10 класс What is hot with the young generation
тест по английскому языку (10 класс) на тему

Яна Александровна Лусинина

Задание к учебнику для 10 класса What is hot with the young generation


Предварительный просмотр:

  1. Choose the preposition  (What is hot with the young Generation)
  1. The bad image of youth groups is presented  …  the press.
  1. In         b) of         c) by          d)with        e) on
  1. Teens do not think much … their future life.
  1. About  b) with      c) in           d) on          e) by
  1. … the same time a lot of teens think about changing  the world for the best.
  1. In          b)  on        c) at           d) by          e) with
  1. The good old times  … most of our hippies were the 1970s.
  1. With      b) for       c) in       d)  by               e) of
  1. The first Russian Bike Show took place … 1995.
  1. On       b) with        c) in         d) by           e) about
  1. Unfortunately,  now the hippie community is becoming a place … really hopeless characters.
  1. Of         b) in       c) on      d) for       e) by
  1. He was coming to the end … a disastrous second tour of India.
  1. Of       b) in      c) for      d) by         e) with
  1. People in Britain were listening … music, too.
  1. In       b) for     c) to       d) off        e) by
  1. The name of the music – rock’n’roll changed … ‘rock’.
  1. In     b) on      c) of      d) to        e) by
  1.  Rock’n’roll started in the USA … the great black rhithm’n’blues players.
  1. With    b) on       c) in     d) of       e) at
  1.  It was hard to record the album because I felt a lot … pressure.
  1. In    b) off     c) of        d) by           e) at
  1.  Reggae has always been a powerful musical force … Birmingham, producing acts such as Steel Pulse.
  1. On        b) in        c) of          d) at           e) by
  1.  “To be a fan of something is a hobby, to be hippie, … example, it is a life.”
  1. Of        b) in       c) for      d) by         e) on
  1. Their behavior and attitudes differ … social norms.
  1. From        b) at      c) by        d) in         e) of
  1. All persons who ride 2 or sometimes 3 wheeled motorized vehicles and who identify themselves … a particular subculture.
  1. To      b) in       c) of      d) with         e) at

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