Урок Поисковое чтение на тему A new pen friend для 5 классов.
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (5 класс) по теме

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             12 East Street


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Baffin Island


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        12th January 1999

Hello! My name is Kipanik. I am ten years old. I live in Iqaluit in the north of Canada.  It is winter now and the temperature is -20. There is snow on the ground and thick ice. Ice hockey is my favourite sport.

My favourite animals are white mice at home.

I  like playing computer games and I like riding on my dad's snowmobile. Sometimes we go out on the snowmobile, and me dad shoots a caribou and chips.

There are five people in my family. We can all understand English, but we speak Inuktitut at home. Inuktitut is the language of the Inuit people. My English tracher helped me with this letter.

Please write to me about you and your home.

Best wishes

from Kipanik

Task 1

Choose a, b,c

1. This letter is

a)from Kipanik to Peter

b) to a boy in Canada

c) from Peter

2. The weather is ....in winter.

a) cool

b) cold

c) from Peter

3. The ice on the river....

a) is very thin

b) is hard and strong

c) breaks easily

4. The letter does not say anything about....

a) Kipanik's favourite things.

b) Kipanik's school

c) Kipanik's home town

5. Kipanik likes ....caribou.

a) eating

b) playing with

c) riding

6.Kipanik is .......boy.

a) an English

b)not a Canadian

c) an Inuit

7. Kipanik wants a letter from....

a) his English teacher

b) a British girl

c) Peter

Task 2

Match the phrases to make sentences.

Kipanik likes -     playing-                  caribou and chips

                        -  playing-                     ice hockey

                       -going out-                     computer games

                       - eating-                           a snowmobile

                       -riding-                               letters

                      - getting-                        with his father

Task 3

What do you like doing? Write three sentences.




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                                                                                                                              12 East Street


                                                                                                                               Baffin Island



Dear Peter                                                                                                             12th January 1999

Hello! My name is Kipanik. I am ten years old. I live in Iqaluit in the north of Canada.  It is winter now and the temperature is -20. There is snow on the ground and thick ice. Ice hockey is my favourite sport.

My favourite animals are white mice at home.

I  like playing computer games and I like riding on my dad's snowmobile. Sometimes we go out on the snowmobile, and me dad shoots a caribou and chips.

There are five people in my family. We can all understand English, but we speak Inuktitut at home. Inuktitut is the language of the Inuit people. My English tracher helped me with this letter.

Please write to me about you and your home.

Best wishes

from Kipanik

Task 1

Choose a, b,c

1. This letter is

a)from Kipanik to Peter

b) to a boy in Canada

c) from Peter

2. The weather is ....in winter.

a) cool

b) cold

c) from Peter

3. The ice on the river....

a) is very thin

b) is hard and strong

c) breaks easily

4. The letter does not say anything about....

a) Kipanik's favourite things.

b) Kipanik's school

c) Kipanik's home town

5. Kipanik likes ....caribou.

a) eating

b) playing with

c) riding

6.Kipanik is .......boy.

a) an English

b)not a Canadian

c) an Inuit

7. Kipanik wants a letter from....

a) his English teacher

b) a British girl

c) Peter

Task 2

Match the phrases to make sentences.

Kipanik likes -     playing-                  caribou and chips

                        -  playing-                     ice hockey

                       -going out-                     computer games

                       - eating-                           a snowmobile

                       -riding-                               letters

                      - getting-                        with his father

Task 3

What do you like doing? Write three sentences.




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