Домашние контрольные работы по английскому языку для 8 класса
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (8 класс) на тему

Кривоноженкова Валентина Эрнстовна

К одним из способов осуществления дистанционного обучения можно отнести такой вид работы, как домашние контрольные работы,которые я предлагаю выполнять своим ученикам. ДКР включают в себя задания по всем видам речевой деятельности, которые обычно включены в любые виды контроля по английскому языку. Источником для заданий служат издания, рекомендованные для ипользования на уроках английского языка.

Ученики  систематически ( два раза в четверть)  получают задания по электронной почте и сами определяют, когда им удобнее выполнять задания и в каком темпе. Устанавливается только срок, к которому работа должна быть выполнена. Как правило, это- 9-10 дней. Им не только разрешается, но и настоятельно рекомендуется пользоваться словарями и справочниками.Более того, они должны произвести тщательный разбор всех заданий, которые потребовали обращения к справочнику или словарю. По истечении времени, отведённого на выполнение работы, ДКР разбирается и обсуждается с учителем в классе.

Такой вид работы  коренным образом отличается от всех привычных видов контроля. ДКР позволяют ученикам обрабатывать, анализировать, изучать программный материал в комфортных домашних условиях, что даёт им возможность  избежать ненужного стресса и волнения, и в то же время развивают навыки самостоятельной работы. Наряду с этим, они самостоятельно могут определить виды заданий, которые вызывают у них особые затруднения, чтобы уделять им больше внимания. ДКР прекрасный тренажёр для подготовки к различным видам контроля в классе.

Привожу несколько вариантов ДКР для 8 класса.


Предварительный просмотр:

Домашняя контрольная работа №1


Read the text about dogs and mark the sentences after it true, false, or don't know.

Grooming Your Dog

Many people have dogs as pets. Dogs look and feel better if they are groomed. Here are several tips to help dog owners groom their dogs.

It is best to groom dogs every day. The first step is to get dirt and dust out of their hair. Long-haired dogs should be brushed and combed. Short-haired dogs should be rubbed with a soft cloth. Never use perfume on dogs.

A dog's coat should be oiled about twice a month. Coconut oil is best because it isn't greasy. Rub the oil in well; then wipe it off with a towel.

You can trim your dog's hair. But be careful not to cut off too much. Dogs' hair protects them from insect bites and keeps them warm. Be sure to brush the dog well afterwards.

Most dogs don't like baths. You should handle them gently and use lukewarm water. Your dog's eyes and ears should be protected during a bath. Put two drops of castor oil in each eye. This helps if soap gets in its eyes. Put cotton in each ear to keep soap and water out. Lather your dog well with mild shampoo. Rinse the dog well to get all the soap out. Rub your dog dry with towels, and keep it inside for three hours.

Dogs' nails should not get too long. Buy good nail clippers at a pet store. Your vet can show you how to cut your dog's nails.

Your dog may not like to be groomed at first, but in time it may learn to enjoy all this attention.

  1. Dogs are people's favourite pets.
  2. You don't need to groom your dog every day.
  3. Always use perfume on dogs.
  4. A dog's coat should be oiled every month.
  5. Use cotton towels to wipe your dogs off.
  6. Don't cut off too much hair when trimming your dog.
  7. Most dogs like baths.
  8. Always take your dog for a walk after bath.
  9. Dogs like people cut their nails.

10. It's a good idea to groom your dog.

Use of English

1. Open the brackets. Put the verbs in suitable tenses.

The Poet and the Lady

A famous poet        {come) on a visit to a lady

who always          (say) that she          (be

fond) of literature and especially of poetry. When they         {sit) down to tea, the poet        {wonder) whether she        (receive) the little book

of poems he        {send) her. With a charming

smile the lady        {say) that the poems        

(be) splendid and she would like to read some from

the book, but she        {can not) remember where

she          {put) it. Her little son          (be)

ready with the answer, "Under the leg of the table, mama, to make it steady."

2. Choose the right answers.

  1. They usually        breakfast at 7. 30.

a) are having        b) have

c) have had        d) had

  1. John        to Spain last June.

a) has gone        b) goes

c) was going        d) went

  1. Look! They        on their computers.

a) are working        b) work

c) are going to work        d) have worked

  1. When I came home mum        dinner.

a) cooked        b)cooks

c) was cooking        d) is cooking

  1. He        at school from 1989 to 2003.

a) was working        b) works

c) worked        d) has been working

6.1 can't find my gloves. Somebody        them.

a) took        b) has taken

c) was taking        d) had taken

7. She        in France since April.

a) is living        b) has been living

c) lives        d) was living

8. He had a lot of influence        her decision

to go to the college.

a) at        b) for

c) on        d) by

9. They always do everything        

a) theyselves

b) themselves

c) themselevs

d) theirselves

10. I        three cups of tea in the morning.

a) was drunk

b) drank

c) drunk

d) was drinking

11. A lot of languages        on the territory of

Russian Federation.


b) spoken

c) are spoken

d) is spoken

12. Roses        

in the evening.

a) be brought

b) are brought

c) will be brought

d) bring

13. I        a report if I find information.

a) make

b) am making

c) will make

d) will be made

14.1        to the country if the weather is fine.

a) go

b) am going

c) will go

d) going

15. She is my        


a) good

b) better

c) best

d) goodest

16. It is the        

. beautiful view in the world.

a) more

b) most

c) much

d) many

17. I don't like eggs

        does Irene.

a) So

b) Neither

c) Either

d) No

18.I like pizza        does Jane.

a) No        b) So

c) Also        d) Such

19.The teacher        James to go away.

a) wondered        b) answered

c) asked        d) said

20.1 wanted to know if Jane        7~her granny.

a) visited        b) was visiting

c) has visited        d) was visited

21.The concert        yesterday was a failure.

a) was performed        b) performed

c) was performing        d) performing

22.The girl        ice cream is my sister.

a) eating        b) eaten

c) being eaten        d) was eating

23.The teacher wanted Peter        the lesson.

a) being answered        b) to answer

c) answering        d) answer

24.Mum always        me clean my flat.

a) having made        b) makes

c) to make        d) making

25.I heard Clara        the flute.

a) to play        b) play

c) played        d) being played

26.I like reading books        history.

a) on        b) about

c) for        d) in

27.My Dad        repairing his car by that time.

a) was starting        b) had started

c) started        d) has started

  1. He said that water        at zero point.

a) has frozen        b) freezes

c) has frozen        d) is freezing

  1. He asked me how long I          at my

present job.

a) was working        b) had been working

c) worked        d) have worked

  1. They voted        new president.

a) on        b) about

c) for        d) after

  1. Judging        words he is a nice fellow.

a) with        b) by

c) at        d) about

  1. Jane        to France at 1 o'clock on Saturday.

a) will fly        b) is going to fly

c) is flying        d) flies

3. Fill in one suitable word in each gap.

Our Dynamic Earth

Our Dynamic Earth is 1         most amazing

adventure of 2        time. It is a fantastic journey

3        discovery that 4        take you from

the 5        beginning of time to the unknown future of the planet 6        call home. You will travel

7        every environment on Earth and encounter creatures you 8          even knew existed.

You'll 9        shaken by earthquakes and face

boiling lava, you could 10        be caught in a

tropical rainstorm. 11         whatever happens,

you're sure to have the experience of a lifetime!

4.Ask as many questions as you can.

She saw it.

5.Use the words in the brackets at the end of each sentence to form the word that fits in the space provided in the same sentence.

1.She specialises in the        of antique paintings. (restore)

2.This seems to be a        way of dealing

with the problem (sense)

3.Gaiday's comedy 'The Caucasian Prisoner' is…….        (mortal)

4.A….        change in temperature causes a lot

of heart attacks, (drama)

5.Her lack of interest in the job was becoming…….. evident, (increase)

6.They were        for their part in the plot.


7.Painting is a        process, (create)

8.Newton was a        scientist, (brilliance)

9.Thanks for coming. I am really        (grate)

10. They have        lost faith in their actions.


Предварительный просмотр:



1. don't know 2. false 3. false 4. true 5. don't know 6. true 7. false 8. false 9. don't know 10. true

Use of English

  1. came, said, was fond; sat (down), wondered, received, had sent; said, were, could not, had put; was



— b

17 —b

25 —b

2 —d


— b

18 — b

26 —a

3 —a


— c

19 —c

27 —b

4 —c


— c

20 —a

28 —b

5 —a


— c

21 —b

29 —b

6 —b


— c

22 —a

30 — c

7 —b


— c

23 —b

31 —b

8 —c


— b

24 —b

32 —c

  1. 1. the 2. our 3. of 4. will 5. very 6. you 7. to 8. hardly 9. be 10. also 11. And so

She saw it

  1. She saw it, didn't she?
  2. Who saw it?
  3. Did she see it?
  4. What did she do?
  5. Did she or did he see it?
  6. Did she see or (did she) hear it?
  7. What did she see?
  8. What was it?
  1. 1. restoration 2. sensible 3. immortal 4. dramatic 5. increasingly 6. executed 7. creative 8. brilliant 9. grateful 10. evidently
  2. 1. immortal 2. sensible 3. rilling/brilliant 4. evident 5. restoration 6. could 7. restored 8. executed 9. evident

Russia is the largest country in the world. It is situated in Europe and Asia. There are many great lakes and rivers in Russia. The Volga and the Lena are among the longest rivers of the country.

Lake Baikal, however, is a great ecological concern of nowadays. We should take care of it. Therefore, different environmental measures should be taken to save the lake.

Russia is rich not only in natural resources, but also in flora and fauna. The climate of such a big country is varied from arctic to subtropical.

Russia is a federal republic. The official name of Russia is the Russian Federation. The President is the head of the country. The President controls the three branches of the state power" legislative, executive and judicial. The Russian Federation's national flag is white-and-blue-and-red. Moscow is the capital of the country

Предварительный просмотр:



Read the following text and correct the statements after it.

Too Well

After O. Henry

Miss Carington was a famous actress. She began her life in a small village named Cranberry. But that was long ago. Now she was to perform the leading part in a new comedy.

A capable young actor Highsmith by name dreamt of being Miss Carington's partner in the new play. He told it to the manager. The manager explained to the young actor that if he wanted to play the part he must persuade Miss Carington to accept him as a partner.

The young actor knew very well that it was the part of a young farmer. The next day he went to Cranberry where he stayed for three days and gathered much information about the life and the people of that small village. Then he returned from the village and went to one of the restaurants where actors usually gathered after the performance.

He saw a small party sitting at the table. The star of that party was Miss Carington.

She noticed a poorly dressed man enter the restaurant. He approached the famous actress, greeted her and told her much interesting news about her relatives and friends from Cranberry. The way he spoke made her believe every word he said. She was sure he was a farmer.

In the end he told the famous actress that her mother wanted to see her again before she died. I hen he gave her a rose he picked up from a bush in front of her house in Cranberry.

Miss Carington was so touched that she couldn't help crying. She thanked the young man and invited him to see her again at the hotel before he left the city.

The next morning the young man dressed in the latest fashion went to the hotel. He was sure Miss Carington would agree to take him as her partner in the play if he told her everything.

To his surprise he was told that Miss Carington had left for her native village forever.

Highsmith realised that he acted too well.

  1. Miss Carington was a young famous actress.
  2. She usually performed small parts in new comedies.
  3. Highsmith refused to perform the leading male part in the comedy.
  4. Miss Carington had to persuade Highsmith to take part in the new comedy.
  5. Highsmith was the star of the actors' party.
  6. He hesitated what to tell Miss Carington about her relatives and friends.
  7. Miss Carington didn't believe any Highsmith's word.
  8. She understood he was a bad actor.
  9. He presented Miss Carington with a bunch of roses.
  10. Highsmith went to the hotel casually dressed.

Use of English

1. Choose either the Present Simple or the Present Continuous in the following sentences.

1.Something        (smell) very good.

2.We                 (eat) dinner at seven o'clock tonight.

3.He….        (practise) the flute every day.

4.They        (drive) to school tomorrow.

5.I…..        (believe) you.

6.John         (hate) smoke.

7.Betty always        (get up) at 6.00 a.m.

8.Maria        (have) a cold.

9.Mary        (swim) right now.

10. Jerry        (mow) the lawn now.

2. Use either the Past Simple tense or the Past Continuous Tense in the following sentences as appropriate.

1.Bob          (eat) dinner when his friend


2.While Julia was cleaning the flat, Roy        


3.At 5 o'clock in the morning Rose Mary……….         (study).

4.When Betsy arrived, the Smiths        (have)

dinner, but they        (stop) in order to talk to her.

5.John        (go) to Spain last year.

6.When the teacher         (enter) the room,

the pupils were talking.

7.While Nora was writing the report, Henry         (look) for more information.

8.We        (watch) the film last night.

9.At one time Mr Green        (own) this building.

10. Dick        (write) a letter to his family when

his pencil        (break).

3. Insert the Past Simple or the Past Continuous.

1.When we        (open) the window, it        


2.It        (get) dark when we        (reach)


3.You        (find) these examples in the book

at the previous lesson.

4.1        (not/forget) to lock the door this morning.

5.The pupils        (work) in the field.

6.We        (arrive) ten minutes later.

7.We          (see) the men in the boat

which         (near) the harbour.

8.Ann still        (look) out of the window when

I        (enter).

9.She        (lie) in bed. She        (say)

she        (not/feel) well.

10.The rain        (pass) a big town in the night

und so we                 (not/see) it.

11.You        (write) all day yesterday.

4. Open the brackets. Put the verbs in the suitable tenses.

The Farmer's Treasure

A farmer who        (be) very ill        (hear)

from the doctor that he        (have) only a short

time to live. He         (be) not a rich man

and          (work) very hard all his life. But his

sons        (be) very lazy and        (not/like)

to work hard in the fields.

He         (call) his sons to his bedside

and         (say), "My sons, I        (die) very

soon and you         (be) alone on this farm.

I        (leave) a treasure, but you must find it yourselves in one of the fields."

He         (not/say) anything more and

soon        (die). His sons        (want)to find

the treasure very much, and though they        (be)

lazy they          (go) to the fields to dig.

They         (dig) all over the fields, but

they        (not/find) any treasure there. They        

(be) very tired and angry at first but when

they        (come) to plant wheat, they        

(find) their digging         (make) it much easier

for them. The harvest        (be) very rich and

they        (sell) it in the market and        (get)

a good sum of money. So now they        (understand) what treasure their father         (leave)



6.Fill in one suitable word in each gap.


Welcome 1        York — the medieval walled

city 2        over 2,000 years 3        history

lo charm and fascinate 4        visitors.

The ancient city boasts 5        historic attrac-

tions that will take 6        through the centuries

from the Roman and Viking period to 7        the

20th century.

Whether you visit 8        a day 9        a

weak, you 10        find 11         welcome

and a wealth of things to do and see. Come and discover the unique atmosphere of historic York.

7.Ask as many questions as you can.

I'll spend my holidays abroad.

8. Match the words with their definitions.

1 .curious

2. origin

3. success

4. inhabit

5. create

6. compare

7. global

8. periodical

9. surround

10. mystery

11. belong

a. something that you cannot understand, explain or get information about

b. to live in a particular place

с. to make something new exist or happen

d. to be all around something or someone

e. to be a member of a group or organization

f. to consider the ways in which people or things are similar or different

g. wanting to find out something

h. a magazine on a particular subject that is published regularly

i. the place or moment at which something begins

j. including or affecting the whole world

k. the achievement of something that you planned to do

9. Use the word in brackets at the end of each sentence to form the word that fits in the space provided in the same sentence.

1.He was only 22 when he        this masterpiece. (creation)

2.Mountains        the village on three sides.


3.He is writing a dictionary to explain the        

of the words. (original)

4.Put the chair where it        (belongings)

5.People were        to know why the accident happened. (curiosity)

6.Why she left was a        for him. (mysterious)

7.I have no idea what sort of people         

the area. (inhabitant)

8.I hate the way you always         me with

John. (comparison)

9.AIDS is a        problem nowadays. (globe)

10.His book was a great        , selling millions

of copies. (successful)

Предварительный просмотр:



  1. Miss Carington was an old famous actress.
  2. She usually performed leading parts in new comedies.
  3. Highsmith dreamt to perform the leading male part in the comedy.
  4. Highsmith had to persuade Miss Carington to take part in the new comedy.
  5. Miss Carington was the star of the actor's play.
  6. He told her much about her relatives and friends.
  7. Miss Carington believed every word he said.
  8. She was sure he was a farmer.
  9. He presented Miss Carington with a rose.

10. Highsmith went to the hotel dressed in the latest fashion.

Use of English

  1. 1. smells 2. are eating 3. practises 4. are driving 5. believe 6. hates 7. gets up 8. has 9. is swimming 10. is mowing
  2. 1. was eating 2. was sleeping 3. was studying 4. were having, stopped 5. went 6. entered 7. was looking 8. watched 9. owned 10. was writing, broke
  3. 1. opened, was raining 2. was getting, reached 3. found 4. didn't forget 5. worked 6. arrived 7. saw, was nearing 8. was still looking/entered 9. was lying, said, didn't feel 10. was passing, didn't see 11. were writing

4. was, heard, had; was, worked; were, didn't like; called, said, will die, will be; have left; didn't say, died; wanted, were, went; dug, didn't find; were, came, found, made; was, sold, got; understood, had left

6. 1. to 2. of 3. with 4. the 5. the 6. you 7. to 8. it 9. or 10. will 11. you

  1. 1 — g; 2 — i; 3 — k; 4 — b; 5 — c; 6 — f; 7 — j; 8 — h; 9 — d; 10 — a; 11 — e
  2. 1. created 2. surround 3. origin 4. belongs 5. curious 6. mystery 7. inhabited 8. compare 9. global 10. success
  3. 1. global 2. success 3. surrounded 4. look through 5. belongs 6. inhabit 7. origin 8. origin 9. create 10. curious

When Julius Caesar landed in Britain 2000 years ago, the English Language didn't exist yet.

Today, however, more than 750 mln people speak English. The major part (226 mln) of English-speaking population lives in the USA. Besides, about 80% of business information and two thirds of scientific literature are published in English.

More than that, 80% of 40 mln Internet users communicate in English, too. Therefore, the English language has become the international language.

Furthermore, knowing a foreign language gives you a chance to understand people from other countries.

Nowadays English is used in politics, business and sport. Thus, it is useful to learn English language. It breaks all cultural barriers and created cultural aware-

Предварительный просмотр:



Read the following text and match the rubrics with the paragraphs. There is one extra rubric you do not need to use.

A Money

В Social Concerns

С Free Time

D Parents

E Part-Time Work

F Politics

G Sport

H Worries

I Helping at Home

Teenagers on Both Sides of the Atlantic

What teenagers feel and do is also of interest to governments. The following facts are taken from the official survey.


Almost50 per cent of British teenagers have a part-time job.

The most popular jobs are working| in shops and stores (usually on Saturdays), doing a paper round (mornings, before school), or babysitting.


 Nearly all teenagers claim they help with the housework. But most admit they only do it because they have to.


 Two thirds of those who were interviewed take part regularly in one or more sporting activities. Swimming is very popular with both sexes, while more than 40 per cent of boys play football.


 Money is seen as a problem by most teenagers. Without it they can't buy clothes or CDs, or go to concerts, cinemas or discos. The majority ofgirls, spend their pocket money on clothes; half the hoys spend it on CDs and DVDs. Three quarters of all teenagers try to save at least some money.


 Most teenagers get along with their parents quite well. Although a lot of teenagers believe their parents are too strict, most agree that their parents offer help and support in times of crisis. When there are arguments, however, they are usually about what time they should come home at night, where they are going, and who they are going with.


Three thirds of teenagers admit they are not

interested in politics. They are not fond of attending political meetings and believe that their thoughts and ideas are ignored by politicians.


 The majority of all teenagers agree that it is important to help old or disabled people and to improve the environment. However, only a small minority actually do something themselves.


 Over half of all teenagers are concerned about how they look or they are worried about the clothes they wear. Many are annoyed that they're often treated like children, not adults. Possible unemployment is a major worry for a huge group of those teenagers who are still at school.

Use of Englisg

1. Open the brackets. Put the nouns in the correct form.

  1. There are a lot of (mouse) in the fields in autumn.
  2. (Sheep) give wool.
  3. The (child) are playing football in the football pitch now.
  4. I hate dentists but always consult them when I have bad (tooth).
  5. My granny has got five (goose).
  6. (Man) are usually stronger than (woman).
  7. "Your (foot) are dirty. Go and wash them with the soap," mother says.
  8. There are a lot of (deer) in Richmond Park in London.
  9. I've got a beautiful aquarium with lots of different (fish).

10. A lot of different (fruit) grow in my granddad's garden.

  1. Correct the mistakes.
  1. Potatos and tomatos are my favourite vetgetables.
  2. I've got two pianoes: an old one and a new one.
  3. The knifes were dirty.

4. My sister likes beautiful handkerchieves.

5 I collect photoes with the places I've been to.

6. Shakespeare wrote lots of tragedys.

7. Wolfes are dangerous animals.

8. Going to the different discoes is my hobby.

9. I've never seen any kangarooes.

10. There were a lot of heros during the Great Patriotic War.

  1. Complete the sentences with the definite, indefinite or zero articles.

1. They live in        new house.

2.Mozart was        composer.

   3.I'm writing        letter.

4. "Where is Betty?" "She is in        garden.

5. I'd like to speak to        manager.

6. Do you live far from        centre?

7.        beginning of the play was very thrilling.

8.         carrots are not expensive.

  1. The books are in        bookcase.
  2. I'm not very good at writing        letters.

4.Open the brackets. Put the verbs in the suitable tenses.

She Was not Amused

Geoffrey Hampden        (have) a large circle of

 friends and        (be) very popular at parties.

Everybody        (admire) him for his fine sense

of humor - everybody, that        (be), except his

six-year-old daughter, Jenny. Recently, one of

Geoffrey's closest friends        (ask) him to make

a speech at a wedding reception. This        (be) 

the sort of thing that Geoffrey          (love).

He                 (prepare) the speech carefully

and         (go) to the wedding with Jenny.

He         (include) a large number of funny stories in the speech and, of course, it        (be) a

great success. As soon as he         (finish),

Jenny        (tell) him she        (want) to go

home. Geoffrey        (be) a little disappointed by

this but he        (do) as his daughter        

(ask). On the way home, he        (ask) Jenny if

she        (enjoy) the speech. To his surprise

she        (say) she        (not/have).Geoffrey         (ask) her why this        (be) so and

she        (tell) him that she        (not/like) to

see so many people laughing at him!

5.Fill in one suitable word in each gap.

The Writers' Museum

Located in 1          heart of Edinburgh's Old

Town, The Writers' Museum 2         unique to

Scotland. Dedicated 3        the lives and works

of Scotland's great literary figures, 4         particular

 Robert Burns, Sir Walter Scott and Robert  Louis Stevenson, the museum contains rare collections  5……        memorabilia and manuscripts relating to 6……        three.

Displays in the museum 7         include material  relating to George Kemp, architect of the famous

Scott Monument 8         a reconstruction of

Scott’s drawing room at 39 North Castle Street. The Writers' Museum occupies the historic Lady Stair's

House built in 1622 9         a prominent merchant.

The Home takes 10        name from Elizabeth,

 Countess of Stair, 11         owned the

house in the early 18th century.

6. Choose the right variation.

I It's time we got on/down to work.

2. "The telephone rang when I was about to leave, and I couldn't get away/from."

3. "You'll be glad to have your operation away/ over"

4. "Get above/on my shoulders and have a look over the fence."

5. John hates getting up/from early.

6. How are you and your neighbour getting about/ along?

7.One of the climbers has fallen into a deep hole in the snow, and get out/away*.

8.”Excuse me I have to get out/off at the next stop."

7. Ask as many questions as you can. Everybody watched this film.

8. Match the words with their definitions.





  1. rude
  2. interpreter
  3. practise
  4. related



10. foundations

11. isolation

a. after an event or time that has already been mentioned

b. someone who changes spoken words from one language into another, especially as their job

c. connected in some way

d. to know and understand the importance of something

  1. the state of being completely separate from any other place, group, etc.
  2. solid layer of cement, bricks, stones etc that is under a building to support it
  3. to do an activity regularly in order to improve our skill or to prepare for a test
  4. useful in making a situation better or easier
  5. speaking or behaving in a way that is not polite and is likely to offend or annoy people

j.   to make someone feel sad because something they hoped for or expected did not happen

k. to learn words, music












9. Use the words in the brackets at the end of each sentence to form a word that fits the word in the space provided in each sentence.

1.Because of its geographical        ,the area

developed its own unique culture. (isolate)

2.They spoke good Spanish and promise to……………

        for me. (interpreter)

3.John is        the violin. (practice)

4.It should take us about three weeks to lay the


5.Sometimes it is        to make a list of eve-

lything you have to do. (help)

6.I'm sorry to        you, but I can't come after

All. (disappointment)

7.I hate        clothes. (fashion)

8.He could        a long poem in five minutes.


Предварительный просмотр:




1 — E; 2 — I; 3 — G; 4 — A; 5 — D; 6 — F; 7 — B; 8 —H

Use of English

  1. 1. mice 2. Sheep 3. children 4. teeth 5. geese
  1. Men 7. feet 8. deer 9. fish 10. fruits
  1. 1. Potatoes, tomatoes, vegetables 2. pianos 3. knives 4. handkerchiefs 5. photos 6. tragedies
  1. Wolves 8. discos 9. kangaroos 10. heroes
  1. 1. a 2. a 3. a 4. the 5. the 6. the 7. The 8. — 9. the 10. —
  2. has, is; admires, is; asked; was, loved; prepared, went; included, was; finished, told, wanted; was, did, asked; asked, had enjoyed; said, hadn't; asked, was, told, didn't like
  3. 1. the 2. is 3. to 4. and 5. of 6. all 7. also 8. and 9. by 10. its 11. who
  4. 1. down 2. away 3. over 4. on 5. up 6. along 7. out
  1. off


  1. 1 — d; 2 — k; 3 — j; 4 — i; 5 — b; 6 — g; 7 — c; 8 — a; 9 — h; 10 — f; 11 — e
  2. 1. isolation 2. interprete 3. practising 4. foundations 5. helpful 6. disappoint 7. fashionable 8. memorize

9. 1. interprete 2. Isolation 3. afterwards 4. helpful 5. memorize 6. rude 7. disappointed 8. average 9. foundations 10. up-to-date 11. wears old-fashioned

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