Задания раздела "Грамматика, лексика - словообразование"
материал для подготовки к егэ (гиа) по английскому языку (9 класс) на тему

Лидия Анатольевна Цыганова

Представленный материал представляет собой подборку заданий на тренировку словообразования, проверяет знания учащихся приставок и суффиксов, необходимых для создания слов разных частей речи. 


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Предварительный просмотр:

Word formation exercises

Ι. People have many (differ) ______________________ reasons for learning languages. For the (major) ___________________ of students, languages play a key role in the curriculum and they have no (choose) _____________________ in the matter. For the others, the (know) ____________________ of the second language offers the                                        (possible) ____________________ of being successful in their professional lives.  English is (particular) ______________________ important as it is the international means of                                                  (communicate) _____________________. There is always someone who decides to learn a language simply for (please) ______________________.

ΙΙ. (Visit) ________________________ to Madame Tussaud’s museum are sure to be impressed by the amazing (vary) _________________________ of wax models to be found there. The (exhibit) _______________________ contains models of well-known                      (music) ______________________, (politics) _________________ and other celebrities (fame) ____________________ all over the world. There are                                                    (history) ________________________ and (religion) _______________________ figures, as well as models of the British (monarch) _______________________. It is one of the top tourist  (attract) ________________________ in London.

ΙΙΙ. One of the (invent) ______________________ of the late twentieth century which has become (increase) ______________________ important is the mobile phone. When they first went on (sell) _____________________, the phones were large, heavy and extremely                                              (expense) _____________________. The phones are (use) ___________________ for people who travel a lot as without the phone it would be                                                        (possible) _______________________ for them to stay in touch. However, it is                      (annoy) ______________________ if you are on a train looking forward to a                                               (peace) _______________________ journey and somebody begins talking                               (loud) ____________________ on a mobile phone about nothing of any great                (important) _____________________.

ΙV. One of the greatest (perform)  _____________________ I’ve ever seen was an Italian (magic) ___________________called Lorenzo the Great. In front of the huge audience which included several (journal) __________________ from the local press, he actually managed to (proof) _______________ that telepathy is possible. First, he gave me a book by a famous (write) ________________ and asked me to look at a cover                                   (care) __________________. There was nothing (suspect) __________________ about the book. Next, Lorenzo told me to (choice) _________________ a word from any page and tell him the first letter. Then he sat down at a computer and typed the word I had been looking at in the book. I cannot think of a (science) _________________ explanation for his success despite the fact that I’m a professional (science) ________________.

V. Last week I made a (suggest) _________________ to my cousin Alex, offering to take him to an (amuse) _________________ park. He was very excited because it was his                 (favour) ____________________ place. However, from the moment I picked him up, he was very (noise) _________________, which surprised me a lot. While we were waiting to get on a ride, he suddenly (appear) __________________. (Luck) _________________,             the manager, who was very (help) _________________, found him an hour later in a crowd. He (apology) ________________ to me immediately but I was so angry that he had left. Finally, I made a (decide) _________________ never to take Alex out again.

VΙ. Do you know what job or career you want to do when you leave school? If so, you are (luck) ________________. For most teenagers, thinking about future jobs can lead to (confuse) __________________. That’s what careers advisers are for. They’re people who ask you questions about your (prefer) ___________________ and help you with your choices. They can make (suggest) ____________________ about jobs which might suit you, and can also make (recommend) _____________________ about where to find more (inform) ___________________. Choosing the right career can be a problem and you need to search for the best (solve) ____________________.

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