Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку для учащихся 7 класса. Интеллектуальный марафон по теме "Sport"
план-конспект занятия (английский язык, 7 класс) по теме
Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку для учеников среднего звена по теме "Sport"
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Предварительный просмотр:
Интеллектуальный марафон
Предварительная подготовка: подготовка к мероприятию начинается за месяц до проведения. В подготовке и проведение мероприятия должны принять участие как можно больше учеников школы. Задача учителя - заинтересовать учеников.
Ученики получают следующие задания:
- оформить кабинет плакатами о спорте на английском языке;
- нарисовать эмблему Года спорта и здорового образа жизни;
- подготовить творческие мини- проекты: “My favorite sportsmen”, “Our
favorite sport team”
- подготовить выставку с фотографиями и краткими биографическими
данными о спортсменах и спортивных командах;
- выпустить стенгазету “Do you know……? (Интересные факты о возникновение видов спорта) (Материал из Интернета);
- подготовить музыкальные паузы (ученики младших классов разучивают песню “The Mulberry Bush” и физкультминутки);
- подготовить проект - презентацию своей команды (группа поддержки);
Игра проходит в два тура. В первом туре участвуют все ученики 7- 8 классов, объединённые в команды по два ученика.
Задание для первого отборочного тура:
1.Представить проект новой спортивной игры и защитить проектную работу.
- Обобщить изученный материал по теме «Спорт»;
- Развитие навыков восприятия на слух, говорения, развитие логического мышления учащихся и познавательного интереса, развитие навыков самостоятельной работы и работы в группах.
- Воспитание таких черт характера, как взаимопомощь и сотрудничество; воспитание любви к здоровому образу жизни.
- Развитие интереса учащихся к изучению английского языку.
Оборудование: картинки по теме «Спорт», таблички с номерами от одного до шести, звёздочки, кубики с английскими буквами, магнитофон, аудиокассета, проектные работы учеников, стенгазета и плакаты о спорте, презентация в Power Point, проектор, выставка мини- проектов о спорте;
Правила игры: В игре принимают участие 6 команд (прошедшие первый отборочный тур) по 2 ученика.
Выполняя различные задания, участники игры получают звёздочки. В финал выходят две команды. Победителем становится команда, которая наберет больше всех очков- звёздочек. Объявляется конкурс на самого активного болельщика.
Ход мероприятия
- Good morning, dear children and guests! We are glad to see you. Today we shall play. Our topic is “Sport”. Let’s begin. Please, boys and girls, come here! We hope you'll learn a lot of new things. We'll try to make the competition merry and interesting. You must know the rules. They are very easy. You may sing with out participants, you may help them with your answers; you may support your team by clapping. Let's invite the teams ... Let's introduce to our judges.
It's high time to begin our competition.
Под музыку и аплодисменты болельщиков, участники занимают свои места, болельщики выбирают жюри в составе 2- 3 человек (Членами жюри могут быть старшеклассники или учителя английского языка)
Учитель приветствует учеников и сообщает им правила игры.
В начале игры учитель проводит разминку в форме вопросов и ответов. Учитель задаёт вопросы на английском языке о видах спорта, о любимом виде спорта, о правилах игры и т. д. Наиболее активные участники игры получают звёздочки, а болельщики поощрительные призы.
What is your favorite kind of sport?
Do you go in for sports?
Do you like football?
What summer kinds of sport are popular in Russia?
Do you like to skate?
Where were the Olympic games held in Russian?
What is you favorite football team?
Which sports do you like (dislike)?
Which sports are typical for Russia (Great Britain)?
Where did the Olympic Games begin?
How often are the Olympic Games held?
1 тур. Визитная карточка.
Участвуют члены группы поддержки. Презентацию в качестве домашнего задания каждая команда готовит заранее. Презентация включает в себя: название команды, девиз, рассказ о спортивных увлечениях команды и т. д.) Время: 2 минуты.
2 тур.
Командам предлагаются карточки с названиями видов спорта (по одной для каждой команды) и даётся задание: описать этот вид спорта. (1- 2 минута на подготовку)
Музыкальная пауза.
Ученики начальных классов под музыку исполняют физкультминутку.
If you are happy…..
If you are happy and you know it clap your hands (2 times)
If you are happy and you know it
And you really want to show it (2 times)
Clap you hands!
- Step your feet
- Wink one eye
- Touch your nose (head, ear, etc.)
- Shake your hands
- Jump so high Etc.
3 тур. Пойми меня.
- Well. The next task for you. I want you to listen to my short stories. I’ll describe different sports games. You can see the numbers of the games on the blackboard and you will use the cards with the numbers on your desks.
Запись на слайде:
1. Chess
2 Baseball
3. Cricket
4. Football
5. Soccer.
6. Basketball.
- It is a game between two teams and is played on a field with a bat and a small white ball. Each team consists of nine players. The game has nine innings. The teams take turns playing in the field and batting the ball.
2. This game is played on a court with a large orange ball. There are five players on each team. Each team moves the ball across the court by bouncing it. The players can also throw, or pass the ball to each other. They try to shoot the ball into the basket.
( Basketball)
- It is a game of two players. Each of them starts with sixteen different playing pieces to move on a board. The aim is to move your pieces so that your opponent’s king will be taken.
- It is a field game between two teams, played with a white round ball. The goalkeeper is the only one who can touch the ball with his hands. The other players are only allowed to kick the ball past the goalkeeper into the goal.
- It is sometimes called an English national game. It is known that people played it in England as early as 1550. It is a very long game. International matches last for 5 days. Girls and women play this game too.
- It is a game played between two teams of eleven players. Players kick a ball around a field trying to score a goal. The team with the most points wins. This game is very popular in our country and all over the world.
- тур Брейн – ринг
Учитель задаёт вопросы, отвечает команда, которая первая поднимет руку.
Answer the questions.
- What game is played between 2 teams of eleven players?
- What game is played with a small white round ball and a bat?
- What game is played on a court with a large orange ball?
- What game was first played in England in 1872 and first championship at Wimbledon was in 1877?
- This game is played by 2 teams of 6 players each on an ice field?
(ice hockey)
- What game is played by 2 players on a board? The aim of the game is to move pieces so that your opponent’s king will be taken.
- What is the most popular sport in the USA?
5 тур.
-Will you look at the blackboard, please? Please, read the words on the blackboard all together. You’ll have to think and then write down as many sentences as you can on the topic “Sport”. let’s begin. I’ll give you 2 minutes.
В течение 2 минут ученики пишут на листочках бумаги предложения с данными словами. Затем ученики зачитывают свои предложения по очереди. Ученики, составившие меньшее количество предложений, выбывают из игры.
Слова на доске: play, football, stadium, like, players, teams, sport, win, lost.
Музыкальная пауза.
Группа поддержки (ученики младших классов) исполняет песню на английском языке.
The Mulberry Bush.
1. Here we go round the mulberry bush.
The mulberry bush, the mulberry bush,
Here we go round the mulberry bush,
On a Sunday morning.
2. This is the way we wash our hands,
We wash our hands, we wash our hands,
This is the way we wash our hands
On a Monday morning.
3. This is the way we wash our face,
We wash our face, we wash our face,
This is the way we wash our face
On a Tuesday morning.
- This is the way we brush our hair,
We brush our hair, brush our hair,
This is the way we brush our hair
On a Wednesday morning.
- This is the way we clean our teeth,
We clean our teeth, we clean our teeth,
This is the way we clean our teeth
On a Thursday morning.
- This is the way we clean our room,
We clean our room, we clean our room,
This is the way we clean our room,
On a Friday morning.
- This is the way we meet our guests.
We meet our guests, we meet our guests,
This is the way we meet our guests
On a Saturday morning.
Жюри называет 2 команды, которые проходят в финал.
6 тур. Мастер класс от финалистов.
Ученики должны провести физкультминутку с болельщиками.
Ученикам даётся 3- 4 минуты, чтобы они с помощью болельщиков показал физкультминутку.
Hands on the head, Up, down, up, down,
Hands on the hips, Which is the way
Hands on the table, to London town?
Hands like this. Where? Where?
Hands on the shoulders, Up in the air,
Hands up and down, Close your eyes-
Hands behind the head And you are there!
And sit down !
7 тур
Учитель демонстрирует фотографии известных спортсменов (слайд № 2 и № 3) Ученики должны узнать и составить рассказ о них. Чей рассказ интереснее? 2- 4 минуты на подготовку.
(Учитель знакомит учеников с выставкой проектных работ. Определяется самый удачный проект)
В завершение игры команда- победитель получает право выступить с речью (желательно на английском языке) в течение 1-2 минут.
Учитель организует награждение победителей. Подарки должны получить все команды в различных номинациях: «Самая дружная команда», «Самая находчивая команда» и т. д. Ребятам вручаются памятные призы- книги на английском языке.
- Now it’s time to finish our work. It is interesting to know who is the winner. Let’s clap our hands.
Will you stand up, please? Have a nice time! Thank you very much. Good bye!
Образец работы
My favourite sportsman is Pele. He is one of the famous sportsmen in the world. Having played 21 years he had 1363 matches and kicked at 1281 goals. Pele won three world championships. His real name is Adson Arustis du Nasimentu. When he appeared at the stadium everyone knew that he would win.
Nowadays he doesn’t play; he is the minister of sport of Brazil. Pele opened sport clubs for poor children. He wrote a book “I am Pele” and many illiterate people began to study because they wanted to read the book of their favourite sportsman.
Pele was recognized the best sportsman of the 20th century by the Olympic Committee.
Материалы для стенгазеты “Do you know………”
Everyone is sure that football was originated in England. But Greeks say that they have at least four kinds of ball for similar games. In 2650 B.C. there was a game like football in Japan. But the ball wasn’t passed on the ground. Some people say that football was brought to England from Rome. But the mother of modern football is really England; and it has its birthday on the 26th of October, 1863 when all the rules were discussed. Nobody could touch the ball, but the goalkeeper after 1871.
There are several versions of basketball’s origin. According to the most known, basketball was introduced by American college teacher James Naithsmith. It is said to happen unexpectedly. His students (it was a sport training college) needed different and interesting exercises. So once they saw the following situation: their teacher placed fruit basket on the walls at the opposite ends of the room and threw a ball used for football into the basket. When he managed to hit it, he took out the ball and went on.
James Naithsmith organized a nine-men team each of which tried to throw the ball into the other team’s basket and keep that team from throwing the ball into their basket.
So in 1891 basketball appeared in Springfield College. The name was given to the game by one of Naithsmith’s friends.
Years passed, many rules changed but the game remained. And in 1936 basketball teams began to take part in the Olympic Games.
Volley-ball was invented by William Morgan, a teacher of college as well. It happened in 1895. Naithsmith had baskets at hand, and Morgan took a net used for tennis, placed it two metres high above the playground and asked his students to throw the ball into the other part of the playground behind the net. The game wasn’t popular. Only at the beginning of the 20th century European countries admitted volley-ball.
In 1907 the first competition was held in Czechoslovakia. Beginning from 1964 volley-ball became Olympic kind of sport.
It appeared in Paris. First balls were returned by palm, but in the middle of the 15th century rackets were made. In 1875 Englishmen worked out rules. Firstly it was called lawn tennis because it was played on lawns. Beginning from 1877 in London suburb- Wimbledon – Wimbledon championship takes place. They are not official but they are very popular. Tennis took part in the Olympic Games but after 1924 it stopped its history in Olympiad. It became a member of the Olympic family again only in 1980-s.
We know the history of lawn tennis, but we can play it only when the weather is fine. So the real fans decided to change everything, they made “a small version” of lawn tennis: the rackets became smaller, so did the balls. Tables appeared instead of lawns.
The history of ping-pong began at the end of the 19th century in England. The first official competitions were in England in 1900.
In 1866 soldiers of England were in Canada. They saw a beautiful lake and decided to play a game like hockey. But instead of puck they used an empty can.
In 1875 Canadian students showed several matches. They hadn’t a can already. They took half a rubber ball. But only in 1879 the first rules were formulated.
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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