Примерные контрольные работы для 5-9 классов
методическая разработка по английскому языку на тему

Салчак Артыш-маа Александровна

Примерные контрольные работы для 5-9 классов  1 четверть. К УМК Кауфман


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Предварительный просмотр:

Контрольная работа по английскому языку (В1)

учени___ 5 класса ________________________


1.Заполни пропуски в предложениях формами глагола to be.

  1. I ___________ from Saransk. Where ____________ you from?
  2. This ___________ Tom. He __________my best friend.
  3. We ___________ at school now. Jack and Nick  ___________ at home.
  4. Where ___________ the doctors? They _________ in the hospital.
  5. I and my sister _________ good at English.

2.Используйте  выражения и составьте из них диалог.

I’m  so so.     Hi, Kate!     Thank you very much.      How are you?     I’m OK?        Not at all.        Hello, Tom!       Thank you.       And how are you?           This is a present for you.





3.Заполни пропуски в предложениях местоимениями в именительном падеже.

  1. ______ am in class 5.
  2. Irina is my best friend. _________ is 11 years old.
  3. This is my family. _________ are happy.
  4. Look at the dog. _________ is very big!
  5. Kate and Mary are sisters.  _____  are in my class.

4.Заполни пропуски в предложениях притяжательными местоимениями.

  1. This is my sister. _____ name is Alice.
  2. I am Tom. ________ hobby is tennis.
  3. Jane and Terry are from London. _________ family is big.
  4. Hello! What is _______ name?
  5. We are in class 5. _______ teachers are kind.

*5.Напишите английский алфавит.





Контрольная работа по английскому языку (В2)

учени___ 5 класса ________________________


1.Заполни пропуски в предложениях формами глагола to be.

  1. I _________ 10 years old. How old __________ you?
  2. This _________ Alice. She ________ my sister.
  3. They _________ at home now. Their parents _________ at work.
  4. Where _________ you from? We _______ from Moscow.
  5. Tom and Mike ________ good at Mathematics.

2.Используйте  выражения и составьте из них диалог.

I’m  so so.     Hi, Kate!     Thank you very much.      How are you?     I’m OK?        Not at all.        Hello, Tom!       Thank you.       And how are you?           This is a present for you.





3.Заполни пропуски в предложениях местоимениями в именительном падеже.

  1. ______ am Russian.
  2. Jack is my brother. ________ is 10 years old.
  3. These are my friends. ________ are in my class.
  4. Look at the book. ________ is very old!
  5. I and Mary are good friends. _______- are in class5.

4.Заполни пропуски в предложениях притяжательными местоимениями.

  1. This is my mother. _______ name is Kate.
  2. I am in class 5. _______ favourite subject is Literature.
  3. We are from Russia. And ________ friends are from England.
  4. My name is Alice.  What is _______ name?
  5. They are from London.   _______ city is big.

*5.Напишите английский алфавит.


6 класс. Контрольная работа.

1. Переведите на английский язык следующие словосочетания:

На следующей неделе, в следующем месяце, в следующем году, в следующий раз, через день, через минуту, через час, через две недели, через пять лет, в будущем.

2. Задайте общие вопросы к предложениям:

  1. I will work in the garden soon.
  2. I think it’ll rain tomorrow.
  3. He will come back in a minute.
  4. The boss will be here next week.
  5. I hope she’ll like your story.

3. Задайте специальные вопросы к подчеркнутым словам.

  1. Ann will play the piano at the birthday party.
  2. They will learn French next year.
  3. Robin will find the Stone of Destiny.
  4. His brother will go to school tomorrow.
  5. They will be friends in the future.

4. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

  1. I think they’ll phone me in two days.
  2. I hope we’ll watch this film tomorrow.
  3. I think they will fly to London in five months.
  4. I hope your friends will give you nice presents on your birthday.
  5. Maybe you’ll be famous one day.

5. Translate the sentences into English.

  1. Давайте украсим квартиру.
  2. Давайте отметим день рождения.
  3. Пусть они споют песню.
  4. Пусть они принесут подарки.
  5. Пусть он поможет маме.
  6. Давайте съедим большой торт.
  1. Поставь местоимения в скобках в объектном падеже
  1. Let (I) celebrate.
  2. Let (we) dance.
  3. Let (they) sing.
  4. Let (you) help.

7 класс. Контрольная работа.

1.Вставь нужные слова в предложения.

Try my chance, out of luck, lose, miss a very good chance, a waste of time

a). I never take part in any competition. I am always….that is why it’s not worth trying. Any competition for me is…for me. Last year I tried to take part in sport competition in our school. I lost it.

b). I always take part in different part competitions. Sometimes I win the competition and sometime I ….it. It’s not very important for me if I win or lose. The main thing is to …. , because if you don’t believe in your luck, you can…. .

2. Образуй новые слова с помощью суффиксов -ive, -ly, -ous, -y, -ful, -al,-ible.

Danger, friend, music, beauty, talk, create, luck, response, care, noise.

3. Поставь глаголы в нужном времени.

1).The competition…. (start) tomorrow. There… (be) lots of participants, so it…(be) difficult to win.

2). Danny is a very good runner. I am sure he… (get) through to the final.

3). Lisa is nervous and upset. She … (lose) her camera and she… (look for) it everywhere now.

4). She… (take part) in ten competition last year. She… (not/win) any of them but… (make) a lot of new friends and… (enjoy) participating very much.

4. Переведи  словосочетания с русского языка на английский.

Прогресс в разных областях, загрязнение воды, новые серьезные болезни, развитие компьютерных технологий, опасные болезни, загрязнение воздуха, новые открытия в медицине, космические путешествия.

Grammar-lexical test

Choose the right form:

1. Her parents want … to behave well at school.

a) him           b) her            c) she

2. During World War II many cities … by the German army.

a) were occupied     b) occupied     c) will be occupied

3. My neighbour is a lecturer; she ... French at the university.  

a) studies         b) learns                        c) teaches

4. If you stay here a little longer, you … (see) him.

a) visit           b) will visit         c) visited

5. My younger brother … to bed at ten o’clock yesterday.

a) went           b) go            c) goed

6. Is … Indian Ocean bigger than … Atlantic Ocean?

a) ---, the                  b) the, the      c) the, ---       d) ---, ---

7. I eat too much chocolate. I really … stop.

a) should      b) have to      c) must

8. The man … answered the phone was really rude.

a) who      b) which    c) when 

9. Hockey … in winter.

a) was played     b) are played     c) is played

10. If I had the money, I … that  car.

a) buy    b) would buy     c) will buy

11. My brother … his face every morning.

a) washed       b) wash        c) washes

12. You … consult a doctor.

a) must     b) have to    c) should

13. The CD … you gave me for my birthday is my favourite now.

a) who    b) which    c) why

14. Tomorrow I … my partner at the airport.

a) will meet           b) meets     c) will meets

15. … Moscow is … capital of … Russia.

a) ---, ---. ----     b) ----, the, ---      c) the, ---, the

16. Alex … to Moscow next week.

a) will be sent      b) was sent     c) is sent

17. She was carefully ..... the map.

a) studying          b) learning           c) teaching

18. In many countries, men … do military service.

a) should       b) must            c) have to

8 класс. Контрольная работа.

I.        Translate the words and open the brackets.

1)        I usually (добираюсь) to school by bus.

2)        Jane is ill. I hope she will soon (выздоровеет) it.

3)        I have just (получила) a letter from my friend.

4)        I tried to phone you, but I couldn’t (дозвониться).

5)        I never (встаю) early on Sundays.

II.        Find the mistakes and correct them.

1.        Disregular

2.        Mishappy

3.        Unconnect

4.        Inunderstand

5.        Misternational

III.        Write sentences using these words. Use Present Perfect Progressive, Present Perfect.

1)        She/her leg/to break.

2)        Kate / on this project / to work / for two month.

3)        John  / to forgot / already / about that trip.

4)        We / our old teacher / to remember.

5)        It / to rain / since Monday.

IV.        Translate into English.

1.  Снег идет уже две недели.

2.   - Что он делает?

      - Он играет в теннис.

      - Как давно он играет?

       - Два часа.

 3.  Она мыла свою машину с 11 часов.

Контрольная работа в 9-ом классе.

Task 1.  Выберите  правильный ответ.

1. New York is on … .

a) The Thames b) The Mississippi    c) The Hudson

2. The big Apple’s megastar is … .

a) Broadway        b) the Empire State Building   c) the Rockefeller  Center

3. One of the most famous symbols of America is … .

a) the Statue of Liberty   b) Manhattan   c) the World Trade Center

4. The heart of New York is … .

a) Brooklyn b) Manhattan  c) Staten Island

5. …  in New York  run north to south down the island .

a) Streets b) Squares c) Avenues

Task 2. Выберите нужный артикль, если нужно:

1. Chicago is  __name of the musical.

a) theb) a  c)-

2.  It’s one of __ most popular dishes in Russia.

a) the b) -c) a

3. It’s __ main meal of the day.

a) -b) an c)the

4. This dish originates from __ China.

a) -b) a  c) the

5. __ big cup of tea means:“Have your tea and go away”.

a) A   b) -      c) The

Task 3.  Выберите подходящий синонимсловам:

1. It’s a really delicious round bread.

a) excitingb) tasty c) good

2. There is a lot of places of interest in New York.

a) sights b) streets  c) parks  

3.MacDonald’s  iswell-known  its quick service.  

a)liked for   b) famous for   c) fond of

4. My American  friend is arriving to Russia now.

a) visiting b) coming  c) doing

5. Broadway is the home of the most famous American musicals.

a)  playsb) songs   c) shows

Task 4. Подберите подходящие суффиксы к словам и переведите:

1. happy

a) –dom b) -hood   c)  -ness

2. wise

a)  -dom b)- hood c) -ness

3.  kind

a) –ful b) –ness c)  -ment

4. friend

a) –ful b) -ness c) -ship

5. well

a) –ness b) –hood c) –dom

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