Домашнее задание для 9 класса
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (9 класс) по теме

Презентация и задание для выполнения.


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Предварительный просмотр:

                                                КОСВЕННАЯ РЕЧЬ

Rewrite the sentences in reported speech:

  1. She said, “I liked the film”.
  2. Peter said, “We got a present from granny yesterday”.
  3. Mother said, “I like Paris very much”.
  4. Mike said,” We will go to the country on Saturday”.
  5. They said, “Our friends can help us”.
  6. “Bring me the book” –  my father asked.
  7. “Don’t ask silly questions” – my elder sister said.
  8. “Close the door” –  the teacher asked.
  9. “Don’t cross the street here” –  the policeman said.
  10. “Did you go to the theatre?” –  Peter asked me.
  11. “Do you know this girl?” – she asked.
  12. “Will he play football with us?” – they asked.
  13. “Does he live in London?” – Ann asked.
  14. “Where does your father work?” – my friend asked.
  15. “When did you travel to England?” – Mary asked.
  16. “Why will she stay at home?” – she asked.
  17. “How can I help you?” – he asked.
  18. “How often does she visit them?” – my cousin asked.

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Reported Speech

Слайд 2

Reported Statements 1 present simple ‘ I want to go to bed early,’ he said. present continuous ‘ She is feeding the baby,’ he said. past simple He said (that) he wanted to go to bed early. past continuous He said (that) she was feeding the baby.

Слайд 3

Reported Statements 2 present perfect ‘ I have bought a new dress’, she said. past simple ‘ I finished work early,’ Alex said. future (will) ‘ I will talk to you tomorrow’, she said. past perfect She said (that) she had bought a new dress. past perfect Alex said (that) he had finished work early. future-in-the-past (would) She said (that) she would talk to me the next day.

Слайд 4

Simple Continuous Perfect Perf. Cont. Pre-sent Past Futu re will … will… will… will… would… Future would… - in would… - the would… - Past

Слайд 5

Переход выражений now today, tonight yesterday tomorrow this week last week next week two days ago here then that day, that night the day before the next day that week the week before the following week two days before there

Слайд 6

Переход местоимений James said, ‘ My boss wants me to go to London tomorrow.’ James said his boss wanted him to go London the next day. Mary said, ‘ I ’m waiting for my son to come out of school.’ Mary said that she was waiting for her son to come out of school.

Слайд 7

Reported Questions 1 (Yes/No?) ask - спрашивать inquire -спрашивать wonder - интересоваться want to know - хотеть знать Связкой служит слово if или whether - “ ли… ” (не путать с “ погодой ” ! - wea ther )

Слайд 8

Связкой служит вопросительное слово: Вопросительный знак и слово ‘ please ’ опускаются. Переход времён, местоимений и выражений производится так же, как и в утверждениях. Reported Questions 2 (Wh?) where when why what who how old how long

Слайд 9

Reported Questions 3 ‘ Have you seen this man before?’ she asked me. She asked me if/whether I had seen the man before. ‘ Where do you live ?’ she asked the boy. She wanted to know where the boy lived.

Слайд 10

Commands. Orders. Requests. ‘ Be quiet!’ the commander said to the soldiers. The commander ordered the soldiers to be quiet. ‘ Don’t call the police!’ the chief said to the staff. The chief told the staff not to call the police. ‘ Please visit me in hospital,’ Joan said to Colin. Joan asked Colin to visit her in hospital.

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