Кроссворд на тему "Флора и Фауна"
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Воробьева Наталия Михайловна

Кроссворд на тему "Флора и Фауна" для учащихся 8 классов


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Предварительный просмотр:


1. It always carries its “house” with it.

2. It is a bird that often lives in cities.

3. It is a black-white horse.

4. Child of a dog.

5. This animal helps Santa-Clause to carry Christmas presents for children.

6. This bird can’t fly. It has a long neck.

7. A night bird with large eyes that eats mice.

8. A very hard-working insect/animal.

9. This animal is like a hare. It can be kept as a pet.

10. There are a lot of these animals in the rivers of Africa. They are dangerous for people.

11. A symbol of Australia.

12. This animal feeds on ants and other insects.

13. A small cat.

14. This animal is like a dog.

15. A king of all animals.

16. There are more than 30 kinds of them everywhere. It has 8 legs.

17. It is a funny animal. Its favourite fruit is banana.

18. It has a long bushy tail.

19. Farmers usually keep these animals.

20. This animal is white in winter and grey in summer.

21. This bird can be taught to talk.

22. It lives in the forest and likes honey.

23. A big animal with a long nose and big ears.

24. It likes nuts very much.

25. A domestic animal that gives milk to people.

26. It has no legs. It likes to walk at night.

27. It lives in lakes and eats insects.

28. A sea animal which is clever.

29. It resembles a teddy-bear. It is black and white.

30. This wild animal hunts other animals in a group.


1. Its name goes from a young man who could love nobody else but himself.

2. Acorn is its fruit.

3. Young girls often tell fortunes with the help of this flower.

4. People even make honey from this flower.

5. This flower grows when snow still lies in the forests.

6. This tree is a symbol of New Year.

7. Plant symbol of Scotland.

8. “Ann’s eyes”

9. There are many songs and poems about this tree in Russia.

10. The national emblem of England.

11. … is the emblem of Ireland.

12. One of the plant symbols of Wales.

13. A tall plant with large yellow flowers, often grown for its seeds and their oil.

14. A bright red wild flower that has small black seeds.

15. A brightly-coloured flower, shaped like a cup; blossoms in spring.


1. It always carries its “house” with it.

2. It is a bird that often lives in cities.

3. It is a black-white horse.

4. Child of a dog.

5. This animal helps Santa-Clause to carry Christmas presents for children.

6. This bird can’t fly. It has a long neck.

7. A night bird with large eyes that eats mice.

8. A very hard-working insect/animal.

9. This animal is like a hare. It can be kept as a pet.

10. There are a lot of these animals in the rivers of Africa. They are dangerous for people.

11. A symbol of Australia.

12. This animal feeds on ants and other insects.

13. A small cat.

14. This animal is like a dog.

15. A king of all animals.

16. There are more than 30 kinds of them everywhere. It has 8 legs.

17. It is a funny animal. Its favourite fruit is banana.

18. It has a long bushy tail.

19. Farmers usually keep these animals.

20. This animal is white in winter and grey in summer.

21. This bird can be taught to talk.

22. It lives in the forest and likes honey.

23. A big animal with a long nose and big ears.

24. It likes nuts very much.

25. A domestic animal that gives milk to people.

26. It has no legs. It likes to walk at night.

27. It lives in lakes and eats insects.

28. A sea animal which is clever.

29. It resembles a teddy-bear. It is black and white.

30. This wild animal hunts other animals in a group.


1. Its name goes from a young man who could love nobody else but himself.

2. Acorn is its fruit.

3. Young girls often tell fortunes with the help of this flower.

4. People even make honey from this flower.

5. This flower grows when snow still lies in the forests.

6. This tree is a symbol of New Year.

7. Plant symbol of Scotland.

8. “Ann’s eyes”

9. There are many songs and poems about this tree in Russia.

10. The national emblem of England.

11. … is the emblem of Ireland.

12. One of the plant symbols of Wales.

13. A tall plant with large yellow flowers, often grown for its seeds and their oil.

14. A bright red wild flower that has small black seeds.

15. A brightly-coloured flower, shaped like a cup; blossoms in spring.


1. It always carries its “house” with it.

2. It is a bird that often lives in cities.

3. It is a black-white horse.

4. Child of a dog.

5. This animal helps Santa-Clause to carry Christmas presents for children.

6. This bird can’t fly. It has a long neck.

7. A night bird with large eyes that eats mice.

8. A very hard-working insect/animal.

9. This animal is like a hare. It can be kept as a pet.

10. There are a lot of these animals in the rivers of Africa. They are dangerous for people.

11. A symbol of Australia.

12. This animal feeds on ants and other insects.

13. A small cat.

14. This animal is like a dog.

15. A king of all animals.

16. There are more than 30 kinds of them everywhere. It has 8 legs.

17. It is a funny animal. Its favourite fruit is banana.

18. It has a long bushy tail.

19. Farmers usually keep these animals.

20. This animal is white in winter and grey in summer.

21. This bird can be taught to talk.

22. It lives in the forest and likes honey.

23. A big animal with a long nose and big ears.

24. It likes nuts very much.

25. A domestic animal that gives milk to people.

26. It has no legs. It likes to walk at night.

27. It lives in lakes and eats insects.

28. A sea animal which is clever.

29. It resembles a teddy-bear. It is black and white.

30. This wild animal hunts other animals in a group.


1. Its name goes from a young man who could love nobody else but himself.

2. Acorn is its fruit.

3. Young girls often tell fortunes with the help of this flower.

4. People even make honey from this flower.

5. This flower grows when snow still lies in the forests.

6. This tree is a symbol of New Year.

7. Plant symbol of Scotland.

8. “Ann’s eyes”

9. There are many songs and poems about this tree in Russia.

10. The national emblem of England.

11. … is the emblem of Ireland.

12. One of the plant symbols of Wales.

13. A tall plant with large yellow flowers, often grown for its seeds and their oil.

14. A bright red wild flower that has small black seeds.

15. A brightly-coloured flower, shaped like a cup; blossoms in spring.

Предварительный просмотр:

FLORA                                                    FAUNA

1. narcissus                                             1. tortoise                  16. spider

2. oak                                                      2. pigeon                   17. monkey

3. daisy                                                   3. zebra                     18. fox

4. dandelion                                            4. puppy                    19. sheep

5. snowdrop                                            5. deer                       20. hare

6. fir                                                        6. ostrich                   21. parrot

7. thistle                                                  7. owl                        22. bear

8. pansy                                                   8. ant                         23. elephant

9. birch                                                    9. rabbit                     24. squirrel

10. rose                                                  10. crocodile               25. cow

11. shamrock                                         11. kangaroo               26. snake

12. daffodil                                            12. anteater                 27. frog

13. sunflower                                         13. kitten                     28. dolphin

14. poppy                                               14. dingo                     29. koala

15. tulip                                                  15. lion                        30. wolf

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