Сценарий англоязычного музыкального спектакля "We will rock you"
материал по английскому языку по теме

Кудимова Екатерина Владимировна

Сценарий мюзикла, описывающий жизнь, интересы и цели английских школьников.


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Онлайн-тренажёры музыкального слуха
Музыкальная академия

Теория музыки и у Упражнения на развитие музыкального слуха для учащихся музыкальных школ и колледжей

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The boy is sitting alone on the chair. Other children are entering.

- Guys! I’ve received a letter from our teacher! She’s writing that we’re going to the festival in Paris in 6 months.

- Wow! We have a chance to become famous!

- I have always wanted to visit Paris! This is the world of fashion.

- I think it may become true.

Staying at their places they are singing a song ____________________

The teacher is entering.

- Hi guys, I don’t want to disappoint you, but unfortunately we won’t be able to go to the festival.

- What?

- Our musical studio needs repairing. We haven’t got enough money, so our studio is closing in a month. Moreover, we haven’t got enough time to prepare a performance either. Well, I’m busy now, so I have to go away. You may go home (leaving).

- What a pity! It’s my dream!

- What can we do?

- We’ll keep on fighting!

- Oh, it’s not such a problem, that we won’t go there. Anyway, I’m afraid of height!

- You aren’t right! This is such a unique chance! We should lose this chance because of your phobia, shouldn’t we?

- As for me, I agree with S… Why should we boast in front of the Frenchmen? We are OK here.

- You’re crazy! Why did you come to the studio then?

- I agree with boys! Paris, the festival, so much fuss… It’s pretty funny!

The noise and different unclear words. The girl is entering.

- Hi! I’m late. What all this noise is about?

- We are in a difficult situation. We could go to the festival in Paris…

- Paris? Really?

- Yes, indeed. But there is a problem: our center is closing. We’re discussing the situation. We don’t know what we can do.

- So there’s nothing to think about. Money is the problem. If we find it, we’ll win!

- So, where can we get money?

- We can rob a bank!

- Oh, stop it!

- Why not? I saw it in the cinema.

- Hmmm, and how much money is necessary?

- A lot of money!

The girl is inspecting her bag and taking out an advertisement

- Maybe this will help? “A minute of glory: come and show yourself, a prize is $10 000 and a bar of gold”. Can it be true, what do you think?

- What are we waiting for? It’s necessary to come up with a performance!

- Hold your horses! If it’s not truth, what will we do then?

- Yes, sounds tempting. But Nika is right. What can we do?

- Stop it! Who we are?

- We’re actors.

- So we can act!

- We can sing & dance.

- Oh, haven’t expected, Kate! Good for you!

- Yeah, but the best is to sing I suppose.

- Right you are! (all together)

- But what are we going to sing? And how?

- One of us should sing alone. A crowd of untalented people will ruin the show!

- Why, you are so selfish. It’s better to sing together! We are going to be even closer!

- Oh, you’ve always been a downer!

- Vera, stop it! Behave yourself! We’ll sing together!

- No, I don’t like this idea!


- Let’s stop the discussion for today! Let’s go home. We will meet tomorrow and decide. Tomorrow will be a new day!

Everybody is leaving. The light goes down. The sounds of music. The children are appearing one by one.

- So, did everybody think well?

- Ok, let’s sing together!

- Finally!

- But the solo part will be mine. I sing better than the others.

- What? Tess sings greatly as well.

- I think that I sing better.

- Nika’s right. Tess has a wonderful voice.

- Let’ vote!

- Ok, but before this I’ll buy you all an ice-cream.

Eveyone but Tess and Dima are leaving. Tess is sitting on the floor.

- Tess, what’s the matter? Why don’t you go with the others?

- I’m in a bad mood.

- You are sad because you haven’t got anything to bribe them?

- To tell you the truth, I’m slightly upset.

- Don’t worry, this is not the most important thing, you’ll see!

The others go back.

- Well, let’s vote? But I think the result is clear!

- Yes, indeed. You are singing together.

- Right!


- But why?

- Friendship is more important than the ice-cream, you know.

- Thank you! What will we sing?

- Let’ sing _________________. You will start and you will continue! So… one…two… all together! (singing)

- Wow! It was cool! We’re ready!

- When is the contest?

- The day after tomorrow!

- So soon!

- We’ll set the world on fire! It’s necessary to prepare nice costumes.

- It’s not a problem! Let’s put on something bright!

- Good idea!

- I should admit that you sing well!

- Excellent!

Everybody is leaving. The sounds of a show. The children in the costumes go back. The music of another performance.

- Oh, I’m panicking!

- Take it easy!

- Girls, it will be great! Are you ready?

- Yes!

- Sure!

-  Wait a second? Where is the disc? We should give it right now!

- I don’t have it.

- Me neither.

- Someone has stolen it!

- What should we do?

- Oh, do you hear the cheers?

- And now our next participants, the __________ band. Meet them!

- What can we do?

- I know what to do! Let’s go! Follow me!

He starts tapping the rhythm of “We will rock you”. The others follow him.

- Ah! Everybody know this song! (singing)

- Wow! What a great performance! Tell me why didn’t you sing the song you wanted?

- It’s a secret!

The sound of a show. The light goes down.

- OK, dear audience! Now it’s your turn to vote and in a few minutes we’ll know the winner’s name! (sounds of music)

- So the time has come! The name of the winner is _____________

The children are running to the center of the stage.

- This prize is yours! Tell me how you will spend it?

- We’ll repair our studio!

They are alone on the stage.

- You know, this story should teach us a lesson!

- Oh yes!

- We mustn’t bribe!

- We should work together!

- Follow our aims!

- Think and react quickly!

- You see, this performance brought us together.

- So let’s sing all together? (singing the song ________________________________)

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