A - Z of my country
проект по английскому языку (9 класс) по теме

Палий Наталья Руслановна

Описание в алфавитном порядке известных людей и интересных  мест России.


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Слайд 1

Проект A - Z of my country Выполнила Учитель иностранного языка Палий Н.Р.

Слайд 2

A– Assumption Cathedral of Moscow Kremlin. Assumption Cathedral of Moscow Kremlin. The Orthodox Church, located at the Cathedral Square of the Kremlin. Built in 1475-1479 under the direction of Italian architect Aristotle Fioravanti . The main church of the Moscow State. The oldest fully preserved building in Moscow.

Слайд 3

B – Baikal Lake of tectonic origin in the southern part of Eastern Siberia, the deepest lake of the Earth, largest natural reservoir of fresh water. Lake and coastal areas feature a unique variety of flora and fauna.

Слайд 4

C – Cruiser «Aurora» Cruiser 1-st rank the Baltic Fleet, one of the symbols of the October Revolution of 1917. Founded in 1897 in St. Petersburg at a Shipyard. Named in honor of the sailing frigate "Aurora", famous for the defense of Petropavlovsk- Kamchatsky .

Слайд 5

D – The Don river The Don is one of the major rivers of Russia. It rises in the town of Novomoskovsk 60 kilometres southeast from Tula, southeast of Moscow, and flows for a distance of about 1,950 kilometres (1,220 mi) to the Sea of Azov.

Слайд 6

F – Fet, Afanasii Afanasyevich The famous Russian poet. His work is characterized by the desire to escape from everyday reality in "bright kingdom of dreams". The main content of his poetry - love and nature.

Слайд 7

G – Gagarin Yuri Yuri Gagarin. Soviet cosmonaut, Hero of the Soviet Union, a colonel, the first man who flew into space

Слайд 8

H – Hermitage A museum in St Petersburg. It is the largest art museum in Russia and is famous throughout the world. It was founded as a private collection of Empress Catherine II in 1764 and was opened for the public in 1852. Now the museum has several buildings, one of them is the Winter Palace.

Слайд 9

I – Ivan IV the Terrible Grand Prince of Rus , The first Russian tsar. During his reign, began convening Zemsky Sobor , compiled Sudebnik 1550. In 1565 was introduced oprichnina . Conquered Kazan and Astrakhan Khanate. Domestic policies of Ivan IV was accompanied by mass killings, increasing enslavement of the peasants

Слайд 10

K-Kremlin The most ancient part of Moscow, the main political, spiritually-religious and istoriko -art complex of a city, official president residence of the Russian Federation

Слайд 11

L –Lenin, Vladimir Ilyich Revolutionary, Marxist theorist, one of the organizers of the October 1917 revolution in Russia, the founder of the Soviet state. After his death, Lenin's body was embalmed and 27 January 1924 placed in a mausoleum on Red Square in Moscow.

Слайд 12

M – Moscow The capital of the Russian Federation. It was founded by Prince Yuri Dolgoruky in 1147.

Слайд 13

N –Nikulin Yuri One of the most loved and respected Russian actors.

Слайд 14

One of the tallest TV towers in the world. It was build in 1967. The TV Tower at Ostankino stands not far from the domes of the ancient Trinity Church. The tables, which visitors sit at, are rotating so that people could see a magnificent view of Moscow. In 2000 the Tower suffered fire. O – Ostankino Tower (Telecentre)

Слайд 15

P – Peter I Peter I the Great. King of Moscow of the Romanov dynasty and the first emperor of Russia (since 1721). In Russian historiography is considered one of the most prominent public figures that determined the direction of Russia in the XVIII century.

Слайд 16

S – St. Petersburg bridges There are hundreds of bridges in St Petersburg. They are all different and yet alike in something. The first bridge over the Neva was built in 1727 to connect the Admiralty and the Vassilyevsky Island. The first bridge to appear was the Nikolayevsky Bridge. The longest bridge in St Petersburg is the Alexander Nevsky bridge..

Слайд 17

T – Tsar Cannon A very large cannon that can be seen in the Moscow Kremlin, it was mad by the cast master Andrei Chokhov in Moscow in 1586. The cannon weighs 44 tons and it has never been fired.

Слайд 18

U – Ural The geographical region in Russia . The main part of this region is the Ural Mountains. The main wealth of the Urals - minerals . Ural is the largest mining and metallurgical base across the country. This natural area is one of the most important for the life of Russia and its citizens.

Слайд 19

V – Valley of Geysers . This is one of the largest geyser fields of peace and only in Eurasia. The Valley of Geysers Kamchatka Peninsula in the Kronotsky State Biosphere Reserve. One of the seven wonders of Russia.

Слайд 20

W – Winter Palace A palace in St Petersburg that was built and designed by the famous architect Bartolomeo Rastrelli in 1754-1762. Before 1917 it was one of the residences of the Russian tsarist family. Now it is one of the buildings of the world famous museum the Hermitage.

Слайд 21

Y – Yaroslav the Wise Rostov, Prince (987-1010), Prince of Novgorod (1010-1034), Grand Prince of Kiev. Known in history the work of the prince - a "Russian Truth", which became the first code of laws in Russia.

Слайд 22

Z – Zhukov Georgy Konstantinovich Soviet Marshal, Chief of the General Staff and representative of STAVKA, four times the Hero of the Soviet Union, oversaw all the main Soviet battle operations of the Eastern Front (World War II), inspected the Moscow Victory Parade of 1945

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