Игра Лото по теме Home 3 класс
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку на тему

Данилова Екатерина Вячеславовна

Игра Лото (прототип игры русское лото) по теме Home 3 класс


Файл loto_3_kl_spot_home.docx22.63 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:

There is a blue table

There is a man in front of the woman

There are blue tables

There are men in front of the woman

There is a yellow sofa

There is a glass under the bed

There are yellow sofas

There are glasses under the bed

There is only one mirror in the living room

There is one mouse behind the cupboard

There are mirrors in the living room

There are mice behind the cupboard

There is a fridge in the kitchen

There is a cooker under the cupboard

There are fridges in the kitchen

There are cookers under the cupboard

Здесь голубой стол

Мужчина стоит перед женщиной

Здесь голубые столы

Мужчины стоят перед женщиной

Здесь желтый диван

Под кроватью стоит стакан

Здесь желтые диваны

Под кроватью стоят стаканы

В гостиной одно зеркало

За шкафом с полками находится мышь

В гостиной есть зеркала

За шкафом с полками находятся мыши

На кухне есть холодильник

Под шкафом с полками находится кухонная плита

На кухне есть холодильники

Под шкафом с полками находятся кухонные плиты

There is a man in front of the woman

There are blue tables

There are men in front of the woman

There is a yellow sofa

There are glasses under the bed

There is only one mirror in the living room

There is one mouse behind the cupboard

There are mirrors in the living room

There is a fridge in the kitchen

There are fridges in the kitchen

There are cookers under the cupboard

There is a blue table

There is a man in front of the woman

There is a yellow sofa

There are yellow sofas

There are glasses under the bed

There is only one mirror in the living room

There is one mouse behind the cupboard

There are mirrors in the living room

There are mice behind the cupboard

There is a cooker under the cupboard

There are cookers under the cupboard

There is a blue table

There are blue tables

There are men in front of the woman

There is a yellow sofa

There is a glass under the bed

There are yellow sofas

There is one mouse behind the cupboard

There are mirrors in the living room

There is a fridge in the kitchen

There is a cooker under the cupboard

There are cookers under the cupboard

There is a blue table

There are blue tables

There is a glass under the bed

There are yellow sofas

There are glasses under the bed

There is one mouse behind the cupboard

There are mice behind the cupboard

There is a fridge in the kitchen

There is a cooker under the cupboard

There are fridges in the kitchen

There are cookers under the cupboard

There is a blue table

There is a man in front of the woman

There are men in front of the woman

There is a yellow sofa

There is a glass under the bed

There are yellow sofas

There is only one mirror in the living room

There are mice behind the cupboard

There is a cooker under the cupboard

There are fridges in the kitchen

There are cookers under the cupboard

There is a man in front of the woman

There are blue tables

There are men in front of the woman

There is a yellow sofa

There are yellow sofas

There are glasses under the bed

There is only one mirror in the living room

There is one mouse behind the cupboard

There are mice behind the cupboard

There is a cooker under the cupboard

There are fridges in the kitchen

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