Olimpic games. 7 Form.
олимпиадные задания по английскому языку (7 класс) на тему

Семина Александра Михайловна

Материал предназначен для использования в 7 классе школ с преподавании ряда предметов на английском языке во внеурочное время.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Olimpic games.

7 Form.

Use Your English.

1.  Big Bill is a dangerous man.                                              DANGER

2.  There is a lot of interesting ____________.                         INFORM

3.  We are having a _________ for the best painting.               COMPETE

4.  He gave the police a ___________ of the robber.                DESCRIBE

5.  She is an ___________ singer.                                             AMAZE

6.  There was a __________ at the restaurant last night.           ROB

7.  The Eiffel Tower is a famous ______ in Paris.                     BUILD

8.  UNICEF is an _________ to help children.                          ORGANIZE

9.  Joanna is a good ________.                                                   SWIM

10. They climbed up a _________ hill.                                       ROCK

11. There are many enjoyable __________.                               ACTIVE

12. Will I marry a ________ person?                                          SUCCESS

13. Kim has _________. She has gone to see the animals.         APPEAR

14. Mickey's ________ was cruel to him.                                   OWN

15. I'm _______ because I haven't eaten for hours.                     HUNGER

16. The countryside is __________.                                            BEAUTY

17. We must take our __________ bags with us.                         SLEEP

18. The ___________ perform the play in an open- air theatre.  ACT

19. The _________ is designing a new robot.                              SCIENCE

20. I feel _________ before an exam.                                          NERVE

1.   _                                                           11. activities

2.   information                                         12. successful

3.   competition                                         13. disappeared

4.   description                                           14. owner

5.   amazing                                                15. hungry

6.   robber                                                   16. beautiful

7.   building                                                 17. sleeping

8.   organization                                          18. actors

9.   swimmer                                                19. scientist

10. rocky                                                      20. nervous

Use Your English.

1.  Big Bill is a dangerous man.                                              DANGER

2.  There is a lot of interesting ____________.                         INFORM

3.  We are having a _________ for the best painting.               COMPETE

4.  He gave the police a ___________ of the robber.                DESCRIBE

5.  She is an ___________ singer.                                             AMAZE

6.  There was a __________ at the restaurant last night.           ROB

7.  The Eiffel Tower is a famous ______ in Paris.                     BUILD

8.  UNICEF is an _________ to help children.                          ORGANIZE

9.  Joanna is a good ________.                                                   SWIM

10. They climbed up a _________ hill.                                       ROCK

11. There are many enjoyable __________.                               ACTIVE

12. Will I marry a ________ person?                                          SUCCESS

13. Kim has _________. She has gone to see the animals.         APPEAR

14. Mickey's ________ was cruel to him.                                   OWN

15. I'm _______ because I haven't eaten for hours.                     HUNGER

16. The countryside is __________.                                            BEAUTY

17. We must take our __________ bags with us.                         SLEEP

18. The ___________ perform the play in an open- air theatre.  ACT

19. The _________ is designing a new robot.                              SCIENCE

20. I feel _________ before an exam.                                          NERVE

Use Your English.

1.  Big Bill is a dangerous man.                                              DANGER

2.  There is a lot of interesting ____________.                         INFORM

3.  We are having a _________ for the best painting.               COMPETE

4.  He gave the police a ___________ of the robber.                DESCRIBE

5.  She is an ___________ singer.                                             AMAZE

6.  There was a __________ at the restaurant last night.           ROB

7.  The Eiffel Tower is a famous ______ in Paris.                     BUILD

8.  UNICEF is an _________ to help children.                          ORGANIZE

9.  Joanna is a good ________.                                                   SWIM

10. They climbed up a _________ hill.                                       ROCK

11. There are many enjoyable __________.                               ACTIVE

12. Will I marry a ________ person?                                          SUCCESS

13. Kim has _________. She has gone to see the animals.         APPEAR

14. Mickey's ________ was cruel to him.                                   OWN

15. I'm _______ because I haven't eaten for hours.                     HUNGER

16. The countryside is __________.                                            BEAUTY

17. We must take our __________ bags with us.                         SLEEP

18. The ___________ perform the play in an open- air theatre.  ACT

19. The _________ is designing a new robot.                              SCIENCE

20. I feel _________ before an exam.                                          NERVE

Предварительный просмотр:

Olimpic games.

7 Form.

Use Your English.

1.  Big Bill is a dangerous man.                                              DANGER

2.  There is a lot of interesting ____________.                         INFORM

3.  We are having a _________ for the best painting.               COMPETE

4.  He gave the police a ___________ of the robber.                DESCRIBE

5.  She is an ___________ singer.                                             AMAZE

6.  There was a __________ at the restaurant last night.           ROB

7.  The Eiffel Tower is a famous ______ in Paris.                     BUILD

8.  UNICEF is an _________ to help children.                          ORGANIZE

9.  Joanna is a good ________.                                                   SWIM

10. They climbed up a _________ hill.                                       ROCK

11. There are many enjoyable __________.                               ACTIVE

12. Will I marry a ________ person?                                          SUCCESS

13. Kim has _________. She has gone to see the animals.         APPEAR

14. Mickey's ________ was cruel to him.                                   OWN

15. I'm _______ because I haven't eaten for hours.                     HUNGER

16. The countryside is __________.                                            BEAUTY

17. We must take our __________ bags with us.                         SLEEP

18. The ___________ perform the play in an open- air theatre.  ACT

19. The _________ is designing a new robot.                              SCIENCE

20. I feel _________ before an exam.                                          NERVE

1.   _                                                           11. activities

2.   information                                         12. successful

3.   competition                                         13. disappeared

4.   description                                           14. owner

5.   amazing                                                15. hungry

6.   robber                                                   16. beautiful

7.   building                                                 17. sleeping

8.   organization                                          18. actors

9.   swimmer                                                19. scientist

10. rocky                                                      20. nervous

Use Your English.

1.  Big Bill is a dangerous man.                                              DANGER

2.  There is a lot of interesting ____________.                         INFORM

3.  We are having a _________ for the best painting.               COMPETE

4.  He gave the police a ___________ of the robber.                DESCRIBE

5.  She is an ___________ singer.                                             AMAZE

6.  There was a __________ at the restaurant last night.           ROB

7.  The Eiffel Tower is a famous ______ in Paris.                     BUILD

8.  UNICEF is an _________ to help children.                          ORGANIZE

9.  Joanna is a good ________.                                                   SWIM

10. They climbed up a _________ hill.                                       ROCK

11. There are many enjoyable __________.                               ACTIVE

12. Will I marry a ________ person?                                          SUCCESS

13. Kim has _________. She has gone to see the animals.         APPEAR

14. Mickey's ________ was cruel to him.                                   OWN

15. I'm _______ because I haven't eaten for hours.                     HUNGER

16. The countryside is __________.                                            BEAUTY

17. We must take our __________ bags with us.                         SLEEP

18. The ___________ perform the play in an open- air theatre.  ACT

19. The _________ is designing a new robot.                              SCIENCE

20. I feel _________ before an exam.                                          NERVE

Use Your English.

1.  Big Bill is a dangerous man.                                              DANGER

2.  There is a lot of interesting ____________.                         INFORM

3.  We are having a _________ for the best painting.               COMPETE

4.  He gave the police a ___________ of the robber.                DESCRIBE

5.  She is an ___________ singer.                                             AMAZE

6.  There was a __________ at the restaurant last night.           ROB

7.  The Eiffel Tower is a famous ______ in Paris.                     BUILD

8.  UNICEF is an _________ to help children.                          ORGANIZE

9.  Joanna is a good ________.                                                   SWIM

10. They climbed up a _________ hill.                                       ROCK

11. There are many enjoyable __________.                               ACTIVE

12. Will I marry a ________ person?                                          SUCCESS

13. Kim has _________. She has gone to see the animals.         APPEAR

14. Mickey's ________ was cruel to him.                                   OWN

15. I'm _______ because I haven't eaten for hours.                     HUNGER

16. The countryside is __________.                                            BEAUTY

17. We must take our __________ bags with us.                         SLEEP

18. The ___________ perform the play in an open- air theatre.  ACT

19. The _________ is designing a new robot.                              SCIENCE

20. I feel _________ before an exam.                                          NERVE

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