Презентация к неделе иностранного языка
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (9 класс) на тему

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Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

TONGUE TWISTERS All participants in turn try to say them in the best way they can. Those who succeed get from 1 to 5 points for each tongue twister, depending on the degree of difficulty.

Слайд 2

Twice is two, twice ten is twenty. She sells seashell on the seashore . The rain in Spain stays mainly on the plain .

Слайд 3

Whether the weather is fine, Or whether the weather is not, Whether the weather is cold, Or whether the weather is hot, We’ll weather the weather Whatever the weather, Whether we li ke it or not.

Слайд 4

She sells seashells on the seashore . The shells she sells are seashells, I’m sure. For if she sells seashells on the seashore, Then I’m sure she sells seashore shells.

Слайд 5

Betty Botter bought some butter , But she said: The butter’s bitter. If I put it in my batter , It will make my batter bitter, But a bit of better butter Will make my batter better. So she bought a bit of butter Better than her bitter butter.

Слайд 6

MISSING RHYMES Fill in the missing words in the following rhymes.(1 point for each)

Слайд 7

Little drops of water, Little grains of sand, Make the deepest ocean, And the driest ________.

Слайд 8

The snowflakes are falling By ones and by twos, There is snow on my coat And snow on my _______.

Слайд 9

There is snow on the plants And snow on the trees, And snowflakes all round me Like many little ___________.

Слайд 10

RIDDLES What is it? ( 1 point for each).

Слайд 11

What can you see with your eyes shut?

Слайд 12

What falls, but never rises?

Слайд 13

What begins with T, ends with T and has T in it?

Слайд 14

PROVERBS. Choose the right word. Translate the proverb into Russian. (1 point for each)

Слайд 15

A good beginning makes good ________ Result / ending / finish

Слайд 16

He laughs best, who laughs ____________ First / fast / last

Слайд 17

It is never too late to___________________ Teach / learn / marry

Слайд 18

As the tree, so are the ___________________ Birds / apples / fruits

Слайд 19

First catch your _______, then cook it. Rabbit / hare / chicken

Слайд 20


Слайд 21

Act - - Not- East- Stop - Ten- Eat- Race- Taste - Fare - Hear-

Слайд 22

. MISTAKES. Find a spelling mistake (2 points)

Слайд 23

Explaination Dissapear Neibour Hieght Goverment Argument Beautifull Fourty Sucsess Buy-buy

Слайд 24

MISTAKES. Find grammar mistakes (3 points each)

Слайд 25

Look! There is police and a lot of fireman in front of our house. What are you doing ? I’m a taxi driver . Your cousin had to help you with your luggages , hadn’t he

Слайд 26

. WHO IS THE CHARACTER? Guess the character of the book( 2 points each).

Слайд 27

He is a young boy whose hair is black and eyes are green. Being an orphan he lived in his aunt’s house and had never guessed that he came from a wizards’ family until he received a letter from a wizards’ school.

Слайд 28

Her parents are dentists and know nothing about magic, but they are proud of their daughter who is one of the most brilliant students at Hogwarts School.

Слайд 29

She could not stay at the ball after the clock struck twelve, so she had to run away, leaving her slipper for the prince to find it.

Слайд 30

He is a naughty boy who lives with his aunt, his step-brother and step-sister. He doesn’t like washing, he hates school. But he loves adventures and finding treasures.

Слайд 31

He is very good at deduction. He investigated a lot of different mysterious events and crimes. He smokes a lot and loves playing the violin.

Слайд 32

She is a an old spinster from a small village in England. She is very good at solving different problems, including murders, though she is not a detective at all .

Слайд 33

PROVERBS. Translate a proverb into Russian. (1 point each).

Слайд 34

When in Rome , do as the Romans do.

Слайд 35

Out of sight, out of mind .

Слайд 36

Curiosity killed the cat.

Слайд 37

GEORRAPHY . Each sentence contains the name of the country and its capital (5 points each).

Слайд 38

Off ran Cecil at a gallop – a risky thing with so much traffic .

Слайд 39

I thought it a lying report from every point of view.

Слайд 40

My brother rode his VESPA in a mad ride round the town.

Слайд 41

MAKE UP DIALOGUES. You are given some situations. In a minute get ready to dramatize them. ( 5 points each)

Слайд 42

You come home from work and find out that your flat has been burgled. Call for the police. Use as many numerals as you can .

Слайд 43

You are looking for a new pair of jeans. The shop assistant is not very helpful. While talking to each other use as many adjectives (comparative or superlative degrees) as you can.

Слайд 44

You are on board the plane. The passenger, sitting next to you, looks as if he is very afraid of flying. You are trying to cheer him up, but in vain.

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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