План-конспект урока английского языка 8 класс "В. Шекспир. Гамлет"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (8 класс) по теме

Прокопченко В.В.

План-конспект урока английского языка по теме "В. Шекспир. Гамлет", ориентировочный уровень Pre-Intermediate.


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Предварительный просмотр:

                                                                                          Виктория Прокопченко,

                                                                                          учитель английского языка

                                                                                          Перовский УВК «школа-гимназия»

                                                                                          Симферопольский район

                                                                                           АР Крым


W. Shakespeare. Hamlet

                                                                                                         ( Suggested level – A2+)

Equipment: IT board, CDs.


  1. Greetings
  2. Introduction

Teacher: Hello, boys and girls! I’m very glad to see you again.

               Do you like reading books?

               What kind of books do you prefer?

               Do you like watching plays at the theatre?

               How often do you go to the theatre?

               Have you ever seen any of W. Shakespeare’s plays?

Now can you guess the theme of our lesson today?

 (Слайд №1: Название темы, портрет В. Шекспира, иллюстрации к пьесе «Гамлет»)

Objectives:      Today at the lesson you will:

  • enrich your knowledge about W. Shakespeare’s literary activity;
  • revise the vocabulary on the topic “Character and Personality”;
  • learn to describe the main characters of the play;
  • do the Survey.

And by the end of the lesson you will be able to demonstrate your creative thinking in the process of discussion about parents-children relations.

  1. Brainstorming

Teacher: For the first activity I’d like you to suggest the words that are connected with the word “personality”.

Key words: aggressive, honest, generous, brave, calm, hard-working, arrogant, ambitious, cruel, decisive, dishonest, evil, intelligent, kind, mean, proud, wise.



  1. Survey

Teacher: Now let’s check up what you know about W. Shakespeare

(Слайд № 2  с таблицей на интерактивной доске, учащиеся записывают  вопросы, обрабатывают и комментируют ответы одноклассников).


Do you know…




when W. Shakespeare was born?


how many sonnets he has written?


the place of his birth?


when Shakespeare’s plays were first published?


where the first Shakespeare’s plays were performed?


e.g. Pupil: I interviewed 12 pupils in my group about when W. Shakespeare was born. Here are the results: 75% of pupils know when W. Shakespeare was born and 25% of pupils don’t know the date of his birth. My advice to them is to read more about W. Shakespeare.

  1. Work on the computers

Teacher: You can enrich your knowledge about W. Shakespeare doing exercise on the computers.

(Учащимся предлагается  короткий текст для чтения с вопросами. Правильность ответов они могут проверить самостоятельно, это предусмотрено обучающей программой.  Используется CD-диск к факультативному курсу “English-Speaking Countries”.

  1. Reading+ Listening

p.31 SB, CD track #19

Pre-reading activity: look at the picture and guess what kind of story Hamlet is.

  • a ghost story              a story of revenge                  a love story                 a funny story

      While-reading activity: read the text and get the general idea of what happened.

       After-reading activity: put the sentences into the order of when they actually happened.

      (Слайд № 3 на интерактивной доске)

  • Claudius put poison onto Laertes’s sword.
  • Hamlet spoke to his father’s ghost.
  • Hamlet and Laertes started to fight.
  • Hamlet behaved strangely and was nasty to Ophelia.
  • Gertrude married Hamlet’s uncle.
  • Hamlet killed Claudius.
  • Claudius killed Hamlet’s father.
  • Gertrude drank the wine and died.
  • Hamlet killed Polonius.
  1. Matching

“Who is Who” e.g. Gertrude is Hamlet’s mother.

(Слайд № 4 на интерактивной доске)


Gertrude             son

Hamlet                sister

Ophelia               brother

Claudius              father

Laertes                husband

Polonius              daughter


  1. Pair work

Ex. 4 p. 30 Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)? Correct the false information.

  • Gertrude married Claudius a few months after King Hamlet died.
  • The ghost appeared before midnight.
  • A snake killed Hamlet’s father.
  • Hamlet never had an opportunity to kill Claudius.
  • Claudius wanted to poison Gertrude.
  1. Speaking

Cross-discussion in groups: Was Gertrude right or wrong remarried Claudius?

(Pupils are divided in two groups according to their opinion)

       Group I                                                                           Group II

“Gertrude was right”                                                    “Gertrude was wrong”

  1. Cross-over discussion

(Слайд  № 5 Цитата Оскара Уайльда из романа «Портрет Дориана Грэя»

“Children begin with love to their parents, growing up they begin to judge them and only sometimes they forgive them.”

Oscar Wilde

  1. Hometask

Ex.5 p. 30 SB. Choose adjectives from p.25 SB to describe these characters:

  • Claudius
  • Hamlet
  • Laertes
  • Ophelia
  1. Summarizing

Teacher: Our lesson is coming to an end. What new information about W. Shakespeare and his literary activity have you got? What does the play Hamlet teach you?

  1. Evaluation


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