Charming space
проект по английскому языку (8 класс) по теме

Арусанова Виктория Ивановна

Урок-проект  по теме:"Космос" для 8-11 классов


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Слайд 1

Charming Space Charming Space

Слайд 2

Content Europe…………………………3 Titanium………………………5 Quiz……….7

Слайд 3

Europe Astronomers came to conclusion that under the big layer of ice that covers sputnik of Jupiter - Europe there is an ocean of water that is rich of oxygen. If there was a life in this ocean, millions tonnes of fish could live there because of this oxygen. However, there is no speaking about some complex life forms yet. Scientists tell that last researches of the ocean on Europe showed that there are all factors to beginning of life in this enormous pool.

Слайд 4

Fill in the gaps with correct words. Use the words below. Astronomers came to ________that under the big ____ of ice that covers sputnik of Jupiter - Europe there is an _____ of water that is rich of oxygen. If there was a ____ in this ocean millions tonnes of fish could live there because of this _____. However, there is no speaking about some ______ life forms yet. Scientists tell that last ________ of the ocean on Europe show that there are all factors to beginning of life in this _______ pool. enormous oxygen layer ocean researches conclusion life complex conclusion layer ocean life oxygen complex researches enormous

Слайд 5

Titanium Titanium - the first satellite ( спутник ) of Saturn, which was discovered by people . Titanium's surface ( поверхность ) is composed of ice. There are some Kriovulcans and methane ( метановые ) lakes . The atmosphere is made from nitrogen ( азот ), methane and ethane. The pressure of Titan is bigger then pressure of the Earh . The temperature is about -170 degrees. Despite the low temperature, there is a possibility of the availability ( наличие ) of simple life forms in underground reservoirs ( водоемы ), where conditions could be more comfortable then on the surface.

Слайд 6

Choose True (T), False (F) or Not Mentioned (NM). 1. Titanium - the fifth satellite of Saturn, which was discovered by people . 2. Titanium's surface is composed of ice. 3. Titanium's atmosphere is very dense . 4. There are a lot of water lakes on it. 5. There is a possibility of the availability of simple life forms .

Слайд 7

Quiz! 1. What animals first flew in space and survive? 2 . What planet is the largest in the Solar system? 3 . How many planets are there in the solar system? 4 . What planet is the closest to the Sun ? 5 . How old is the solar system? 6 . Which star is in the center of the solar system ? 7. Which planet in the Solar system is the coldest? 8. Which planet in the Solar system is the hottest ? 9. Who said: “ The infinity isn’t a limit!” 7

Слайд 8

10. What's the name of this constellation ( созвездие )? 8

Слайд 9

11. What is the title of the movie? 9

Слайд 10

The presentation is made by: Garatov Makhmud Abramenko Polina Adadurova Tatiana Reshetova Maria Information sources: http :// Титан_(спутник ) http:// 10

Слайд 11

11 Thanks for your attention!

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