Презентация к уроку "Я и моя семья"
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (5 класс) по теме

Онорина Елена Станиславовна

Презентация к уроку английского языка в 5 классе по теме « Я и моя семья» по УМК М. З. Биболетова, О. А. Денисенко, Н. Н. Трубанева


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Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

What makes me happy Little homework Nice weather I suppose,… My funny pet I believe,….. My best friend if you ask me,… My family

Слайд 2

Match the sounds and the words [r] [t] [h] [d ] [ θ ] [ ∫ ] [ ð ] [ w ] [ æ ] [ u: ] [ ε ə ] [ 3 ] Hospitable Talkative A thletic R ude Together Housewife Driver Sociable Responsible Caring Unusual

Слайд 3

Read the poem My mother is the dearest of all the friends I know She helps me work and helps me play That’s why I love her so ! My father is the dearest of all the friends I know He likes to take me out with him That’s why I love him so !

Слайд 4

Read the poem My ______ is the dearest of all the ____ I know She ____me work and helps me____ That’s ___ I love ____ so! My father is the ______ of ___ the friends I ____ He ____ to take me out ___ him That’s why I ___ him so!

Слайд 5

Read the poem My ______ is the ______ of ___ the ____ I ______ She ____me ____ and _____ me____ That’s ___ I love ____ so! My ______is the ______ of ___ the ______I ____ He ____ to ____ me out ___ him _____ why I ___ him so!

Слайд 6

Make up sentences 1. Sociable, is, friend, my. 2. Large, a, have, we, family. 3. Very, are, hospitable, they. 4. Are, hobbies, what, your? 5. Going, friends, am, invite, I, to. 6. The, can, guitar, play, she?

Слайд 7

Find the opposites Kind Stupid Polite Quiet Clever Friendly Naughty Obedient Shy Rude Noisy Cruel Unfriendly Sociable

Слайд 8

Make the negatives 1. She is creative. 2. He can play the piano. 3. They work hard at school. 4. I bought a new book. 5. She speaks English. 6. We will forget new words.

Слайд 9

- I say, Tom, is your family…… or ….? - My family is…… and what about….? - There are …of us in the ... : mum, dad, …… What do your parents …..? - My mother is a …. and my….. Do you get …… with your….? - Yes, we often…..Our family is ….. Are you happy with……. ? - Sure, my parents are…… and my …is…. We spend… I

Слайд 10

Thank you! you are special!

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