Диалоги для подготовки к ГИА в 9-х классах
материал для подготовки к егэ (гиа) по английскому языку (9 класс) на тему

Денисова Екатерина Александровна

Данный материал может помочь как обучающимся, так и моим коллегам! Здесь представлены 5 примерных диалогов по различным ситуациям!!!


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Dialogue № 1 ( С3) In the cinema

The assistant (A) and you(Y), your friend and you, a comedy or a thriller, not more than 10£= 2 tickets

Y: Good afternoon!

A: Good afternoon! We are glad to see you in our cinema! How can I help you?

Y: Say me, please, what’s on today for this time?

A: But what kind of films would you like to see?

Y: We would like to see either a comedy or a thriller.

A: Ok…just a moment…I’m sorry, but we don’t have any thrillers for today. There are several films on for this time: The Desert Island (horror), The Taxi4 (comedy) and The Titanic (drama)

Y: Well, The Taxi4…What this comedy is about?

A: If you want to know some more information about this film, you can read this advert about this comedy or you can see a short trailer on TV near our box office.

Y: Ok, When does it start?

A: It starts in 10 minutes

Y: Great! How much is this film?

A: 4£

Y: Oh, this is a good price.

A: How many tickets would you like to book?

Y: We would lie to book  2 tickets in the same row.

A: Look at the screen, please and choose the row and the seats. Two seats in the second row and in the seventh row are available.

Y: Ok, Seats №7and 8 in the second row, please.

A: Ok…Take, please,  your change and two tickets! Come in the hall № 2. Have a nice view!

Y: Thank you very much! Good bye!

A: Good bye!

Dialogue № 2 ( С3) In the international hotel

-the international hotel: the hotel manager  (M) and you (Y)/ 2 vacancies for teens: an English-speaking assistant on the reception and a junior babysitter/ only in the morning or daytime.

Y: Good morning, sir!

M: Good morning! We are glad to see you in our hotel. How can I help you?

Y: I want to get a job for teens. So, could you give me some more information about vacancies for teens that you have. What are they?

M:Ok. Of course,  I can give you such info. We have only two vacancies for teens this year. These are an English-speaking assistant on the reception and a junior babysitter.

Y: What are the main responsibilities of these jobs?

M: As for an English-speaking assistant on the reception, you should be sociable, tolerant, active, hospitable, communicative and attentive. Of course, you should speak English fluently.

As for the second vacancy (a junior babysitter)-you should  like children very much, you should be kind, attentive, patient ,creative, active. You should know a lot of different games and songs for children and you should be a good psychologist. You should be ready to work in different families and with different children.

 Y: I would like to choose the second vacancy, because it is more interesting and suitable for me and I can speak English, but not so fluently.   Also I can say that I have had an experience of working with children.

M:    Ok. I understand you. Say me please, how old are you?

Y: I’m 15.   

M: It’s very good. Do you like children? 


Y: Yes, of course

M: Say me, please, when would you like to work: in the morning or daytime?

Y: I can work in daytime .And what about salary?

M: Your salary will be 2£ for hour.

Y: Well

M: You should fill this blank, an application letter, give us your phone number (contacts) and see you tomorrow at 9 o’clock.

Y: Ok. Thanks a lot. Good bye!

M: Good bye!

Dialogue № 4 ( С3) In the international tourist agency

-the international tourist agency: the agency manager  (M) and you (Y)/ 2 vacancies for teens: an English-speaking receptionist and an English-speaking courier/ a summer job/only in the morning or daytime.

Y: Good morning!

M: Good morning! We are glad to see you in our international agency. How can I help you?

Y: I want to get a summer job for teens. So, could you give me some more information about vacancies for teens that you have. What are they?

M:Ok. Of course,  I can give you such info. We have only two vacancies for teens this year. These are an English-speaking receptionist and an English-speaking courier.

Y: What are the main responsibilities of these jobs?

M: As for an English-speaking receptionist, you should be sociable, tolerant, active, hospitable, communicative and attentive. Of course, you should speak English fluently and work with a computer very well.

As for the second vacancy - you should be kind, attentive, energetic, active, tolerant. You should know a lot of different information about the sights of our city and you should be a good psychologist. You should be ready to work in different  famous places and with different people. Of course, you should speak English fluently too. You should be a good speaker.

 Y: I would like to choose the second vacancy, because it is more interesting and suitable for me and I can speak English fluently.   Also I can say that I have had some experience of working in such sphere.

M:    Ok. I understand you. Say me please, how old are you?

Y: I’m 16.   

M: Say me, please, when would you like to work: in the morning or daytime?

Y: I can work in daytime .And what about  the salary?

M: Your salary will be 10 £ for hour.

Y: Well

M: You should fill this blank, an application letter, give us your phone number (contacts) and see you tomorrow at 8 o’clock.

Y: Ok. Thanks a lot. Good bye!

M: Good bye!

Dialogue № 3 ( С3) In the shop

-in the shop: the shop assistant  (A) and you (Y)/ you would like to buy a present for your friend/ milk chocolate/ not more than 15£.

Y: Good morning!

A: Good morning! We are glad to see you in our shop! How can I help you?

Y: Could you advice me anything special for a present for my friend?

A: Yes, of course. Is your friend a boy or a girl?

Y: A girl.

A: How old is she?

Y: She is 15.

A: Ok. We have a lot of  different fresh sweets, teddy toys and beautiful pins. You can choose something of these.

Y: Well. I know that she likes milk chocolate very much. Do you have such kind of chocolate?

A: Yes, of course. Look at this shelf please and choose someone: with nuts or with some jam.

Y: Great! Just a minute…How much is this big milk chocolate?

A: 5£

Y: Oh, this is a good price. Give me please 3 packs of milk chocolates.

A: Ok. Which ones?

Y: One- with nuts, the others with cherry and orange jam.

A: Ok… 15£

 Y: Take ,please…

A: Take ,please your change and your present! Thank you for your choice.

Y: Thank you very much! Good bye!

A: Good bye!

Dialogue № 5 ( С3) In the shop

-in the shop: the shop assistant  (A) and you (Y)/ you would like to buy a T-shirt for your sister as a souvenir/ she wears size 8/ she likes bright colours.

Y: Good morning!

A: Good morning! We are glad to see you in our shop! How can I help you?

Y: I would like to buy a T-shirt for my sister.

A: Ok. We have got a lot of new T-shirts.

Y: What the sizes have you got?

A: We have got different sizes . What size does your sister wear?

Y: She wears size 8.

A: Ok. We have got some T-shirts of this size. Look here..!

Y: Well. How much are these T-shirts?

A: 20£.

Y: Oh, this is a good price. …I know that she likes bright colours. Have you got  the T-shirts of such colours?

A: Yes, of course. Look at this shelf please and choose someone. We have pink, red, green, orange and blue colours.

Y: Great! Just a minute… Give me, please a pink T-shirt.

A: Take ,please…

Y: Take please 50£

A: Ok…Take ,please your change- 30 £ ! Thank you for your choice.

Y: Thank you very much! Good bye!

A: Not at all. Good bye!

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