The world of Britain
материал по английскому языку (10 класс) по теме

Страноведческая викторина


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Слайд 1

THE WORLD OF BRITAIN Do You Know Britain Well?

Слайд 2

Первый тур

Слайд 3

Who were the first to invade Britain? Celts Vikings Romans Normans

Слайд 4

He was a very important person. Under his reign Britain became independent of the Roman Catholic Church. William I Henry VIII Richard III James V

Слайд 5

This monarch ruled for the longest period in the British History. Elizabeth I Elizabeth II Victoria (Bloody) Mary I

Слайд 6

The Great Patriotic Wars of Roses 100 year war Black Death How was the civil war between houses of York and Lancaster called?

Слайд 7

Nelson defeated this fleet at the Battle of Trafalgar. Spanish Armada French-Italian Fleet French Fleet French-Spanish fleet

Слайд 8

Второй Тур

Слайд 9

All queens and kings were crowned here: St. Paul’s Cathedral Westminster Abbey Buckingham Palace The Tower of London Westminster Cathedral

Слайд 10

St. Paul’s Cathedral Westminster Abbey Buckingham Palace The Tower of London This building was designed by Sir Christopher Wren

Слайд 11

This building is the political centre of the country: St. Paul’s Cathedral Westminster Abbey Buckingham Palace The Tower of London

Слайд 12

Where is the Poet’s Corner? St. Paul’s Cathedral Westminster Abbey Buckingham Palace The Tower of London

Слайд 13

The Whispering Gallery at this building is very popular with tourists: St. Paul’s Cathedral Westminster Abbey Buckingham Palace The Tower of London

Слайд 14


Слайд 15

Shakespeare Wordsworth Dickens Thackeray Who of these people was not William?

Слайд 16

Who is the most translated British author? Shakespeare Wordsworth Dickens Thackeray

Слайд 17

This is the address of the head of the British government: 221b, Baker Street 10, Downing Street 23, Piccadilly Circus 15, White Hall

Слайд 18

Ben Nevis is: a British footballer a so r t of juice a mountain a sort of cheese

Слайд 19

The part of UK which is not presented in the Union Jack (flag) is: England Scotland Wales Northern Ireland

Слайд 20


Слайд 21

Welsh is an official language in Wales. Shakespeare was born in Stratford-upon-Avon. The BBC stands for “Best British Culture”. A mile is longer than a kilometer. In Britain, black cats are believed to bring bad luck. Speakers’ Corner is in the British Parliament. Elizabeth II has two birthdays. In Scotland, the name for New Year’s Eve is Hogmanay . The President of Britain is elected every seven years. Haggis is a traditional Scottish musical instrument.

Слайд 22


Слайд 23

An Australian wild dog is called: Hot dog Sausage dog Bingo Dingo

Слайд 24

The first woman Prime Minister in Britain was called: Mother Teresa Princess Diana Margaret Thatcher Winston Churchill

Слайд 25

The most common family name in the English-speaking world is: Hill Gascoigne Smith Brown

Слайд 26

The usual response to “How are you?” is: Fine Good luck Fine, thank you Take care

Слайд 27

In he 17 th century, the Pilgrim Fathers left England and sail for North America on board the ship __________. Sunflower Mayflower Liberty Victory

Слайд 28


Слайд 29

I. General Knowledge 1. What is the shortest word in English? 2. What is SOS in Morse code? 3. If it is midday in London, what time is it in New York? 4. Who was the close friend of Sherlock Holmes? 5. Which is the most famous long island in the world? 6. Which is the nearest city to Heathrow Airport? 7. Which three nationalities did Einstein have at different times? 8. Which of the Beatles was killed?

Слайд 30

Текст надписи II. What do these letters stand for? BBC_________________________________ B.C._________________________________ i.e.__________________________________ e.g.__________________________________ etc.__________________________________ N.B._________________________________ P.S.__________________________________ EFL__________________________________ MP__________________________________ UFO_________________________________ CIA__________________________________ AIDS_________________________________ EEC_________________________________ FIFA__________________________ _ ______ FBI__________________________________ NATO________________________________ The USA______________________________

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