Текст о происхождении шоколада с последующими упражнениями
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Текст о происхождении шоколада с упражнениями. 


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Предварительный просмотр:

NAME: _______________________________________________________________ CODE: ____________

General Instructions: Answer with black pen. Avoid using liquid paper.

I Series

Read the story and answer the questions.

Chocolate for all occasions

  1. Chocolate is a very popular gift around the world for many different occasions. Why is chocolate so popular and where does it come from originally?
  2. Chocolate, which is made from cocoa beans, was a spicy drink before becoming a food. The first people to drink it were the people of Central America and Mexico thousands of years ago. The Aztecs used the drink as part of   their religious ceremonies and people say the Aztec Emperor Montezuma drank fifty cups of chocolate each day! They also used cocoa beans as a form of currency. For example, you could buy a rabbit for ten cocoa beans and a slave for 100.
  3. Spanish explorers brought cocoa beans to Europe in the 16th century, but only rich people could drink chocolate because it was expensive to import the cocoa beans and sugar. People didn’t start to eat chocolate until about 150 years ago.
  4. Nowadays chocolate isn’t only for rich people, but for everyone. Europeans are the biggest consumers of chocolate and they mostly eat chocolate between 8.00 pm and midnight. Too much chocolate is unhealthy because it contains a lot of sugar and fat, but some scientists say eating small amounts of chocolate can be good for you. Studies suggest that eating a little dark chocolate once or twice a week can help prevent heart disease and lower your blood pressure. Dark chocolate is better for you than milk chocolate because it contains more cocoa.
  5. You can eat or drink chocolate but you could also use it to run your car! In 2007 a team of British people drove a special truck 4,500 miles from the UK across the Sahara Desert to Timbuktu in Mali, West Africa and their truck ran on fuel made from waste chocolate!
  6. The best news for a chocoholic is that every year a chocolate company in the United States has a competition and the prize is a chocolate hotel room! Yes, almost everything in the room is made of chocolate: the walls are covered in chocolate, the pictures on the wall are made of multicoloured chocolate pieces and even the furniture is partly covered in chocolate. The lucky winner can eat as much chocolate as they like!
  7. Chocolate contains a chemical which your body produces naturally when you fall in love, so it’s not surprising that chocolate is a popular romantic gift in many parts of the world.

Which paragraph in the text (1-7) talks about each of the following?

1- Why chocolate was expensive in Europe                        paragraph  ……..

2- The connection between love and chocolate                paragraph  ……..

3- The origins of chocolate                                        paragraph  ……..

4- A very different chocolate prize                                paragraph  ……..

5- Chocolate as a present for different occasions                paragraph  ……..

II Series

Read the article again and decide if the statements are true (T) or false (F). Correct those that are false.

1- People ate chocolate before it became a drink.                                        T        F

2- Everyone started to drink chocolate in Europe in the 16th century.                T        F

3- People eat chocolate more in the evening.                                        T        F

4- Eating a little milk chocolate can be good for you.                                T        F

5- Some British people used fuel made from chocolate for their vehicle.                T        F

III Series

Match the meanings below to the following words from the text.

Ceremonies – chocoholics – consumers – currency – explorers –  fuel – multicoloured – spicy-expensive-romantic

1- With a strong hot taste (adjective)______________________________.

2- Formal public events with special traditions, actions, or words (noun)        ______________________.

3- Money people use in a country (noun)_________________________.

4- People who travel to places that other people do not know much about to learn more about the places   (noun)        ____________________________.

5- People who buy and use goods and services (noun)__________________________.

6- Something like oil or wood that produces power when you burn it (noun)_________________.        

7- People who love chocolate, and eat a lot of it (noun)        _______________________.

8- With several different colours (adjective)         _____________________________________.

9. High-priced costly (adjective)______________________________________________.

10. Displaying or expressing love or strong affection______________________________.

IV Series

Complete the sentences with one word from exercise 3 above.

1- A team of British people used chocolate as __________________ for their truck.

2- Chocolate was used in some religious _________________________________.

3- The first chocolate drink wasn’t sweet, it was ___________________________.

4- Europeans are the biggest ________________________________ of chocolate.

5- ______________ would probably like to win the prize of a chocolate hotel room.

6- Spanish _________________________________ brought cocoa beans to Europe.

7- The pictures in the chocolate hotel room are made of ____________________ chocolate pieces.

8. Chocolate Is popular ________________________gift in many parts of the world.

9. They also used cocoa beans as a form of _________________________________.

10. Only rich people could drink chocolate because it was_______________________to import.

In order to succeed you must fail, so that you know what not to do the next time.

Anthony J. D'Angelo

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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