методическая разработка по английскому языку (6 класс) на тему

Лескова Елена Павловна

Тема: " The USA." Дополнительные задания к учебнику английского языка 7 класс, И.Н. Верещагина, О.В. Афанасьева. Задание: соединить вопрос с ответом.


Предварительный просмотр:

1 How many states are there in the USA?

2 What waters is the country washed by?

3 What kinds of land does the USA have?

4 What is the population of the USA?

5 What big rivers of the USA do you know?

6 What big mountain chains of the US can you name?

7 What is the size of Grand Canyon?

8 Why is the US called the New World?

9 How do you understand the phrase “The USA is a melting pot?”

10 How do you explain the mixture of customs and traditions in the US?

a) More than 250 million people live in the USA.

b) The people of the USA are the mixture of many different nationalities.

c) The greatest rivers are the Mississippi, the Colorado and the Missouri.

d)  It’s washed by the Pacific Ocean in the west, by the Atlantic Ocean in the east, by the Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico in the South.

e) It has many kinds of land- rocky coast, dry empty deserts, wild plains and grasslands, high mountains, great forests and sunny beaches.

f) The Rocky Mountains and the Appalachians are two big mountain chains in the USA.

g) Today the canyon is one mile deep and 277 miles long.

h) The US is a young country. Its written history is only a few hundred years old.

i) There are fifty states in the USA.

J) In the past, people from many different European countries came to the USA and made one country out of many.

1 How many states are there in the USA?

2 What waters is the country washed by?

3 What kinds of land does the USA have?

4 What is the population of the USA?

5 What big rivers of the USA do you know?

6 What big mountain chains of the US can you name?

7 What is the size of Grand Canyon?

8 Why is the US called the New World?

9 How do you understand the phrase “The USA is a melting pot?”

10 How do you explain the mixture of customs and traditions in the US?

a) More than 250 million people live in the USA.

b) The people of the USA are the mixture of many different nationalities.

c) The greatest rivers are the Mississippi, the Colorado and the Missouri.

d)  It’s washed by the Pacific Ocean in the west, by the Atlantic Ocean in the east, by the Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico in the South.

e) It has many kinds of land- rocky coast, dry empty deserts, wild plains and grasslands, high mountains, great forests and sunny beaches.

f) The Rocky Mountains and the Appalachians are two big mountain chains in the USA.

g) Today the canyon is one mile deep and 277 miles long.

h) The US is a young country. Its written history is only a few hundred years old.

i) There are fifty states in the USA.

J) In the past, people from many different European countries came to the USA and made one country out of many.

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