Национально-региональный компонент. My Motherland – Kurumkansky region
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (11 класс) по теме

Доржиева Тамара Дашиевна

Данная презентация может быть испльзована в качестве дополнительного материала в 11 классе в разделе "Города".


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Слайд 1

My Motherland – Kurumkansky region Ex. 1 Let’s learn these words, please: t o be located/ to be situated – быть расположенным v alley – долина to border on – граничить upper – верхний r icher – t o be founded – быть основанным p opulation – население remarkable – замечательный event – событие voluntarily - добровольно

Слайд 2

Ex. 1 Let’s learn these words, please: 11. fate – судьба 12 . bound – связать 13. separate – отдельный 14 . nomadic – кочевой 15 . tribe – племя 16 . favorable conditions – благоприятные условия 17. peasant – крестьянин 18 . wheat – пшеница 19 . rye – рожь 20 . oat - овес 21. settled way of life – оседлый образ жизни 22 . influence - влияние

Слайд 3

Ex . 1 Let’s learn these words, please: 24 . deposit – залежь, россыпь 25 . boulder – 26. to be connected with – быть связанным с 27 . resettlement – переселение 28. e arthquake – землетрясение 29. t o be surrounded by – быть окруженным 30. c oniferous – хвойный 31. b looming – цветение 32. t o sunbath – загорать 33. household yard – подворье 34. e ducational institution – образовательное учреждение 35. maternity - родильный

Слайд 4

Ex . 1 Let’s learn these words, please: 36. o ffer – предлагать 37. m erchant – купец 38 . r esident – житель 39. primary school – начальная школа 40 . state – государство, штат 41. w orship – поклоняться 42. spirit – дух 43. p rosperity – благополучие 44. sacred - священный 45. coax - задобрить

Слайд 5

Ex. 2 True, false or no information Kurumkansky region is located in the south of Buryatia . It borders on Burguzinsky region. The district is the part of Western Siberian region. The population of the region is multicultural. Big separate tribes joined the agricultural cooperatives. The Buryats didn’t want to have a settled way of life. The name of Kurumkan comes from a Mongolian word. The earthquake happened by lake Baikal in 1863. The village is surrounded by taiga. The Burguzin river is long and beautiful. We have a lot of educational institutions.

Слайд 6

Ex. 2 True, false or no information 12. We have no trade centers in the village. 13. We can offer our guests traditional Buryat and Russian food. 14. The oldest building in Kurumkan was the house of Kapustin. 15. We like to celebrate our national and state holidays. 16. Traditionally the Buryat people worship God.

Слайд 7

Ex. 3 Answer the following questions: Where is Kurumkansky district located? What regions does it border on? What does it also occupy? Is the district the part of Eastern Siberian region? What is the territory of the region? When was the region founded? What is the population of the district? How many populated areas are there in it? What is the ethnic composition of the region? What was a remarkable event 350 years ago? What kind of tribes were the Buryats in the 17 th century?

Слайд 8

Ex. 3 Answer the following questions: 12. What did the Russian peasants help the Buryats to do? 13. What language does the name of the village come from? 14. What does it mean? 15. What is the history of the village connected with? 16. What is the village surrounded by? 17. Where do young people and families spend their summers? 18. How many household yards are there in Kurumkan ? 19. What educational institution does the village have? 20. What famous people of Buryatia graduated from our schools?

Слайд 9

Ex. 3 Answer the following questions: 21. What cultural centers do we have in the village? 22. Where can we do the shopping? 23. What national dishes can be offered to visitors of the village? 24. What is the oldest building in Kurumkan ? 25. What national and state holidays do our people like celebrating? 26. What do the Buryat people traditionally worship? 27. What way do they worship their spirits?

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