Учебно-методический материал по английскому языку по теме "Разделительный вопрос"
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (5 класс) на тему

Презентация по теме "Разделительный вопрос" для 5 класса


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Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Tag-questions (разделительные вопросы)

Слайд 2

Translate the sentences. She was in England a year ago, wasn't she? You don't like picnics, do you? They must work hard, mustn't they? We won't go abroad this summer, will we? You are in the fifth form, aren't you? You went to school on Saturdays, didn’t you? Tim doesn’t have a car, does he? Our parents play sports, don't they? Ann will be responsible for it, won't she? Pam couldn't stay after lessons, could she?

Слайд 3

Add the tag endings: He isn't from Scotland,… We must work hard,… Your friend can't drive a car,… Nick is in the fifth form,… She will stay with my family,... Tim was nervous at the lesson,… You are his friend,… They weren’t in England,… Jane can’t read,… Linda will arrange the students' exchange,… won’t she? wasn't he? aren’t you? isn’t he? were they? can she? is he? mustn't we? won’t she? can he?

Слайд 4

Add the tag endings: You helped your mother,… His father changed his job,… Linda speaks French,… She didn't get the invitation,... Stephen likes to read,… Yesterday Steven met him,… Her friend studies in London, ... Ted and Paul know it,… You like to swim,… Olga wrote the test,… doesn’t she? didn't you? did she? don’t they? doesn't she? didn't he? doesn't he? didn't he? don’t you? didn't she?

Слайд 5

Add the tag endings: Kevin is always late,… My sister can speak German, ... Her parents weren’t there, ... They gave an interview, ... Sam doesn’t like swimming,… He didn’t go there,… Denis can’t play the guitar, ... They will arrange the date,… She drew a picture,… Ted sings well,… won’t they? can he? does he? didn't she? isn’t he? doesn’t he? can’t she? didn’t they? were they? did he?

Слайд 6

Add the tag endings: My friend is nervous, ... You liked the film,… Martin can’t skate,… Her brothers are students,… Jess doesn’t go to school,… They will have 5 lessons tomorrow,… She wasn’t 13 last year,… This boy runs very fast,… You know my family,… Linda's friends were responsible for the music,… isn’t he? didn't you? can he? aren’t they? does she? won’t they? wasn't she? doesn’t he? don’t you? weren’t they?

Слайд 7

В презентации была использована лексика из УМК Биболетовой М.З. и др. “Enjoy English” для 5 класса

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