Национально-региональный компонент при изучении темы «Лондон», «Лица Лондона» в 5-6 классах
методическая разработка по английскому языку (6 класс) по теме

Печкова Римма Хадиевна

Преподавание иностранного языка на современном этапе является не только введением учеников в мир иноязычной культуры, но и осмысленным пониманием ими родной культуры, что важно в процессе становления личности, формирования мировоззрения, в культурном развитии детей.                                 Актуальность выбора темы обусловлена тем, что учащиеся должны знать не только страну изучаемого языка, но и страну, край, район, в котором они живут. Если ученик обладает обширными знаниями об истории, традициях своего региона, ему легче научиться представлять родную культуру на иностранном языке.

Предлагаемое методическое пособие состоит из разделов:

  • разработки обобщающих уроков по темам «Лондон», «Лица Лондона»  УМК М.З.Биболетовой, Н.В.Добрыниной. Н.Н.Трубаневой “Enjoy English” для 5-6 классов с введением национально-регионального компонента,
  • разработки внеклассных мероприятий,
  • тексты для чтения и аудирования в рамках данной темы.

        Целью данного пособия является оказание помощи учителям в организации и проведении интереснх и запоминающихся уроков и мероприятий, расширяющих знания школьников о жизни не только Англии, но и России, Татарстана.    Тексты для чтения можно распечатать для раздачи в качестве  дополнительного  материала к урокам. В разработках учитываются наиболее значимые принципы, определяющие содержание форм и методов педагогического воздействия на личность:

  1. Принцип связи с жизнью. (Подготовка драматизации и организация ролевых игр способствует осуществлению принципа связи с жизнью, так как они в какой-то мере имитируют реальный процесс общения.)
  2. Принцип коммуникативной активности.
  3. Принцип учета уровня языковой подготовленности учащихся и преемственностти к урокам иностранного языка. (Все задания выстроены с учетом требований учебной программы)
  4. Принцип межпредметных связей.
  5. Принцип учета возрастных особенностей учащихся.


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Предварительный просмотр:

МБОУ «Каратунская средняя общеобразовательная школа с углубленным изучением отдельных предметов» Апастовского муниципального района Республики Татарстан

Национально-региональный компонент при изучении темы «Лондон», «Лица Лондона»

 в 5-6 классах

Методическое пособие для учителей английского языка

Печкова Р.Х. – учитель английского языка

высшей квалификационной категории

Каратун - 2013



Раздел I.  Разработки уроков

                 Урок в 6-м классе по теме " London"…………………………....5                                                                                               Урок в 6 классе по теме «Известные люди»…………………...9

Урок - обобщение «Faces of London»………………………….13

Раздел II.  Внеклассные мероприятия

Звездный час «A famous sight of Moscow»……………………18

                  Places of Interest in London ……………………………………..21

Викторина «Рождество и Новый год»………………………....24

Little Red Riding Hood…………………………………………..27

Making Snowman………………………………………………..29

Раздел III.  Тексты для чтения и аудирования

 Moscow …………………………………………………………30

Places of Interest in Moscow…………………………………….32

Dear Sam…………………………………………………………32


Easter Rabbit and Easter Eggs…………………………………...34

The famous people……………………………………………….35


Independence Day………………………………………………..39


Литература и источники информации…………………………………….43


         Преподавание иностранного языка на современном этапе является не только введением учеников в мир иноязычной культуры, но и осмысленным пониманием ими родной культуры, что важно в процессе становления личности, формирования мировоззрения, в культурном развитии детей.                                 Актуальность выбора темы обусловлена тем, что учащиеся должны знать не только страну изучаемого языка, но и страну, край, район, в котором они живут. Если ученик обладает обширными знаниями об истории, традициях своего региона, ему легче научиться представлять родную культуру на иностранном языке. 

          Основу содержания краеведения составляют знания учащихся о крае, стране, полученные ими при изучении школьных учебных предметов гуманитарного и естественного циклов. Это географические, исторические, биологические, литературные, искусствоведческие и другие сведения о своем крае, городе, стране.

  Основная информация о крае:

  • Название региона, его основных центров, национальность и язык коренного населения, границы и приграничные области, названия и протяженность главных водных магистралей, основные климатические особенности, главные природные богатства, ведущие отрасли промышленности и сельского хозяйства края, транспорт.
  • Природные памятники, заповедники, экологические проблемы местности, названия наиболее распространенных в крае животных, дикорастущих растений, культивируемых овощей, фруктов.
  • Время возникновения первого поселения на территории края, крупные исторические события, выдающиеся личности, жившие или посетившие местность, названия исторических мест, памятников культуры.
  • Писатели, поэты, журналисты, жизнь и творчество которых связано с краем.
  • Художники, артисты, музыканты, жившие и творившие в данной местности, их основные произведения. Названия наиболее известных в регионе театров, кинотеатров, выставок, конкурсов. Народные промыслы и предметы их производства. Праздники, обряды, обычаи, песни.

    В выборе темы  для регионального компонента следует опираться на основные сведения о родном крае. Позитивную роль здесь сыграет и приобщение  к проектной методике, которая подразумевает сбор информации и дальнейшее представление результатов своих поисков.

       Чтобы избежать однообразия в построении занятий региональных уроков, следует по возможности широко использовать различные средства активизации речемыслительной деятельности школьников. На всех занятиях желательно иметь разного вида наглядность: фотографии, слайды, репродукции картин, книжные иллюстрации, презентации, видеоклипы и видеофильмы. В обобщающий урок можно включить викторину, контрольные тесты, задания обобщающего характера, выполняемые в форме соревнования.

   На сегодняшний день наиболее востребованными умениями являются информационные умения, связанные с использованием приёмов самостоятельного приобретения знаний и информации. Использование компьютерных технологий по иностранному языку способствует интенсификации самостоятельной деятельности, индивидуализации обучения, повышению познавательной активности и мотивации учения.

      Уроки и внеклассная деятельность могут  тесно переплетаться.   Используя региональный компонент,  можно также  проводить  конкурсы на лучшее сочинение, рисунок или  презентацию о нашей школе,  городе, стране. Исследовательская работа по культуре  родного края расширяет навыки самостоятельной работы по совершенствованию иностранного языка, вызывает желание знать и изучать культуру других народов. Интерактивные задания с использованием регионального компонента так же повышают интерес к предмету и развивают коммуникативные навыки.

    На наш взгляд в учебнике “Enjoy English” для 5-6 классов  М.З.Биболетовой, Н.В.Добрыниной, Н.Н.Трубаневой не достаточно материала для ознакомления  со столицей и  выдающимися личностями Англии, нет текстов для чтения по страноведению. Не будем забывать и то, что в классе есть ребята с разным уровнем обученности.      Собранный нами материал дополняет информационный состав учебника. Предлагаемое методическое пособие состоит из разделов:

  • разработки обобщающих уроков по темам «Лондон», «Лица Лондона»  УМК М.З.Биболетовой, Н.В.Добрыниной. Н.Н.Трубаневой “Enjoy English” для 5-6 классов с введением национально-регионального компонента,
  • разработки внеклассных мероприятий,
  • тексты для чтения и аудирования в рамках данной темы.

        Целью данного пособия является оказание помощи учителям в организации и проведении интереснх и запоминающихся уроков и мероприятий, расширяющих знания школьников о жизни не только Англии, но и России, Татарстана.    Тексты для чтения можно распечатать для раздачи в качестве  дополнительного  материала к урокам. В разработках учитываются наиболее значимые принципы, определяющие содержание форм и методов педагогического воздействия на личность:

  1. Принцип связи с жизнью. (Подготовка драматизации и организация ролевых игр способствует осуществлению принципа связи с жизнью, так как они в какой-то мере имитируют реальный процесс общения.)
  2. Принцип коммуникативной активности.
  3. Принцип учета уровня языковой подготовленности учащихся и преемственностти к урокам иностранного языка. (Все задания выстроены с учетом требований учебной программы)
  4. Принцип межпредметных связей.
  5. Принцип учета возрастных особенностей учащихся.

        С помощью данного пособия, учителям будет проще и интереснее вести урок, а ученики с удовольствием воспринимают преподаваемый им материал в такой форме.

        Практическая значимость работы состоит в рассмотрении перевода диалога культур с использованием регионального компонента в плоскость школьного урока, выявлении возможных результатов сравнения культур и способов их использования для формирования ценностного мира личности учащихся. Региональная проблематика приобретает всё большую актуальность в свете грядущих событий в нашей стране, таких, как Универсиада -2013  (г. Казань), Сочи – 2014. Ведь важно знать не только свою историю, но и уметь рассказать ее людям, никогда не бывавшим в России.


Урок в 6-м классе по теме "London"

(УМК “Enjoy English” для 5-6 классов под редакцией  Биболетовой М.З., 2009г., издательство «Титул», рекомендованный Министерством образования РФ.)

Цели урока:

1.Совершенствование навыков монологической и диалогической речи;

2.Развитие способности к продуктивной речевой деятельности, к обобщению.


Задачи урока:

1.Систематизировать и обобщить изученный материал по теме «Faces of London».

 2. Развивать логическое мышление, творческую мыслительную деятельность, наблюдательность, кругозор, память учащихся.

 3. Прививать интерес к знакомству со страной изучаемого языка.

 4. Расширить знания о   Великобритании.



презентация PowerPoint «London is one of the most interesting cities in the world»;  карточки с вопросами Quiz «What do you know about London?»

Ход урока

I. Организационный момент

  -Good morning my dear boys and girls, our guests and teachers! I’m glad to meet   you at our lesson! Sit down, please! 

II. Актуализация знаний, формулирование темы урока.

Teacher: Have you ever been to London?

Students: No, I haven’t. / I’ve never been to London.

Teacher:   Would you like to go to London?

Students: Yes, I would

Teacher:  Would you like to learn more about the capital of the UK?

I offer you to visit it. Would you? Let’s begin our tour. Приложение 1(слайд 1)

III. Фонетическая зарядка.

     -Listen to the poem 

Учащиеся слушают, затем читают стихотворение (слайд 2):

Pussy-cat, pussy-cat, where have you been?

I’ve been to London to look at the Queen.

Pussy-cat, pussy-cat, what did you do there?

I frightened a little mouse under a chair.

     -Read the poem aloud.

IV. Речевая разминка

 -When you travel in other countries and cities you can see a lot of interesting places. What are they?

Students: museums, galleries, monuments, theatres, parks, square, etc.

-What places is London rich in?

V. Актуализация лексических навыков.

Teacher: What places of interest in London do you know? Match the two parts of word-expressions to get the names of the sights in London. (Надо соединить слова, чтобы получилось название достопримечательности) (Слайд 3)





St. Paul’s






The Houses of


The White






The Tower of


 Учащиеся называют достопримечательности.

VI. Актуализация навыков чтения и устной речи по теме.

Teacher: Look at the pictures and name the places of interest in London.

(Слайд 3)

Students: Buckingham Palace, Big Ben, the Tower of London, Tower Bridge, Trafalgar Square, the Houses of Parliament, Westminster Abbey, St. Paul’s Cathedral.

Teacher: Guess the sights of London by their descriptions. (Слайды 4-19)

(Ученики читают описания достопримечательностей, угадывают, открывается слайд с изображением)


VII. Физминутка.

                             Clap, clap, clap your hands,

                            Clap your hands together.

                            Stamp, stamp, stamp your feet,

                            Stamp your feet together.

                            Nod, nod, nod your heads,

                            Nod your heads together.

                             Smile, smile, smile your friends,

                            Let’s to smile together.


VIII. Актуализация навыков диалогической речи.

Teacher: - Would you like to go to London? Imagine that we are in London. We’d like to see some places of interest. Let’s ask some Londoners for help. Work out the dialogue. Put the phrases in the correct order. Then read it and act out.

Dialogue (слайд 20-21)

Учащиеся делятся на группы. Учитель раздаёт детям диалоги на карточках. Ученики должны восстановить диалоги в правильном порядке и разыграть их. Одни ученики- жители Лондона, другие ученики- туристы.

Teacher: Let`s work in groups. I`ll give you some dialogues, you must act these dialogues.


Mike: Hello. Could you give us some information about London`s most famous sights?

       Alexander: We haven`t seen anything yet. We have only just come.

       Information Officer: What have you already seen in London?

       Alexander: Let`s start with a London sightseeing tour on a double-decker bus.

      Information Officer: Have a look at the leaflets over there and take what you like.

      Mike: OK, fine. Let`s go to Trafalgar Square. The tour starts from there.


Mike: Good morning, John.

Alexander: A week ago.

       John: Hello, Mike.

       John: Hello, Sasha. Nice to meet you. When did you come to England?

       Mike: John, this is Sasha. He is from Moscow.

       John: Was it interesting?

       Mike: We were at the Modern Art Museum.

       John: What have you already seen in London?

       Alexander: Yes, it was great.

(Учащиеся разыгрывают получившиеся диалоги)

IX. Контроль полученных знаний.

Teacher: Now let’s see what you’ve learned about London. (Раздаются карточки с вопросами) Quiz “What do you know about London?”


1. Where does the British Queen live?

  1. in Westminster Palace
  2. in Buckingham Palace
  3. in the Tower of London

2. Where does the coronation of all British kings and queens take place?

  1. in St. Paul’s Cathedral
  2. in the Tower of London
  3. in Westminster Abbey

3. What famous place in London was named after Sir Benjamin Hall?

  1. St. Paul’s Cathedral
  2. Big Ben
  3. Hyde Park

4. Where did the marriage of Charles, Prince of Wales and Lady Diana Spencer take place?

  1. in St. Paul’s Cathedral
  2. in Westminster Abbey
  3. in the Houses of Parliament

5. What birds live in the Tower of London?

  1. swans
  2. ravens
  3. pigeons

6. Where is the monument of Admiral Nelson situated?

  1. in front of the Houses of Parliament
  2. in the Tower of London
  3. in the centre of Trafalgar Square

7. Where does the British government sit?

  1. in Buckingham Palace
  2. in the Houses of Parliament
  3. in the Tower of London

8. What is Hyde Park famous for?

  1. a big clock
  2. Nelson’s column
  3. Speakers’ Corner

9. What is the most famous work of Sir Christopher Wren?

  1. Big Ben
  2. Westminster Palace
  3. St. Paul’s Cathedral

10. Where are the Crown Jewels kept in London?

  1. in the Tower of London
  2. in Buckingham Palace
  3. in Westminster Abbey


X. Домашнее задание.

-Share your impressions about the Sights of London.

- Use this plan:

•      The places you like most of all.


•      Where are they situated in London?


•      What are they famous for?


XI. Итог урока.

-You’ve worked very well today. I give the next marks…..

- I hope you’ve learned a lot about London, the capital of Great Britain. How are you now? Choose the appropriate expression describing your mood best. (Слайд 22) Thank you for the lesson.


Урок в 6 классе по теме «Известные люди»


Знакомство с личностями, которые наиболее уважаемы в Британии и Америке


1. Совершенствовать навыки аудирования незнакомого текста.

2. Способствовать совершенствованию  речевого умения (монологическая речь).

3. Способствовать развитию способности осуществлять продуктивные речевые действия, делать выводы из прочитанного.

Оборудование: учебник М.З. Биболетова,  Н.В.Добрынина, Н.Н.Трубанева, «Enjoy English» для 5-6 классов, М, Титул, 2008, аудиодиск, портреты известных людей

Ход урока

I.Организационный момент.

Сообщение темы и цели урока.

    There are many famous people in Great Britain and Amerika. Children and grown-ups know them well. They love and respect people who did a lot for their nation. That’s why the theme of our lesson is    «Famous people in Great Britain and America».

    Today we shall work in groups and we shall read texts about them.

II.Актуализация субъектного опыта учащихся.

Have you ever heard the names of these famous people? Will you open your books, page 86, exercise 25?  Say what these people are famous for.

 ( Прослушивание текста о знаменитых людях Британии  Америки и составление кластера)

Each nation has its heroes.

Arthur Conan Doyle The author of the Sherlock Holmes stories Arthur Conan Doyle was born in Scotland, in 1859. He was a doctor, and he wrote detective stories to spare time. He wrote twenty-six Sherlock Holmes stories between 1887 and 1895.

Agatha Christie was sure the world's best selling crime writer. Moreover, she was an immensely prolific writer. 79 shot stories, 4 non-fiction ones and 19 plays were written by that strange woman. They were translated into 136 languages.

William Shakespeare is the greatest of all playwrights and poets of all times. Not much is known of his life. He was probably the son of a businessman and was born in 1564 in Stratford-upon-Avon. Some of the first plays of the first period are: "Richard III" (1592), "The Comedy of Errors" (1592), "Romeo and Juliet" (1594), "Julius Caesar" (1599), "As You Like It" (1599), 1600 - "The Twelth Night". Shakespeare's poems are also attributed to the first period, "Venus and Adonis" and "Lucrece", and 154 sonnets. "Venus and Adonis" was the first of Shakespeare's works that came off the press. Some plays of the second period: 1601 - "Hamlet", 1604 - "Othello".

Charles Spencer Chaplin was born in London, England, on April 16th 1889. His father was a versatile vocalist and actor; and his mother, known under the stage name of Lily Harley, was an attractive actress and singer, who gained a reputation for her work in the light opera field. The following year Charlie was even more in demand and signed with the Mutual Film Corporation for a much larger sum to make 12 two-reel comedies. These include «The Floorwalker», «The Fireman», «The Vagabond», «One A.M.» (a production in which he was the only character for the entire two reels with the exception of the entrance of a cab driver in the opening scene), «The Count», «The Pawnshop», «Behind the Screen», «The Rink», «Easy Street» (heralded as his greatest production up to that time), «The Cure», «The Immigrant» and «The Adventurer».

Samuel Langhorne Clemens (Mark Twain) was born on 30 November 1835 in Florida. His parents were John and Jane Clemens. Mark Twain became a famous American author and orator. A lot of critics and peers appreciated his wit. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Adventures of Huckleberry Finn made him noted. Mark Twain used different pen names that’s why some of his works are not known.

John Winston Ono Lennon was best known as a singer, songwriter, poet and guitarist for the British rock band The Beatles. His creative career also included the roles of solo musician, political activist, artist, actor and author. As half of the legendary Lennon-McCartney songwriting team, he heavily influenced the development of rock music.

  John Winston Ono Lennon        Agatha Christie                  Mark Twain                                        

   Joseph Tuner            Famous people in Great Britain        Daniel Defoe

                                                 and Americaffamous

                                                                                                                                 William Shakespeare           Arthur Conan Doyle                 Charles Chaplin

III. Этап применения полученных знаний и способов деятельности.

  Работа в группах. Учебный материал упр.26, c. 86.

Цель работы: самостоятельное ознакомление с текстом с целью точного и полного понимания информации.

  1.  It’s time to read the text on the page 86, ex. 26. Let’s the questions in the task. You will read the text to yourself for four minutes and find the answers to the questions. (Ученики читают внимательно текст, отвечают на вопросы задания перед тестом)
  2. Контроль понимания содержания прочитанного текста

I want to find out if you understand the text well. You can see some sentences in ex.28, pg.87. Decide whether the following sentences are true (T) or false (F).

(Ученики  в течение 1-2 минут выполняют упр.28 с.87. Затем по очереди зачитывают свои варианты ответов)

IV. Физкультминутка

Hands on the hand,

Hands on the hips,

Hands on the table,

Hands like this.

Hands on the shoulders,

Hands up and down,

Hands behind the head

And sit down.

V. Совершенствование  речевого умения (монологическая речь).

Составьте рассказ.  Памятка поможет вам.

 Выберите предложения из текста необходимые для заполнения  схемы и запишите их.

 Постарайтесь запомнить рассказ, воспроизведя его:

 1) по предложению; 2) по цепочке; 3) по очереди.

 Перескажите текст однокласснику.

 Сначала работайте, пользуясь схемой, а потом старайтесь не заглядывать в неё.

                          Схема рассказа

 «Daniel Defoe»

  1. This story is about...
  2. He was...  
  3.  He wrote his novel about…
  4. The novel wasn’t popular….
  5. Daniel Defoe is called…..

In my opinion…………….

Listen to my story. Then well have a test.

в) когда будете рассказывать, следите за своей речью, говорите чётко, в нормальном темпе.

г) после рассказа проверьте, как члены группы поняли его: «Now we’ll have a test».

д) проверьте результаты тестового задания, поставьте оценку в лист контроля: «Your mark is...»

                             Тест к тексту №1

  1. This story is about...                                

   a)  Admiral    b) writer   c)  doctor

  1. Daniel Defoe was...in 1660.
  1. born  b) brave с) confident
  1. His novel was about...
  1. Josef turner b) North Sea  c) Robinson Crusoe
  1. The story of R. Crusoe is the author’s …

a) poem     b) imagination    c) song

5) D. Defoe is called “the father of English prose” for his…

    a) detective stories   b)  traits  c)   fanny children                                        

VI. Подведение итогов урока.

      Домашнее задание: There are people who are widely known in Russia. What did these famous people do? (найти информацию о знаменитых людях нашей страны)

  1. Рефлексия: Приём «Received the answer (!) or not (?)»

 Учащиеся получают листок. На одной стороне стоит знак (!), где они пишут, на какие вопросы по теме получили ответ. На обратной стороне стоит знак (?), и здесь учащиеся пишут, на какие вопросы они хотели получить ответ, но не получили. Анализ ответов учащихся помогает учителю в постановке задач и планировании следующего урока.


Урок - обобщение

 «Faces of London»

(  М.З.Биболетова,  Н.В.Добрынина,  Н.Н.Трубанева,  «Enjoy English» 5-6классы, - Обнинск: Титул, 2008, 224 с.)

Цели урока: обобщение изученного материала по темам «Лондон» и «Лица Лондона», совершенствование навыков монологической речи по теме «Казань – столица Татарстана» (национально-региональный компонент), развитие навыков диалогической речи, активизация речевых клеше по теме «Еда».

 Задачи урока:


  • повторение и закрепление лексических единиц и речевых образцов раздела;
  • активизация навыков диалогической речи;
  • расширение и углубление знаний обучающихся о достопримечательностях и знаменитых людей в России и странах изучаемого языка;


  • развитие умения вести диалог, реагировать на реплики собеседника;
  • развитие познавательных процессов, коммуникативности, умения работать в парах;
  • развитие творческих способностей обучающихся;


  • формирование общекультурной и этнической идентичности как составляющих гражданской идентичности личности;
  • развитие национального самосознания;
  • формирование умения представлять свою страну, ее культуру в целях межкультурного общения.

Оборудование, пособия и дополнительные материалы: УМК “Enjoy English 5-6”, компьютер, мультимедиапроектор, презентация Power Point “Kazan – the capital of Tatarstan ”, раздаточные карточки для составления этикетных диалогов, картинки с изображением национальных блюд.  

Планируемые результаты обучения:

личностные: стремление к лучшему изучению своей родины, осознанию культуры своего народа и готовность содействовать ознакомлению с ней представителей других стран, развитие эмоционально-нравственной отзывчивости, соблюдение норм речевого этикета;

метапредметные: развитие коммуникативной компетенции, включая умение взаимодействовать с окружающими, выполняя разные социальные роли; развитие умения планировать свое речевое и неречевое поведение; осуществление регулятивных действий самонаблюдения, самоконтроля, самооценки в процессе коммуникативной деятельности на иностранном языке;

предметные: умение оперировать активной лексикой в соответствии с коммуникативной задачей; умение вести диалог, соблюдая нормы речевого этикета; умение рассказывать о своей стране и ее национальных блюдах.

III. Развитие навыков диалогической речи

Now we shall role play the dialogues about the capitals of Greet Britain and Russia.

Учащимся предлагается составить диалоги о Лондоне и Москве

Варианты диалогов

1) -Alex, the weather is nice today, isn’t it?

- Oh, yes. I agree with you. It is rather pleasant.

- I’d like ask you any questions.

- You are welcome. What would you like to ask me about?

- Have you even been to London?

- No, I haven’t, but I want to visit London.

- What would you like to see in London?

- I think it’s worth seeing the Museum of the Moving Image, Hide Park, Kensington Gardens, Westminster Abbey, Buckingham Palace.

-What famous people in the UK do you know?

- Charlie Chaplin, Mark Twain, Josef Turner, Daniel Defoe, Agatha Christie, William Shakespeare, Jon Lennon.

- Thank you.

2) -Den, have you ever been to Moscow?

- Yes, I have. It’s the capital of Russia.

- What is it worth to see in Moscow?

- The centre of Moscow is Red Square, which is the most popular sight for tourist. There is St. Basil’s Cathedral, the monument to Minin and Pozharsky, the State History Museum.

- What can be found on the territory of the Kremlin?

- There are old cathedrals, the Bell Tower of Ivan the Greet, the Palace of Congress, the Tsar Cannon.

-There are a lot of famous people in Russia, aren’t there?

- Leo Tolstoy, Alexander Pushkin, Andrei Sakharov, Yuri Gagarin

- Do you know any Russian painters?

- Levitan, Serov, Shishkin.

- Are you proud of the Russian famous people?

- Yes, I am. I am proud of my country and Russian people.

- Thank you.

3) - Hello, Ted!

- Hello, Fred! How are you?

- I am fine. I have been to London with my family.

-Great! When did you go there?

-We went there last month. We stayed in the capital of Great Britain for four days.

-What placed of interest did you visit?

-We visited Hyde Park, Westminster Abbey, Buckingham Palace. But I liked MOMI best of all.

-MOMI? What is it?

-It’s the Museum of Moving Image. This history and magic of cinema is explained there. Visitors can take an active part in films or select a film to watch.

-You are lucky.

-Come to my place one day. I will show you the pictures of London.

-OK. Let’s meet tomorrow.

-Good-bye, Ted.

-Good-bye, Fred

IV. Систематизация знаний по темам «Лондон» и «Лица Лондона»

There are the cards on the blackboard. Fill in the blank. What is they job?

Pablo Picasso

John Lennon

Charles Darwin

Margaret Thatcher

Charlie Chaplin

Daniel Defoe

Albert Einstein

Josef Turner

an artist

What is it?





Madame Tussaud’s







I can see you are tired. Can you recite the poem and exercises?

Hands on the hand,

Hands on the hips,

Hands on the table,

Hands like this.

Hands on the shoulders,

Hands up and down,

Hands behind the head

And sit down.

VI.Совершенствование навыков монологической речи по теме «Казань – столица Татарстана»

Our Homeland is Tatarstan, isn’t it? (Yes, it is. Our Homeland is Tatarstan)

You know that in Kazan starts Universiade-2013. Sportsmen of all  the world will take part in summer sport games. We can be volunteer and show our capital city to guests. Who wants be guide?

Показ презентации  Kazan - the capital city of Tatarstan. Приложение 2 

2 слайд.  There are any stadiums, sport complex “Zilant”, Central stadium, Olympic Village in Kazan.      

3 слайд.  You know that in Kazan starts Universiade-2013.

     Sportsmen of all the world will take part in summer sport games.

     We can be volunteer and show our capital city to guests.

     Who wants be guide?

4 слайд.  Kazan is one of the most wonderful cities in the world. It has many faces. Each part of Kazan has its own history and character

5 слайд.  Suyumbike tower - an architectural   symbol of Kazan

6слайд. Kazan was founded 1000 years ago on the top of a hill on the left bank of Kazanka river. Thus it was situated close to the confluence of Kazanka and Bulak rivers.

7 слайд.  Spasskaya tower  is the oldest museum in Kazan. Since long times ago articles of 1552 have been exhibited here, such as flags, cannons and balls of Russian army.

8 слайд.  Administrative corps of the President of Tatarstan

9 слайд.  Governor Palace - the place where political power has been concentrated for centuries.

10 слайд.  Blagoveschensky Cathedral  was founded by Ivan IV in October 2, 1552.

11 слайд.  Kul Sharif  mosque brings us reminiscence of the formerly existed splendid mosque of Kazan Khanate, demolished in the XVI century.

12 слайд.  Office Housed. Up to this day the building is used to house official governmental bodies, such as ministries and departments .

13 слайд.  Kazan is the place where two worlds meet each other. It has two origins Western and Oriental. And you see these all around and at every step.   Welcome to Kazan!

14 слайд.  Answer the questions.

          1. When was Kazan founded?- Kazan was founded 1000 years ago

          2. Are there many historic and cultural sights in Kazan? (Yes, there are a lot of historic and cultural sights in Kazan.)

          3. What is it worth to see in Kazan? (It  is  worth visiting Kul Sharif, Kremlin, Spasskaja Tower, Art Gallery, museums, Bauman-street.)

          4. When stars Universiade -2013? ( Universiade -2013 starts on 6th of July 2013)

          5. What is our president’s name? (Rustem Minnekhanov is President of Tatarstan)

          6.What color is the flag of Tatarstan? (The flag of Tatrstan is green-white-red.)

          7. Are you proud of your Homeland? (Yes, we are. We  are  proud of our Homeland Tatarstan.)

VII. Активизация речевых клеше по теме «За столом. Еда»

It’ time to work in groups.  Look at the picture on the blackboard.  You can see our national food: kystiby, balesh, chak-chak, gubadia…You will work in groups and have a talk at the table. Use “Be polite!” on the page 97.

(Учащиеся  работают в группах и составляют диалог по теме «За столом. Еда», опираясь на рубрику “Be polite!”,  с. 97. На доске висят картинки с изображением татарских национальных блюд:  чак-чак, бэлеш, учпычмак, кош-теле, пэрэмэч и др.)

Mother: Dinner is ready. Sit down, please.

Father: Good appetite!

Daughter: Would you like to have a cup of tea?

Sun: Just a little, please.

Father: The kystyby are very delicious.

Sun: I like it very much.

Mother: Would you like  some more kystyby?

Sun; Yes, please.

Daughter: Will you pass me the tchak-tchak?

Mother: Here you are.

Daughter:  Thank you very much

I think we can proud of our national food too. It is very delicious.

VIII. Итог урока

Thank you for your work. В заключение урока учащиеся выставляют себе оценки за работу, заполняя карточки:

На уроке я научился



Делать выводы


Я умею

Комментировать фразы


Понимать английскую речь


Понимать речь одноклассников


Мое мнение

Понравилось на уроке


Не понравилось на уроке


Моя оценка своей работы


Объявляются итоги урока, отмечается активность учащихся и комментируются их собственные оценки своей работы.


Звездный час



обобщение изученного материала  по теме “Достопримечательности Москвы”;

развитие аудитивных , грамматических и лексических навыков;

развитие интереса учащихся к изучению английского языка.

Оборудование: презентация, таблички с номерами 1-5 по количеству участников

В игре принимают участие 6-8 человек. Для проверки и оценивания заданий выбирается жюри в составе 3-4 человек (учителя или старшеклассники). Участники игры за правильные ответы получают звездочки. Победителем считается тот, кто набрал наибольшее количество звездочек.

Ход мероприятия

Т: Good morning, girl and boys! I am glad to see you. Today we shall play “Star Hour”. Our topic is “A famous sight of Moscow”. Let’s have a talk about the capital of our country and its places of interest.

1 тур

- I want you to listen to my stories. I shall describe different interesting places of the capital of our country. You can see the numbers of them and the pictures on the computer and you will use the cards with the numbers on your desks.

Зачитываются небольшие рассказы – описания различных достопримечательностей Москвы. На экране (презентация) появляются пронумерованные картинки данных достопримечательностей. Участники игры, прослушав рассказ, поднимают номера. Если ответ верный, то ученик получает звездочку.

После окончания 1 тура ученик, получивший наименьшее число звездочек, выбывает из игры.

Слайд № 2                  Приложение 3

  1. St Basil’s Cathedral
  2. Uspensky Cathedral
  3. the Spasskaya Tower
  4. the Tretyakov Gallery
  5. the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts

                                                                     (порядок ответов №№ 4, 3, 1, 5, 2)


1. It is one of the most famous and well-known places in our country and all over the world. It is named after its founder who began to collect Russian painting in 1856. There we can see the pictures created by such painters as Serov, Repin, Ivanov, Levitan and others. It has about 3 millions of exhibits now. A lot of tourists visit this place every year.

                                                                                          (the Tretyakov Gallery)

2. It is one of the symbols of Moscow. It is the tallest part of the Kremlin, it has 67,3 metres tall. It has the famous clock and its minute hand is 3,28 metres long. The clock which we can see today was installed in the middle of the 19-th century.

                                                                                           (the Spasskaya Tower)

3.It was built in 1551-1561 after the victory over the Kazan Kingdom. The architects were Barma and Postnik. It has nine beautifully painted cupolas. Its unusual architecture attracts many tourists.                                                                          (St Basil’s Cathedral)

4.It was founded in 1912 as a museum of plaster moulds on the initiative of Ivan Tsvetayev, the father of the renowned poetess Marina Tsvetayeva. Its collection includes works of art of the ancient Orient and ancient Egypt, of antiquity and Western Europe, ranks second in size after the famous Hermitage in St. Petersburg.                    (the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts)

5.It is the largest building in a famous group of churches. It was built in1479. The Russian tsars and emperors were crowned there.                                   (Uspensky Cathedral)

2 тур

Слайд № 3

- Choose the right answer.

Участники должны закончить предложение, выбрав верный вариант.  За верный ответ – звездочка. Ученик, получивший наименьшее число звездочек, выбывает из игры.

  1. The capital of Russia is

            a) St Petersburg                 b) Yekаterinburg                 c) Moscow

2.   The capital of Russia in 1900 was

            a) St Petersburg                 b) Yekаterinburg                 c) Moscow


  1. The most famous  Moscow theatre is

a) the Bolshoi Theatre        b) the Mali Theatre           c) the Grand Opera

  1. The founder of the Tretyakov Gallery was

a) Pavel Tretyakov              b) Savva Morozov             c) Yuri Dolgorukiy


  1. In the Tretyakov Gallery you can see

a) a lot of books                    b) the treasures of the tsars      c) beautiful pictures

  1. In the Armory Chamber you can see

a) a lot of stones                  b) the treasures of the tsars         c)  beautiful pictures

      3 тур

Слайд № 4

  • Insert the articles where necessary.

Вставить где нужно артикль. Каждый правильный ответ отмечается звездой. Ученик, у которого в сумме после трех туров набралось наименьшее число звездочек, выходит из игры. Время выполнения задания 2 минуты.

  1. When we were in (…) Moscow, we sow (…) lot of sights.
  2. Do you know about (…)Tretyakov Gallery?

      3.   (…) Moscow metro looks like a place.

      4. There are many fantastic buildings in (…) capital of our country.

5.  (…) Kremlin is in (…) Red Square.

      6.  What is the (…) most famous Moscow theatre?

      7.  I have never been to (…) Red Square.

     8.  (…) clock which we can see today was installed in (…) middle of (…) 19-th century.


    4 тур 

Слайд № 5

Опираясь на алфавит, нужно прочитать зашифрованное предложение. Участники, быстрее и правильнее всех справившиеся с этим заданием, получают звездочку. Игру покидает игрок с наименьшим количеством звезд.






















































































    5 тур 

Слайд № 6

На экране появляется слово “Hospitable”. Ученики, вышедшие в финал, должны за 2 минуты составить слова из данного слова. Каждое слово можно использовать только один раз. В финале выигрывает ученик, который назвал слово последним.

Объявляется победитель.

Церемония награждения



Автор разработки Козлова Валентина Анатольевна, учитель английского языка

                            (может проводиться и как обобщающий урок)

Цель: обобщение изученного материала по теме «Достопримечательности Лондона», совершенствование навыков устной речи, актуализация страноведческого материала.

Оборудование: призы для команды-победительницы, сигнальные карточки, компьютер, экран, проектор.

Ход мероприятия

Группа делится на 2 команды по 5-6 человек. На обсуждение каждого вопроса дается 1 минута. Очки получает та команда, которая первой даст правильный ответ. Если ответ был неправильный, у команды соперников есть возможность ответить до истечения 1 минуты обсуждения. Если ни одна команда не даст правильного ответа, за ответ на следующий вопрос можно заработать 2 очка. Вопросы, предлагаемые командам, проверяют не только знание фактического материала, а умение применить эти знания. Вопросы требуют смекалки, быстроты мышления и общей эрудированности. (Приложение 1)

Parks and gardens






Westminster Abbey












Famous people






Other sights






Parks and gardens.

What are London’s parks full of? (10 points)

Where is Speaker’s Corner? (20 points)

What is the oldest park of London? (30 points)

What are the names of the Royal parks? (40 points)

Whom was Westminster Abbey  founded by (50 points)

Answers: 1. London’s parks are full of trees, grass, flowers and water.

                2.  In Hyde Park.

                3. St. James’s Park.

                4. In Kensington Gardens.

                5. Hyde Park, Green Park, St. James’s Park, Regent’s Park, Kensington Gardens.

Westminster Abbey.

Whom was Westminster Abbey founded by?  (10 points)

When was Westminster Abbey built? (20 points)

What takes place in Westminster Abbey? (30 points)

Where is Westminster Abbey situated? (40 points)  

What is the name of the king who built Westminster Abbey?


St. Peter (the legend says).

In 1065.

The coronation of all British Kings and Queens.

Not far from the Houses of Parliament.

King Edward.    


What is the name of the museum where there are famous Wax figures? (10 points)

Where is the history and magic of cinema explained? (20 points)

Which museum has a long and cruel history? (30 points)

Where is there a special place the Queen’s family? (40 points)

What is the biggest museum in London?


The museum of Madame Tussaud’s.

The museum of the Moving Image (MOMI)

The Tower of London.

In Madame Tussaud’s Museum.

The British Museum.

Famous people.

Who is called “the father of English prose”? (10 points)

Who was a master of water-colours? (20 points)

The author of the book “The Lord of Rings”? (30 points)

Whose nickname was “Gas”? (40 points)

The Iron Lady?


          Daniel Defoe.

          Joseph Turner.

          John Ronald Reuel Tolkien.

          Charles Darwin.

          Margaret Thatcher.

Other sights.

The famous clock? (10 points)

The home of the English Queen? (20 points)

Where do the country’s leaders speak? (30 points)

The central square of London? (40 points)

Where does the British Prime Minister live?


          Big Ben.

          The Buckingham Palace.

          The Houses of Parliament.

          Trafalgar square.

          In Downing Street.

В завершении игры команда-победительница получает право выступить с речью в течение 1-2 минут. Затем организуется награждение победителя игры.




Цели проведения:

  1. Познакомить учащихся с традициями Англии на примере празднования 25   декабря католического Рождества.
  2. Заинтересовать учащихся  в изучении английского языка как средства знакомства с англоязычными странами.
  3. Активизировать у учащихся творческие способности при подготовке и проведении праздника.


     1.Костюмы: Санта Клауса, мешок с подарками, снегурочки, нового года.

     2.Оформление кабинета: ёлка, игрушки, гирлянды, веночки, светильник,      нарисованный камин, праздничные картинки.

    3.Оборудование для игр: карточки для игр

1 этап. Предварительное знакомство с информацией о Рождестве на одном из уроков английского языка.

Дети заранее начинают готовиться к Рождеству: всем своим родственникам и друзьям они посылают рождественские открытки с пожеланиями весёлого Рождества и счастливого Нового года.

2 этап. Приготовление к проведению праздника. Оформление кабинета.

Ход праздника

 Ведущий: Happy New Year, dear children and grown-ups!

All together: Happy New Year!

Ведущий: I’m glad to see you. I hope you’ll enjoy our English party. Meet our guests! They are New Year and Ice Princess.

3 этап. Под мелодию “Jingle Bells”  появляется New Year ,Ice Princess

New Year: I’m the little New Year, hoo-ha!

                         Here I come jumping over the snow,

                         Shaking my bells with a merry din-

                         So open your doors and let me in!

Ice Princess: It’s very cold with snow and ice

                       But we’re happy, winter is nice

                       Look at the snowman with his funny round head.

                       He’s got two black eyes and his nose is red

                       It’s very cold with snow and ice

                       But we’re happy, winter is nice

New Year: But each of you a present may win-

                         So open your doors and let us in!


Ведущий: Сегодня мы собрались здесь, чтобы поговорить о предстоящих праздниках, о Новом Годе и Рождестве. Вам предстоит выполнить несколько заданий. Задания будет оценивать наше компетентное жюри, а выполнять задания будут две команды: команда 6А и команда 6Б.

1.   Прежде всего, давайте вспомним, когда англичане отмечают праздник Рождества (приглашается по одному человеку из команды). Вы видите несколько дат, выберите нужную дату. За правильный ответ вы получите одно очко.

March, 8th                                                                                          December, 25th

January, 1th                                                                                       February, 14th

May, 9th                                                                 June, 12th

2.  Праздники начинаются с елки, давайте и мы красим нашу елочку. Буквы в наших украшениях перепутались, расставьте их по порядку (приглашаются по два человека из команды, за каждое правильно угаданное слово команды получают по одному очку).







3.  Теперь самое время накрыть на стол. Какие традиционные английские блюда вы знаете? Найдите их в кроссворде. Приглашаются по два человека от команды, и за каждое правильное слово команда получает по одному очку.
































































4.  We are waiting for Santa Claus Lets him to hurry up and make an invitation. I need two painters. Read the sentences and colоur the pictures.

Well, while they are painting we continue our competition. Will two pupils from each team who like to draw and to write come up to me? Now the “painters” stay here and the “writers” go out. Draw things and animals, which I name. That’ll do. Come in, “writers”! Write the names of these animals and things. Do it as quickly as you can.

  Для участия в этом конкурсе приглашаются по два ученика от каждой команды. У доски закрепляют лист ватмана, расчерченный на  8 клеток, остаются художники. В то время как они выполняют задание, двое учащихся выходят из комнаты. Ведущий быстро называет по-английски и считает до трёх. Задача «художника» - нарисовать названные предметы. Двое учащихся, войдя в комнату, должны подписать нарисованные предметы по-английски. Больше очков получает команда, первая справившаяся с заданием, не допустив при этом ошибок.

1) pencil, textbook, giraffe, boll, cat, tennis, flower, house,

2) table, window, tree, dog, nose, pen, car, girl.


5.  На Новый Год и Рождество дети обычно пишут письма Деду Морозу и просят его прислать им подарки. У меня есть письмо от Элизабэт. Но это не обычное письмо, а зашифрованное. Каждой букве английского алфавита соответствует определенная цифра, например, А – это цифра 1, В – это 2. Расшифруйте его письмо и скажите, какие подарки она заказала. Задание выполняют два человека и получают по 1 очку за каждое угаданное слово.

  • 19, 3, 15, 1 5, 20, 5, 18 (SCOOTER)
  • 18, 15, 12, 12, 5, 18, 19, 11, 1, 20, 5 (ROLLERSKATE)
  • 3, 15, 13, 16, 21, 20, 5, 18 (COMPUTER)
  • 3, 8, 15, 3, 15, 12, 1, 20, 5 (CHOCOLATE)
  • 2,1,12,12 (BALL)
  • 16, 5, 18, 6,21, 13,5 (PERFUME)


6.  Новый Год и Рождество это время особенное, когда мы принимаем особые решения, даем себе обещания. Капитаны, сделайте, пожалуйста, новогоднее обещание (не менее четырех предложений), вы получите по два очка.

May all your dreams come true. We wish you health, wealth and happiness. Good luck to you. Be happy! Be good and obedient children! Help your parents! Be kind to your parents! Be kind to you your classmates! Merry Christmas!

7.  На праздниках обычно поют песни, давайте и мы споем песню, традиционную английскую песню.”We wish you a merry Christmas”, а также русскую песню «Новый год стучится»

4 этап    Заключительная часть

Ведущий: Unfortunately our party is over. So it’s time to go and let’s count scores. Every team is brilliant today.

Santa Claus:  And everyone must have a gift about our party. (вручает подарки)

Ведущий: New things to learn!

Ice Princess: New friends to meet!

New Year: New things to see!

Santa Claus:  New songs to sing!

Ведущий: New books to read!

Ice Princess: New things to hear!

New Year: New things to do

                        In this glad New Year!

Santa Claus:  So it’s time to go!

                                  Good bye! Good bye!

Ведущий: So it’s time to go!

                       Good bye! Good bye!

Предоставляем слово жюри.

Спасибо, что пришли и приняли участие в нашей праздничной викторине.



A play


Little Red Riding Hood




Santa Claus

Scene 1

Red Hood: My name is Little Red Riding Hood. Good morning!

Mother: Little Red Hood! Where are you?

Red Hood: I’m here, mother. What’s the matter?

Mother: Do you know which holiday is coming up? Merry Christmas!

Take a cake, some apples and a present for your Granny.

Red Hood: All right, mother.

Mother: Don’t speak to anybody on the way. Don’t stop in the wood.

And don’t pick flowers, berries or mushrooms there.

Red Hood: O.K., Mum. Good bye!

Mother: Good bye, darling! See you soon!

Scene 2 in the wood.

Red Hood: How nice it is in the wood!

There are many trees, flowers and mushroom there.

I’ll pick some flowers for my Granny.

 ( Появляется волк)

Wolf: I’m big and grey. I live in the wood.

I want to eat you, Little Red Riding Hood!

Good morning, Red Wood Eaten Food…

 Oh…Little Red Riding Hood!

Red Hood: Good morning, Mr. Wolf! Merry Christmas!

Wolf: Where are you going?

Red Hood: I’m going to my Granny. Come with me.

Wolf: Where does she live?

Red Hood: She lives in a little house near the river. It’s not far from here.

Come with me, please.

Wolf: But does she live alone?

Red Hood: Yes, but why don’t you want to go with me?

Wolf: I’m busy, I’m preparing for a Christmas party.

I want to make a big cake.

Red Hood: What a pity! Goodbye!

Wolf: See you.

Scene 3 Near the granny’s house.

Grandmother: Who is there?

Wolf: It’s me, Little Red Riding Hood.

Grandmother: Come in, darling.

(Врывается волк, пытается схватить бабушку. Она его бьёт веником. Бабушка убегает. Волк одевает платье, косынку и ложиться в постель).

 Red Hood:

Clap, clap, clap

Rap, rap, rap

I’m knocking at the door,

Tap, tap, tap…

Wolf: Who is there?

Red Hood: It’s me, Little Red Riding Hood.

Wolf: Come in, my dear!

Red Hood: Good morning, Granny!

Wolf: Good morning!

Red Hood: Merry Christmas! Why are you lying in bed? Are you ill?!

Wolf: No, I’m tired.

Red Hood: Why?

 Wolf: I’ve made dishes for Christmas, but I haven’t made a cake.

 Red Hood: Don’t worry, my dear! I met a Wolf; he is making a cake now.

Let’s invite him to the Christmas party!

Wolf: (Снимает одежду бабушки) Oh, yes, yes, yes. I’m happy, I’m glad. You are so kinds!

  Red Hood: Oh, where is my Granny?

(Входит бабушка и Санта Клаус)

Grandmother: We are here, dear. I met Santa Claus in the wood.

Red Hood: Merry Christmas!

Wolf: Merry Christmas! I’m sorry. I will be very good in the New Year.

 (Хором) Merry Christmas, dear children!  


Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas, happy day,

We all dance and say

Merry Christmas, happy day!

(Поют песню “We wish you a Merry Christmas”)



A play


December – a funny boy

Animals: hares, foxes, wolves, birds…


Scene 1

На полянке зверушки. Все радуются хорошей погоде, пушистому снегу, приветствуют друг друга.

-The sun is shining brightly!

-Fine weather!

-Frosty weather!

-Lovely day, isn’t it?

-It’s beautiful!

-What do you think of the snow? – It’s wonderful! – The white snow!

-Hello, dear! – Hello! – Hi!

-Good afternoon! – How do you do? – Glad to see you!

-How are you? – I’m fine and you? – Me too.

Scene 2

Вбегает Декабрь – озорной мальчишка.

Звери радостно с ним здороваются.

-Hello, my name is December. Pleased to meet you.

-Hello I’m… (можно всем представиться)

-Let’s make a snowman.

-All right. That’s a good idea!

-Wonderful! – Fantastic! – Great!  

 Scene 3

Зайцы начинают лепить снеговика.

Волчата смотрят на них и начинают помогать.

Все работают с удовольствием.

Декабрь и птички тоже работают.

Лисички хитрят, прячутся за кусты, то в снег упадут,

 то начинают жаловаться на плохое самочувствие.

-Will you help us to make a snowman?

-Oh, yes, of course.

-Could you help us?

-With pleasure.

-May I help you?

-Thank you very much.

-Will you help us?

-I’m afraid, I can’t. I’m cold.

-That’s a shame. You must work hard.

-I’m very sorry, but I don’t feel well.

-What a pity! Etc.

  Scene 4

    Снеговик готов,  ему все радуются. У него нос-морковка,

      глазки-угольки, в руках метла.

-Here’s a snowman.

-What a fine snowman!

-It’s beautiful!

-Where is the carrot?

-Here it is!

-Where are the coals?

-Here they are… Etc.

Scene 5

Снеговик оживает. Все его поздравляют с Днём рождения, дарят подарки. Он всех благодарит.

-Happy birthday!

-Happy birthday, dear snowman!

-Thank you!

-Good luck! – Thanks!

-Here is a present for you. – Oh, how nice?


Moscow is the capital of Russian Federation, the biggest state in the World. It is a political, economic, commercial and cultural centre of the country.
It is one of the youngest capitals of Europe. It is believed that Yuriy Dolgoruky founded Moscow in 1147.
Gradually, the city became increasingly powerful. At the beginning of the 13
th century, Moscow, like the rest of Russian territory, was kept under the yoke of Mongols for more than two centuries.

As the 13
th century drew to an end, Moscow became the capital of the principality of Moscovia. That time the ruler of this principality became Ivan Kalita, named the first Grand Prince of Moscow by Khan and forced to move to Moscow from Vladimir.
That time, the head of the Russian Church moved to Moscow from Vladimir too. This way Moscow was becoming the political and religious centre of Russia.
In the 15
th century, after almost 250 years of Mongol domination Moscow became the most powerful of the Russian city-states. In 1453, after Constantinople, the centre of the Orthodox Church, was taken by the Turks, Moscow was declared the Third Rome and true heir of Christianity.

In 1546, Ivan the Terrible was crowned in Moscow as the first Tsar of All Russia and Moscow became the capital of the new state.

In 1712, Peter the Great moved the capital to St Petersburg, but Moscow remained for some time the heart of Russia. That is why it became the main target of Napoleon’s attack. The great fire destroyed the most territory of the city, but by the mid-19th century, Moscow had been completely restored.

After the Socialist Revolution of 1917, Moscow became the capital of the USSR.
Now, Moscow is one of the largest cities in Europe. Its total area is more than 9 hundred square kilometres and still is growing up. The population of the city is about 9 million people.
Moscow is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. The heart of Moscow is the Kremlin and Red Square. They have more historical association than any other place in Moscow.

There are a lot of beautiful places, old cathedrals, churches and monuments in Moscow. Now Moscow is being reconstructed, becoming more and more beautiful.

There are more than 80 museums in Moscow. The largest museums are the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts and the State Tretyakov Gallery. Other unique museums are the Andrey Rublev Museum of early Russian Art and many others.
Moscow is famous for its theatres. The best known of them is the Great Opera Theatre. Drama theatres are very popular too.

Moscow is a city of students. There are over 80 higher educational institutions, including several universities; the most famous of them is MGU, Moscow State University.
Moscow is the seat of the Russian Parliament and the President of the country.


Places of Interest in Moscow

Moscow is the biggest city of Russia and its capital. The city is situated on the Moskva River and was found more than 800 years ago. Nowadays, Moscow is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. It houses many attractive parks and squares, great architectural wonders and countless places of interest. Special attention is always put to the city center, as there are the most famous sights. Among them, the outstanding Kremlin and the Red Square, the Bolshoi and the Maly Theaters, Saint Basil’s Cathedral, the Historical Museum, the Armoury Chamber and many others. Moscow is not only the official capital of Russia, it’s also considered to be the cultural, educational, industrial and scientific center of the country. That’s why, the largest and most important museums, galleries, opera houses, universities, companies, research centers are all situated there. The best place for art lovers in Moscow is the Tretyakov State Gallery, which holds a large collection of Russian fine art. Another interesting collection of paintings and sculptures is held in the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts. In the very heart of the capital one can find the Historical Museum and the Armoury chamber. Both these museums can tell more about Russian history than any other place. One of the newest and most famous religious sights in Moscow is The Cathedral of Christ the Saviour. It’s situated on the bank of the Moskva River and is known as the tallest Orthodox church in the world. The view of Christ the Saviour’s Cathedral strikes imagination with its grandeur and magnificence. Other than that, Moscow has a great number of famous parks, squares, theaters, monuments, streets and concert halls. Undoubtedly, Moscow is a very special city.


Dear Sam,
    Thanks for your letter! It was great to hear front you so soon.
    You asked me to tell you about Moscow. Well, it is a very beautiful city especially in autumn when all trees are of different colors. The heart of Moscow is the Kremlin. It's an ancient fortress with beautiful churches inside.
    Moscow is a unique city, where history and modern life are brought together. In the one hand, you can enjoy traditional Russian festivals such as Maslenitsa. On the other hand, Moscow is a modern 24-hour city where you can visit different theaters, cinemas and exhibitions.
    By the way, will you tell me about your school and school life? Do you have any clubs at school? Are you given much homework? Please write back.  
    I look forward to your reply.



        Christmas is a home and family celebration in Britain. Those who live away try to get back home. Christmas is the biggest holiday of the year. As Christmas nears, everyone buys Christmas presents for friends and relatives. Christmas people try to give children everything they want. Children count the weeks, then the days to Christmas. On Christmas Eve, families and friends gather for the festivities. Housewives are busy preparing food, and children are sent to bed. They are told that if they don't go to sleep, Father Christmas will not bring them any presents. Then, when they are asleep, the parents come into their bedrooms and leave the presents near their beds, or under the Christmas tree, or in a stocking hanging up somewhere in the room.

       В каждом задании (1-5) укажи букву  (A, B, C или D), соответствующую выбранному тобой варианту ответа.

1.This text is about...

 A) Christmas presents                    B) Father Christmas

C) Christmas celebrations               D) the Christmas tree

2.When Christmas comes, the children are given presents...

A)      at the Christmas table. B) in the streets.

C) at schools.                                     D) at home.

3.Which sentence is wrong (неверно)?

A)      Christmas is a family holiday.

B)      Presents are usually given at Christmas.

C)      At Christmas, children usually don't go to sleep.

D)      Children find their presents near their beds, under the Christmas tree or in a stocking.

4.Choose a title.

A) British Children B) British Christmas

C) Christmas parties          D) British Homes

5.Find the word which is not in the text.

A) Christmas ,                       B) Presents

C) Easter                               D) Eve


 Read the text

        The Easter rabbit with its basket of colored eggs is a familiar holiday symbol.

According to a legend, the tale of the rabbit that passes our colored eggs, began with a poor woman who had no money at Easter to buy sweets for her children. So instead, she dyed some eggs, hid them in a nest, and told her children to search for the eggs. While they were looking, the children spotted a huge rabbit in the bushes. Then they told their friends that the rabbit had brought them the eggs in the nest. The story grew more detailed as it spread from person to person.

       The Easter rabbit is part of many European holiday traditions. In some countries, it appears to have red or green fur. In others it has the power to speak on Easter Day. In Germany, Switzerland, and Belgium, children place small nests in their gardens, hoping that the rabbit will come on Easter eve to fill the nests with eggs.

       German immigrants to the United States brought their beliefs in the Easter rabbit with them. They built fires on Easter eve and told their children that the Easter rabbit was burning wild flowers to make dyes for his eggs. In Texas, some people of German ancestry still build fires on Easter eve. Then they tell their children the story that has been passed down through the generations.

       Although the rabbit is the most popular bearer of colored eggs on Easter, it’s not the only animal given that honor. Swiss children believe that the cuckoo brings the eggs, while Czech children look for a lark to bring their Easter eggs. In some parts of Germany children await an Easter stork or rooster that lays red eggs. Other German children think that an Easter fox delivers their eggs!

       The egg, like the rabbit, was a symbol long before the Christian era. The ancient Egyptians, Persians, and Romans used to dye eggs and then eat them at spring festivals celebrating new life. Today, the egg is an important part of  Easter all over the world.


Ex.1. Using the text, translate from Russian into English:

Замечать; обрастать деталями;  происхождение; передаваться из поколения в поколение; кукушка; жаворонок; аист; петух; откладывать яйца; доставлять; древний; во всём мире.


Ex.2. Match the right and the left columns to make a summary of the text above.


1. Easter rabbit is...

a)...a poor woman.

2. The tale of the rabbit that brings us colored eggs began with...

b)...the rabbit had brought them the eggs in the nest.

3. She had no...

c)...a familiar holiday symbol.

4. She dyed some...

d)...money to buy some sweets for her children.

5. When children started...

e)...spread from person to person.

6. The children told their friends that...

f)...nests in their gardens, hoping that the rabbit will bring them some eggs.

7. The story grew more detailed as it...

g)...looking for the eggs they spotted a huge rabbit in the bush.

8. On Easter Day children place small...

h)...eggs and hid them in a nest.



The famous people

There are many famous English writers. Among them are William Shakespeare, Keepling and many others. I will tell you about the life and work of Arthur Conan Doyle

The author of the Sherlock Holmes stories was Arthur Conan Doyle. He was born in Scotland, in 1859. He was a doctor, and he wrote detective stories to spare time. He wrote twenty-six Sherlock Holmes stories between 1887 and 1895. Then, he decided to kill his hero. At the end of the story called "The Final Problem” Holmes and Moriarty fall into the Reichenbach falls in Switzerland. The readers were very upset. Public pressure was too great and he had to bring Holmes back to life, although he did not like him. He thought that Sherlock Holmes books were not serious. He wanted to write historical novels. Conan Doyle continued writing about his hero for another twenty-five years. Conan Doyle books are still famous and popular.

Agatha Christie was sure the world's best selling crime writer. Moreover, she was an immensely prolific writer. 79 shot stories, 4 non-fiction ones and 19 plays were written by that strange woman. They were translated into 136 languages. Over 3 billion books by Agatha Christie were sold worldwide. She is popular for ingenuity of plots, which are classical murder mysteries: marooned places and a well-mannered murderer. Her way to present the stories was quite definite from that of her colleagues. At first her stories appealed to the readers' detective inside, so you can't find much blood and violence in her stories. Agatha Christie lived between 1890 and 1976. She started writing stories at a very early age, at first to entertain herself. However, she managed to become famous. Not many people know that she used to write under a pen-name of Mary Westmacott. Later, already being a world-known writer, she tried to avoid publicity and stayed out of public eye.

William Shakespeare is the greatest of all playwrights and poets of all times. Not much is known of his life. He was probably the son of a businessman and was born in 1564 in Stratford-upon-Avon. He probably attended the local grammar school and got a classical education. In 1582 he married Anne Hathaway and had 3 children. Little is known of his life before 1592, when he appeared as a playwright in London. Soon he became an actor playing supporting roles like the ghost in "Hamlet". In 1599 Shakespeare became a part owner of the Globe Theatre in London. Shakespeare's literary work is usually divided into three periods. The first period of his creative work falls between 1590 and 1600. Shakespeare's comedies belong to the first period of his creative work. They all are written in his playfull manner and and in the brilliant poetry that conveys the spectator to Italy. Some of the first plays of the first period are: "Richard III" (1592), "The Comedy of Errors" (1592), "Romeo and Juliet" (1594), "Julius Caesar" (1599), "As You Like It" (1599), 1600 - "The Twelth Night". Shakespeare's poems are also attributed to the first period, "Venus and Adonis" and "Lucrece", and 154 sonnets. "Venus and Adonis" was the first of Shakespeare's works that came off the press. The second period of Shakespeare's creative work during from 1600 to 1608. His famous tragedies appeared at this time. In the plays of this period the dramatist reaches his full maturity. He presents great humans problems. His tragedies and historical plays made Shakespeare the greatest humanist of the English Renaissanse. Some plays of the second period: 1601 - "Hamlet", 1604 - "Othello".

Charles Spencer Chaplin was born in London, England, on April 16th 1889. His father was a versatile vocalist and actor; and his mother, known under the stage name of Lily Harley, was an attractive actress and singer, who gained a reputation for her work in the light opera field. Charlie was thrown on his own resources before he reached the age of ten as the early death of his father and the subsequent illness of his mother made it necessary for Charlie and his brother, Sydney, to fend for themselves. Having inherited natural talents from their parents, the youngsters took to the stage as the best opportunity for a career. Charlie made his professional debut as a member of a juvenile group called «The Eight Lancashire Lads» and rapidly won popular favour as an outstanding tap dancer. The following year Charlie was even more in demand and signed with the Mutual Film Corporation for a much larger sum to make 12 two-reel comedies. These include «The Floorwalker», «The Fireman», «The Vagabond», «One A.M.» (a production in which he was the only character for the entire two reels with the exception of the entrance of a cab driver in the opening scene), «The Count», «The Pawnshop», «Behind the Screen», «The Rink», «Easy Street» (heralded as his greatest production up to that time), «The Cure», «The Immigrant» and «The Adventurer».

Samuel Langhorne Clemens (Mark Twain) was born on 30 November 1835 in Florida. His parents were John and Jane Clemens. After moving to Missouri John met Jane and some years later they married. There were seven children in their family but only four survived: Samuel, Henry, Orion and Pamela. Samuel was the sixth child.  At the age of 4 his family moved to Hannibal, Missouri. This town impressed him and it was later described in The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Missouri was known as a slave state and this theme became apparent in his writings. Mark Twain’s father was a judge. In 1847 he died when Samuel was eleven. In 1848 Samuel became an assistant of a printer. In three years he started working as a typesetter. His brother, Orion, owned a magazine and Mark worked on different articles for its content. At the age of eighteen Mark Twain left the town and began to work as a printer. He worked in different cities of the USA. Mark Twain became a famous American author and orator. A lot of critics and peers appreciated his wit. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Adventures of Huckleberry Finn made him noted. Mark Twain used different pen names that’s why some of his works are not known. There was a period when Mark Twain felt low. In 1896 his daughter Susy died of meningitis. In 1904 his wife died and in 1909 Jean died. He also had a close friend, Henry Rogers, who died in 1909 too.

John Winston Ono Lennon was best known as a singer, songwriter, poet and guitarist for the British rock band The Beatles. His creative career also included the roles of solo musician, political activist, artist, actor and author. As half of the legendary Lennon-McCartney songwriting team, he heavily influenced the development of rock music.

Many of his songs such as "Imagine" and «Strawberry Fields Forever «are often ranked among the best songs in popular music history. In 2002, the BBC conducted a vote to discover the 100 Greatest Britons of all time, and the British public voted Lennon into 8th place. Lennon was born in Liverpool on 9 October, 1940. Both of his parents had musical backgrounds. After his parents' divorce Lennon lived with his aunt and her husband throughout the rest of his childhood and adolescence. John Lennon decided to quit the Beatles in 1970. Of the four former Beatles, Lennon had perhaps the most varied recording career.

Lennon was tragically killed in 1980 by the obsessed fan named Chapman. He fired five bullets. One bullet missed, but four bullets entered Lennon's back and shoulder.



The Republic of Tatarstan is a subject of the Russian Federation. The Declaration of State sovereignty of the Republic was signed on the 30th of August, 1990. The names “republic of Tatarstan” and “Tatarstan” are equivalent

The official languages are Tatar and Russian

Tatarstan is one of the largest socio - economic, scientific and political centres of the Volga Region. It is located at the centre of the Russian Federation. It connects East and West, North and South of the country


Its area is more than 67 thousand square kilometers. It is as big as Ireland, Sri – Lanka, Lithuania. Tatarstan  is rich in oil. The most well – known oil fields are Romashkinskoye, Novo – Velkhovskoye, Pervomaiskoye and Bondyuzhskoye..

Tatarstan is also rich in brown and black coal, copper, gypsum, dolomites, clays, mineral waters and medical muds

Water resources

The republic has huge water resources. The Volga river system is of great importance to Russia and Tatarstan. The Volga, the Kama, the Vyatka and the Belaya rivers are the four longest rivers.


But there are also a lot of smaller rivers: the Zai, the Myosha, the Cheremshan, the Kazanka, etc and a lot of beautiful lakes, such as Lake Kaban, Swan Lake, Blue Lake, Deep Lake and others


The population of the Republic of Tatarstan is around 3,8 million people. 2,7 million people live in towns and cities.


One million people live in the countryside. Tatartan takes the eighth place in the Russian Federation (after Moscow, St. Petersburg, Bashkortostan, Moscow region, Krasnodar region, Rostov region, Sverdlovsk region).

Cities and towns

There are 19 cities and towns and more than 3000 settlements in Tatarstan. The largest cities are: Kazan, Naberezhnye  Chelny, Nizhnekamsk, Almetyevsk, Zelenodolsk, Bugulma


Tatarstan is a multireligious republic. During its history Tatarstan has accumulated the richest experience of peoples of various nationalities, ethnic and religious groups. More than 100 nationalities live friendly in the republic. 

The two main nationalities are:

the Tatars (more than 2 million people)

the Russians (1,5 million people).

The third place is taken by the Chuvashes – 126,5 thousand people.

 The important national values are tolerance, consensus and compromise.


The capital of Tatarstan is Kazan. Kazan is one of the oldest and most beautiful cities in the Volga region. Kazan is a thousand – year – old city with rich and unique history. In 2005 the people of Tatarstan, Russia and the whole world celebrated its millennium anniversary.

Suyumbike Tower

The most unusual structure in the Kremlin complex is the Suyumbike Tower. It has become the architectural symbol of Kazan and is famous a long way from the Republic of Tatarstan.

The Kazan Kremlin

The Kazan Kremlin reminds us of the role Kazan played in the long stormy history not only of Tatarstan and Russia, but of the Eurasian continent. From 1708 the Kremlin became the centre of the first Kazan district of the Russian Empire.


Tatarstan is a multicultural republic. There are many various festivals holidays. Some of them are specific to this or that nation. Many of them have become very popular common and loved by all. For example Sabantuy  Sabantuy is the most popular festival in Tatarstan. This holiday takes place at the beginning of summer. During this festival there are a lot of spectacular competitions. The most exciting are the horse races


Nauruz means the “New Year Day”. It is a very old festival. This festival takes place on the 21 st of March. This holiday symbolizes the end of darkness and the victory of the light over the evil. It is a bright and unforgettable festival. People sing songs and dance.


Million people all over the world are fond of sports and games. Sport is very popular in Tatarstan too. Today Tatarstan is the land of well – developed sportsmen, famous athletes, the Olympic champions known all over the world.

Ak Bars

The Kazan “Ak Bars” is the most popular ice – hockey team in Tatarstan. It has become one of the best ice – hockey teams in Russia. The Kazaners are always happy to go to their matches

National food


The Tatars like the pastries of all kinds very much. One of their favourite ones is “ishpishmak”. It is a triangle – shaped pie with chopped peppered meat, potatoes and some onion.


“Peremyach” is also a meat pie, but it is round. It is a very tasty!


Plov is one of the favourite dishes the people in Tatarstan choose to eat. It has meat, rice, onions, carrots and a lot of sapices.


If you like soups, you will probably like noodle soup and meat dumplings (pelmeni).


The most popular drink in Tatarstan is tea. The Tatars like tea with milk, with lemon or with dried apricots. And sweet pastries: “chuk – chuk”, “kosh tele”, “talkysh keleve” and much more.

Animals and birds

Tatarstan is famous for a large variety of species of animals and birds. There live hundreds of them. Some of them are in the red Book. The main task of the population of Tatarstan is to protect them for our future generations. Protected natural territories play an important role.



 Read the text.

The Fourth of July has been an American holiday for more than two hundred years.

Eventually, thirteen English colonies dotted the Atlantic coastline.  All the colonies were under the rule of the King of England. Until the 1760s, however, England didn’t pay much attention to its American colonies. Then England decided to tax the colonists. Americans were forced to pay tax on tea, glass, paper, and other items they needed. Many refused to buy these taxed items, and some began to talk about governing themselves.

In December 1773, some Boston colonists dressed as Indians slipped aboard an English ship docked in the harbor.  During the dark winter night, the “Indians” dumped the ship’s cargo of tea overboard into the water. This protest against British policies became known as the “Boston Tea Party.”

The British Parliament was furious and decided to punish the Bostonians. British troops were stationed in Boston, and many were housed in private homes.  Public meetings were outlawed, and the Port of Boston was closed. In September 1774, the first Continental Congress met in Philadelphia. The colonists who attended the Congress were angry and unhappy about British policies.  But they still thought of themselves as loyal to England.  They drew up a Declaration of Rights, hoping that the British Parliament would change its policies toward American colonists.  The British would not change.

In 1775 America’s War of Independence began.  In 1776, the Second Continental Congress appointed a committee to draft a Declaration of Independence.

One member of the Committee, Thomas Jefferson, wrote most of the Declaration of Independence.  In the preamble he wrote that “all men are created equal” and that they have a right to “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” The second part of the Declaration listed twenty-eight wrongs committed by the King of England against the colonies. And the third part resolved that the American colonies should be and were independent states.

On July 4, 1776, the Continental Congress approved the Declaration of Independence. John Hancock, president of the Congress, signed his name at the bottom in huge letters.  He wanted to make sure the King of England could read it without his glasses!  It was an act of bravery for all the Americans to sign the Declaration. Had the Country lost its war with England, all who signed would have surely faced the death sentence as traitors.

Today, the original Declaration of Independence is housed in the National Archives in Washington, D.C. The Liberty Bell, which rang out the news of independence from the top of the State House, is on display at Independence Hall in Philadelphia.

Outside the State House in Philadelphia, a crowd gathered, waiting to hear if the Congress would vote for independence. As the news spread, Americans everywhere celebrated with huge bonfires and other festivities. Ever since that day in 1776, the Fourth of July has been a time for Americans to celebrate their freedom and the nation’s birthday. The day is filled with family picnics, parades, concerts, reenactments of historical events and sporting events, while the night is a time for brilliant fireworks displays. People arrange thousands of candles in star, wheel, and pyramid shapes. Then they light the candles and set their creations floating on a nearby lake or river.


Ex.1. Using the text, translate from Russian into English:

Со временем, в конце концов; облагать налогом; говорить о самоуправлении; незаметно проникать; выбросить; злой; дислоцировать; объявлять вне закона; верный, преданный; составлять, вырабатывать (закон и т.п.); набрасывать черновик, редактировать; вступление; добиваться счастья; постановлять, принимать решение; храбрость; предатель; воспроизведение исторического события.


Ex.2. Do you know all these words and phrases from the text given above?

To dot, to be under the rule of, to tax, to be forced to (do smth.), an item, to slip, harbor (harbour), to dump, cargo, furious, to punish, troops, to station, outlawed, to attend, loyal, to draw, to (a) draft, a preamble, to create, to pursuit, to sign, to commit, to resolve, to approve, death sentence, a traitor, a bonfire, to (a) display.


Ex.3. Match the beginning of the sentences in the left column with their endings in the right column. Arrange the sentences in order according to the text.


1. In December 1773, some Boston colonists dressed as...

a)...an American holiday for more than two hundred years.

2. They hoped that Britain would...

b)...be loyal to England.

3. The third part resolved that...

c)...celebrated as the birthday of the American nation.

4. Today, the original Declaration of Independence is housed...

d)...on the Atlantic coast.

5. Britain was furious and...

e)...wrote that “all men are created equal”.

6. As the news spread, Americans everywhere...

f)...decided to punish the Bostonians.

7. The Fourth of July has been...

g)...approved by the Congress.

8. In June 1776, the Second Congress appointed...

h)...“Indians” slipped aboard a ship.

9. There were thirteen colonies...

i)...in the National Archives in Washington.

10. Thomas Jefferson, a member of the Committee,

j)...change its policies toward the American colonies.

11. The British would not change, and in 1775...

k)...many refused to buy these taxed items.

12. These colonies were under...

l)...a committee to draft a Declaration of Independence.

13. Since that day, the Fourth of July has been...

m)...celebrated with huge bonfires and other festivities.

14. British troops were sent to Boston...

n)...the American colonies should be and were independent states.

15. The colonists tried to be...

o)... the rule of the King of England.

16. In the preamble he...

p)...wrote most of the Declaration of Independence.

17. When England taxed the colonists...

q)...the War of Independence began.

18. They dumped the ship’s cargo of tea...

r)...and the port of Boston was closed.

19. The second part listed...

s)...the wrongs, committed by the King of England.

20. On July 4, 1776, the Declaration of Independence was...

t)...overboard into the water.



Britain is only a small country, but every part is different. Scotland is a land of mountains, lakes and romantic castles. The winters are cold, with plenty of snow, but the summers are often warm and sunny. Deer live in the hills, and the rivers are full of salmon. Edinburgh, Scotland's capital, is very beautiful. The heart of the city is the castle, where the kings of Scotland lived for centuries. Edinburgh has a busy cultural life. Every year, in August, the International Festival takes place. Musicians, actors and singers come from all over the world and thousands of visitors fill the city. In the evening, the opera house, the theatres and concert halls are full. In cafes and pubs, small groups sing, act and read poetry. The castle is at its best in Festival time. Every night there is a magnificent military "Tattoo". Highland soldiers wearing "kilts" play the bagpipes and march to the music. Tartans, the patterns of the kilts, have an interesting history. Since the fifteenth century, each Scottish family (or 'clan') has worn its own tartan as a kind of badge. It was a useful way of recognizing people, especially in times of war. Many tartans date only from the nineteenth century, but some of the old patterns still exist. "Dress" tartans, worn on special occasions, have light, bright colours. Huntingtartans are usually green, blue, or brown. Wales is a country of high mountains and pretty valleys. But Wales has plenty of industry, too. There are many factories and coal mines there. The people of Wales are very musical. Every year they have a festival of Welsh music and poetry called an "Eisteddfod".
A hundred years ago the north of England was the industrial heart of the country. The old factories have gone now and the workers have to look for jobs in the new "high-tech" industries. The centre of England (the "Midlands") is also an important industrial area, especially near the huge cities of Coventry and Birmingham, the centre of car industry. The west of England is a rich farming country. It produces milk, cream, butter, cheese and apples.
Northern Island is beautiful too. In the warm, wet climate much of the land is farming.
Britain is an island and there is no place to be too far from the sea Some of the coast, especially in the west, is wild and rocky, with small, sandy beaches, and romantic harbours.

castle - замок
deer - олень
Edinburgh - Эдинбург
bagpipe - волынка
tattoo - барабанная дробь
tartan - шотландский плед
salmon - лосось
"high-tech" industries - отрасли высоких технологий
cathedral - собор
coal mines - угольные шахты
Eisteddfod - айстедвод, состязание бардов (ежегодный фестиваль в Уэльсе)
beach - берег
harbour - гавань

1. What can be found there in Scotland?
2. What is the heart of Edinburgh?
3. What is annually held in Edinburgh?
4. How is the Festival observed?
5. What are tartans? When are they used?
6. What is England famous for?
7. What is Wales noted for?
8. What is said about Northern Ireland?


Литература и Интернет-источники

  1. Барменкова О.И. Эффективные приемы обучения английскому языку. - Пенза, 1997.
  2.  Биболетова М.З.,  Добрынина Н.В.,  Трубанева Н.Н.,  «Enjoy English» 5-6классы, - Обнинск: Титул, 2008. -224 с
  3. Бусова С.Ю.  Нестандартные уроки английского языка, Волгоград, «Корифей», 2006
  4. Дзюина Е.В., Поурочные разработки по английскому языку к УМК М.З.Биболетовой и др. «Enjoy English-3», М.: «ВАКО», 2009
  5. Дзюина Е.В., Игровые уроки и внеклассные мероприятия на английском языке, М.: «ВАКО», 2009
  6.  Закон РФ «Об образовании». - М., 1996.
  7. Мазур Л.Ю. Ролевые игры. // Первое сентября. Английский язык - 2004. - №35.
  8. Музланова Е.С. "Английский язык. Азбука ЕГЭ, 2011 г."
  9. Остапец А.А. Педагогика туристско-краеведческой работы в школе. - М., 1995.
  10.  Смирнов Ю.А., 55 устных тем по английскому языку для подготовки к урокам в 5-11 классах выпускным и вступительным экзаменам, М.: АСТ: Астрель;  Владимир: ВКТ, 2011.-159
  11. Сысоев Л.В. Язык и культура: в поисках нового направления в преподавании культуры страны изучаемого языка // Иностранные языки в школе, 2001, №4
  12. Тамбовкина Т.Ю. Региональный материал на уроках немецкого языка // ИЯШ, 1995, №1.
  13. Тамбовкина Т.Ю. О некоторых принципах построения интегрированного курса "Иностранный язык и регионоведение"// Иностранные языки в школе, 1996, №5.
  14. Томахин А.Д “Англоговорящие страны” Статья “Великобритания и Северная Ирландия”
  15. Топленкина И.П. Региональный компонент на уроках иностранного языка // Иностранные языки в школе.- 2007.- №3.
  16. http://www.ahmadtea.ru “Традиции Британии”
  17. http://www.anglia.ru “Традиции Британии”
  18. http://www.spamtest.ru “Эти странные русские обычаи”
  19. http://www.bbc.com “Путешествие англичанина в Россию”
  20. http://nota.triwe.net/teachers/bali/p055_056.htm
  21. http://nota.triwe.net/teachers/open/christ_quiz.htm
  22. www.englishforkids.ru/Seasons.shtml 
  23. http://englishon-line.narod.ru/leksika-spravochnik7.html
  24. http://www.en365.ru/moscow.htm 
  25. http://mockwa.com/forum/thread-2057
  26. http://nota.triwe.net/teachers/open2/faces.htm

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Kazan- the capital city of Tatarstan

Слайд 2

Universiade - 2013 There are any stadiums, sport complex, Olympic Village in Kazan. Sport complex “Zilant” Central stadium Olympic Village

Слайд 3

You know that in Kazan starts Universiade-2013. Sportsmen of all the world will take part in summer sport games. We can be volunteer and show our capital city to guests. Who want s be guide ?

Слайд 4

Kazan is one of the most wonderful cities in the world. It has many faces. Each part of Kazan has its own history and character

Слайд 5

Suyumbike tower - an architectural symbol of Kazan

Слайд 6

Kazan was founded 1000 years ago on the top of a hill on the left bank of Kazanka river. Thus it was situated close to the confluence of Kazanka and Bulak rivers. Kazan Kremlin Kazan Kremlin

Слайд 7

Spasskaya tower Spasskaya tower is the oldest museum in Kazan. Since long times ago articles of 1552 have been exhibited here, such as flags, can­nons and balls of Russian army.

Слайд 8

Administrative corps of the President of Tatarstan

Слайд 9

Governor Palace - the place where political power has been concentrated for centuries.

Слайд 10

Blagoveschensky Cathedral Blagoveschensky Cathedral was founded by Ivan IV in October 2, 1552.

Слайд 11

Kul Sharif mosque brings us reminiscence of the formerly existed splendid mosque of Kazan Khanate, demolished in the XVI century

Слайд 12

Office Housed Up to this day the building is used to house official governmental bodies, such as ministries and departments .

Слайд 13

Kazan is the place where two worlds meet each other. It has two origins Western and Oriental. And you see these all around and at every step. Welcome to Kazan!

Слайд 14

Check yourself! 1. What color is the flag of Tatarstan?- The flag of Tatrstan is green-white-red 2. What is our president’s name? - Rustem Minnekhanov is President of Tatarstan 3. When was Kazan founded?- Kazan was founded 1000 years ago 4. Are there many historic and cultural sights in Kazan? - Yes, there are a lot of historic and cultural sights in Kazan. 5. What is it worth to see in Kazan? – It is worth visiting Kul Sharif, Kremlin, Spasskaja Tower, Art Gallery, museums, Bauman-street. 6. When stars Universiade -2013? - Universiade -2013 starts on 6th of July 2013 7. Are you proud of your Homeland? - Yes, we are proud of our Homeland Tatarstan.

Слайд 15

Интернет-источники http://kazan2013.ru:8080/uploads/place/photo/10140/centralniy-stadium-345x230.jpg http://kazan2013.ru/ru/sportobjects/10147 https://www.makeureal.kazan2013.com/ Литература Откройте для себя Татарстан, Серия путеводителей , Выпущено по заказу Министерства по делам молодежи и спорту РТ , Издательский дом «Мир без границ» под общей редакцией Л . В . Милашевской

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Зве з дный час A famous sights of Moscow Презентацию подготовил: у читель английского языка МБОУ “Каратунская средняя общеобразовательная школа с углубленным изучением отдельных предметов” Апастовского муниципального района РТ Печкова Р.Х.

Слайд 2

1 тур St Basil’s Cathedral Uspensky Cathedral the Spasskaya Tower the Tretyakov Gallery the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts

Слайд 3

2 тур Choose the right answer 1. The capital of Russia is a) St Petersburg b) Yek а terinburg c) Moscow 2. The capital of Russia in 1900 was a) St Petersburg b) Yek а terinburg c) Moscow 3. The most famous Moscow theatre is a) the Bolshoi Theatre b) the Mali Theatre c) the Grand Opera 4. The founder of the Tretyakov Gallery was a) Pavel Tretyakov b) Savva Morozov c) Yuri Dolgorukiy 5. In the Tretyakov Gallery you can see a) a lot of books b) the treasures of the tsars c) beautiful pictures 6. In the Armory Chamber you can see a) a lot of stones b) the treasures of the tsars c) beautiful pictures

Слайд 4

3 тур Insert the articles where necessary 1. When we were in (…) Moscow , we sow (…) lot of sights . 2. Do you know about (…) Tretyakov Gallery ? 3. (…) Moscow metro looks like a place. 4. There are many fantastic buildings in (…) capital of our country. 5. (…) Kremlin is in (…) Red Square. 6. What is the (…) most famous Moscow theatre? 7. I have never been to (…) Red Square. 8. (…) clock which we can see today was installed in (…) middle of (…) 19-th century

Слайд 5

4 тур Read the sentence 23 5 12 3 15 13 5 20 15 13 15 19 3 15 23

Слайд 6

5 тур “ Hospitable ” 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Слайд 7

Our game is over

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

Изучение темы "Иррациональные уравнения и неравенства" в 10 классе

Материал содержит подробную технологическую карту уроков, которые проводятся при изучении темы "Иррациональные уравнения и неравенства" в 10 классе, где преподавание ведётся по учебнику Ш.А.Алимова. Д...

Материалы для изучения темы "Строение и эволюция Вселенной". Физика. 11 класс

Программа школьного курса физики (2 часа в неделю) предусматривает изучение темы «СТРОЕНИЕ  И ЭВОЛЮЦИЯ ВСЕЛЕННОЙ». На уроках используется учебник для 11 класса общеобразовательных учреждений ...

Научно-практическая разработка "Изучение темы "Алгоритмы и алгоритмические структуры в профильном классе ""

АктуальностьДанная работа является актуальной  в свете перехода на Федеральные государственные образовательные стандарты (ФГОС) третьего поколения. Введение ФГОС привело к существенному изменению...

Проект «Использование игровых технологий в процессе изучения темы «Изменения происходящие с веществами»» Химия 8 класс

Проект «Использование игровых технологий в процессе изучения темы «Изменения происходящие с веществами»»Проект разработан с учетом паралелльной работы по скайпу с учеником с ОВЗ. Особое внимание ...

Проект «Использование игровых технологий в процессе изучения темы «Изменения происходящие с веществами»» Химия 8 класс

Проект «Использование игровых технологий в процессе изучения темы «Изменения происходящие с веществами»»Проект разработан с учетом паралелльной работы по скайпу с учеником с ОВЗ. Особое внимание ...

Проект «Использование игровых технологий в процессе изучения темы «Изменения происходящие с веществами»» Химия 8 класс

Проект «Использование игровых технологий в процессе изучения темы «Изменения происходящие с веществами»»Проект разработан  с учетом паралелльной работы  по скайпу с учеником  с ОВЗ...

Реализация историко - научного компонента при изучении темы "Нефть"

В статье помещены теоретические и практические рекомендации по использованию историко - научного компонента при изучении темы "Нефть" на уроках химии....