классный час по английскому языку (10 класс) на тему

Галимова Альманзора Михайловна



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Предварительный просмотр:


Классный час рекомендуется проводить с учащимися 10-го класса после изучения темы “Problems of a family”. Желательно нарисовать плакаты с высказываниями знаменитых людей. Если нет возможности сделать плакаты, то можно изготовить карточки и раздать по одной на каждую парту или написать эти высказывания на доске. Каждое высказывание следует обсудить с учащимися. Им предлагается упражнение типа: Read this statement 2nd agree or disagree with it. Give your reasons. Учащиеся прочитывают предоженное высказывание и формулируют свое мнение.

Т: Today we are going to speak about the place where we live. I want you :o read the following statements and comment on them. Everybody should express his own opinion.

The happiness of the domestic fireside is the first boon of Heaven; and it is well it is so, since it is that which is the lot of the mass of mankind. (Thomas Jefferson )

The doctor can bury his mistakes, but an architect can only advise his client to plant vines. (Frank Lloyd Wright)

We shape our buildings, thereafter they shape us. (Sir Winston Churchill)

Home is the place where, when you have to go there, they have to take you in. (Robert Frost)

T: Well, listen to me. “Home is not a place, it’s a road to be travelled”. So sang the Celtic people. This contrasts with: “My home is my castle”. English people say so.

What is ‘home’ for you? Is it a building? Kahil Gibran calls houses: "Tombs built by the dead for the living”. But can you make a house into a home by adding your own decor, your own style, your own furniture?

Ученики ( PI, Р2, РЗ . . . ) высказывают свое мнение, отвечая на поставленные вопросы.

Т: Where do you feel most ‘at home’? Is it in your bedroom with your books and your music and your posters? When you travel, what do you miss most? When you return, what comforts you most?

PI, P2, P3.. .

T: Some people feel most ‘at home’ in particular countryside. They feel as if they belong there. For example, on the side of a mountain overlooking the sea some people feel lonely and out of place. Others feel as rooted as the wind-swept trees. What about you?

PI, P2, P3 ...

T: “My roots are in ...”. Where are your roots? Are they in the place you live? Are they in the place your parents came from? Are they in your language, your family name? Or do you feel your roots going even further back, to a place or a people in history?

PI, P2, P3 ...

T: Why do you sometimes feel suddenly very attracted to a place you visit for the first time? It may or may not be very beautiful, why do you suddenly feel very comfortable there, as if you ‘fit’?

PI, P2, P3 ...

T: The travelling people are called ‘travellers’ in Ireland, ‘gypsies’ in some countries, ‘romanies’ in others. When they live a nomadic life, they respond to each regular site they stay on for a season. Their response is a rootedness, an ‘at home’ feeling, yet that place is not permanent. Their caravan travels with them. What would you take with you if you lived in a ‘gypsy caravan'? To what place would you take your caravan at different times of the year if you had free choice?

PI, P2, P3 ...

T: In the animal kingdoms some creatures, like oysters, mussels, clams and coral live completely fixed adult lives attached to a rock. Other creatures, gypsy-like, carry their homes with them as they move, hence the snail is the symbol of the U. K. Motor Caravaners Club. The snail’s shell grows with the snail. Harmit crabs have no shell of their own growing. They use discarded se- snail shells. When one shell gets too small the soft, unprotected hermit crab must leave the small shell and hurry to find the protection of a new shell. In between shells the hermit crab is very vulnerable. Is that how you feel when you have to move to a new house or to go away to a course, to live in a new place? Art there things you take with you to make you feel more at home in a new place0 PI, P2, P3 ...

T: The travelling people have very little space in their caravans. The tradition is that when a travelling person dies, all his or her possessions and the van are burned. In this way there is no accumulation of things to burden the generation. Would you like to use that tradition?

PI, P2, P3 ...

T: A travelling man married a non-travelling woman. At their wedding woman’s non-travelling friends gave, as wedding presents, all sorts of food- mixers and cutlery and sets of plates and glasses. She carried them to the caravan, but her husband said they were not needed. If she wanted them, she would have to carry them herself. After just a day of carrying them she left them at the roadside. It was true, they were not needed.

But Shakespeare’s King Lear cries “Oh question not the need” when his daughters try to persuade him not to bring his favourite things with him when be comes to stay with them. Is it healthier not to need unnecessary things? If you had to abandon your home suddenly because of flood or fire or war,

  • hat few things would you grab to take with you? (King Lear brought twenty
  • warriors — not easy to accomodate in the modern home!)

PI, P2, P3 ...

T: Here’s a picture of New York. (Ученикам предлагается посмотреть на картинку, на которой изображен Нью Йорк.) Could you make your home there? What would you do to feel comfortable in this town?

PI, P2, P3...

T: Here’s a picture of London. (Предлагается картина с изображением Лондона.) How different would you become, do you think, if you lived in London?

PI, P2, P3 ...

T: It’s all right. I see that you don’t support the Celtic people. You like you home and you want to live in it with your family. It’s very good. Thank you for an interesting discussion.

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