Времена глагола
тест по английскому языку на тему

Солопко Ольга Николаевна

Времена глагола


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Предварительный просмотр:


1. Сделайте следующие предложения отрицательными.

 1. We shall have examinations next month. 2.  I bought a new coat some days ago. 3. My parents went to the South last summer.  4. We have dinner at home.  5.  Their lessons begin at 10 o'clock.  6. He likes hockey very much.

2. Задайте общие вопросы.

1. This boy speaks English well. 2. He will leave for Moscow in three days.  3. Her brother wants to become an engineer.  4. She sent a letter to her friend last week.  5. The postman brings us our newspapers.  6.  He played football in the yard.  7. His mother teaches History.  8.My sister gets up at seven o'clock.

3. Задайте специальные вопросы, начиная их вопросительными словами из скобок.

1. Ivanov teaches us Biology (who, what).   2. They will translate this text next week (who, what, when).  3. She always has dinner at home at 3 o'clock (who, what, when).  4. His son goes to bed at 9 o'clock (whose, when).   5.  Children study the English language at this school (who, what, where).

4. Поставьте глагол в форму Present Perfect, Present Indefinite или Present Continuous.

1.  They often (to spend) their summer vacation at the seaside.  2. The rain (to stop). We can go home now.  3.  It often (to rain) in October.  4.  How many times you (to be) to the Exhibition? I (to be) there several times.   5.  Where is Peter? He (to play) tennis.   6. He usually (to play) tennis at this time.   7.  Moscow (to change) very much. It (to become) more beautiful.

 5.  Поставьте глагол в форму Past Perfect или Past Indefinite.

 1. They (to study) English before they (to begin) to study at the University.

2. They (to finish) the building of the station by the end of the last month.

3. Uncle Garro (to visit) Uncle Melic before the latter (to leave) for New York.

4. He (to pack) all the things by 5 o'clock yesterday.

5. He (to receive) the telegram after he (to come) home.

6. They (not to reserve) a room in a hotel before they (to leave).    

6.  Определите видо-временную форму глаголов в следующих предложениях.

1 The teacher explains new material at every lesson. 2. The teacher is explaining new material now. 3.  The teacher has explained new material this week. 4. The teacher has been explaining new material for ten minutes since 9 o'clock in the morning. 5. The teacher explained new material yesterday.  6. The teacher was explaining new material yesterday at 10 o'clock. 7. The teacher had already explained new material when I came to class yesterday.  8. The teacher will explain new material tomorrow. 9. The teacher will have explained new material tomorrow by the end of the first lesson.

7.  Поставьте глагол в форму Past Indefinite, Past Continuous, Past Perfect, Past Perfect Continuous или Present Perfect.

1.I (to write) a letter yesterday. 2. I (to write) a letter. Read it. 3. I (to write) a letter before Mother came. 4.I (to write) a letter while he (to read) a book. 5.I (to write) a letter still when he (to come). 6.I (to write) a letter for an hour when he (to come) yesterday. 7.I (to read) the book and can retell it. 8. I (to read) this book last year. 9.I (to read) this book before you (to come). 10.I (to read) this book still when he (to come). 11. I (to read) this book for three hours when he (to come). 12.I (to make) my report last week. 13.I (to make) my report this week. 14.I (to make) my report at the moment you (to enter) the hall. 15.I (to make) my report for about two hours when you (to enter) the hall. 16. They (to learn) the new words. You may check them. 17. They (to learn) the new words only by nine o'clock in the evening. 18. They just (to learn) the new words. 19. They (to learn) the new words yesterday from three till seven. 20 They (to learn) the new words for several hours when I (to go) out. 21. It (to rain) all day yesterday. 22. It (to rain) for several hours when I (to go) out. 23. It (to rain) yesterday. 24. It (to rain) last week. 25. It (to rain) before you (to come).

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