Времена глагола. Упражнения
тест по английскому языку на тему

Солопко Ольга Николаевна

Времена глагола. Упражнения


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Предварительный просмотр:

Упражнение  1                      Поставьте глагол в форму Present Continuous или Present Simple.

1. Good morning, Ann! Where you (to go) now? - I (to go) to the post-office to send a telegram. 2. Where is Nick? - I think he (to play) football in the yard. 3.I (not to like) the picture you (to look) at now. 4. What that woman (to do) here? - She (to sell) ice-cream. 5. He usually (to do) his homework at home, but now he (to prepare) it at the library as he has not got the necessary books at home. 6. Hallo! Petrov (to speak). 7. What you (to buy) here? - I (to buy) textbooks and books for the new school year. 8. She (to read) books in three languages, and now she (to read) an English novel. 9. In autumn many birds (to fly) to the South. Look! How many birds (to fly) high up in the air! 10. There are many children in my garden. Some of them (to run) about, others (to sit) on the benches. They all (to laugh).

Упражнение  2                     Поставьте глагол в форму Past Continuous или Past Simple.

1. My friend (to talk) to Professor Ivanov when I (to see) him. 2. When the students (to hear) the bell, they (to get) up and (to leave). 3. The two men (to discuss) something when we (to interrupt) them. 4. The girl (to fall) and (to hurt) herself while she (to ride) her bicycle. 5. We just (to leave) the house when the telephone (ring). 6. He (to sit) in a cafe when I (to see) him. 7. When I (to go) out, the sun (to shine). 8. While she (to play) the piano, I (to write) a letter. 9. When the telephone ring, we (to have) dinner. 10. She (to go) to the plant when I (to meet) her. 11. He (to watch) TV when I (to come) to see him. 12. She (to wait) for her new friend at that time. 13. When I (to look) out of the window, I (to see) that it (to rain) hard and the people (to hurry) along the street.

Упражнение  3                      Поставьте глагол в форму Future Continuous или Future Simple.

1. When you come home, I (to do) my lessons. 2. We (arrive) in Moscow at 10 o'clock in the morning. 3. They (to live) in their new house when you come. 4. When you return, I still (to pack) my suitcase. 5. We (to wait) for you right here when you return at 6 p.m. 6. We (to send) you a telegram as soon as we arrive in Sochi. 7. We (to wait) for you at the corner until you come with the car. 8. We (not to start) dinner until everyone gets here. 9. He (to give) her your message when he sees her. 10. We (to wait) for you in front of the theatre at a quarter past seven.

Упражнение  4

Поставьте глагол в форму Present Perfect, Present Simple или Present Continuous.

1. I (to study) English now. 2.I (to learn) already five hundred words. 3. My friend (to speak) English fluently. 4. He (to read) already some books in the original. 5. My sister is not at home. She (to leave) for Moscow. 6. She often (to go) to Moscow. 7. I'm sorry. I (to forget) the title of the book. My brother (to read) it now. 8. They often (to spend) their summer vacation at the seaside. 9. The rain (to stop). We can go home now. 10. It often (to rain) in October. 11. How many times you (to be) to the Exhibition? I (to be) there several times. 12. Where is Peter? He (to play) tennis. 13. He usually (to play) tennis at this time. 14. Moscow (to change) very much. It (to become) more beautiful.

Упражнение  5                      Поставьте глагол в форму Present Perfect или Past Simple.

1.I (to read) that book. 2. I (to read) that book last year. 3. My parents (to live) in Irkutsk for twenty years. 4. Two years ago I (to return) to Irkutsk. 5. Before our graduation we often (to meet) each other. 6. We (to spend) two weeks in Moscow last year. 7. I never (to be) to London. 8. My friend (to be) several times. 9. She (to be) in London last summer. 10. I never (to see) the sea. 11. My friends (to have) a good time at the party last night. 12. I (to watch) an interesting programme on television last night. 13.I never (to travel) by air. 14. They (to go) on an excursion by bus last night. 15.I just (to see) my friends.

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