the children of Prince Edward.

Choose the right answer.

Match the parts of the sentences.

. Elizabeth II came to the throne...

Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth  II..

She and her sister Margaratte...

Was born in London in 1926...

After her father’s death...

Got their education at home...

  1. Do you help your parents at home?

Tell me please, what are the children doing?

They are helping parents.

What tense is used in the sentences?(Pr.Continious)

e) Let’s do some grammar exercises.

Open the brackets using different tenses.

1.I ( to do) my homework after school. Then I  go for a walk.

2.I ( to do) my homework now.

3.Look! He (to play) football in the yard.

4.Nick (to play) tennis yesterday.

5.What will you do tomorrow? I (to read ) an interesting book .

6.  The baby (to sleep) at the moment.

         3. 5.физкультминутка.

         Hands up,hands down(2 times)

         Hands on the hips,sit down,

          Stand up,hands to the sides.

          Bend left,bend right,

          Hands on the hips,

          jump 1,2,3,hop.


         sit down,please.


4.Let’s do the speech exercises. A game with a ball.

What is your name?

Where are you from?

How old are you?

How many members does your family consist of?

What is your mother,father,sister?

Which are most popular professions in Russia?

Will you name the pictures?

5 Let’s play the game xo.



Independent-caring-curious. Name the words.

  6. Complete the sentences .Use the adjectives

  • A good engineer should be...
  • A modern farmer should be...
  • A real friend should be...
  • A good teacher should be...
  • Members of a good family should be...


7.Listening.Listen to me carefully and guess what are these professions.

Mr Hopkins works out-of-doors the whole year.He works at the weekends.His family has some animals.His wife and two sons help him to take care of animals.Mr hopkins likes his job.What is Mr Hopkins?

There are a lot of different books and magazines at her work place.She helps people to find necessary books and magazines,tells them about writers and their novels.She thinks her job is very important.What is Mrs Clifford?

8. Work in groops of4 pupils and make projects-advertisements.Use the plan.

We need a good...

You should be...

You will( do, work)...

We are waiting for you.


      Комментирование оценок.

Home task: Your home task is to make a project about British Royal family. Thank you very much.The lesson is over.Good bye. You are free.

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