План-конспект открытого урока в 6 классах по теме: "У. Шекспир. Жизнь и творчество"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (6 класс) на тему
План-конспект открытого урока английского языка в 6 классах по теме: "У. Шекспир.Жизнь и творчество"
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План- конспект открытого урока английского языка в 6 классах ГБОУ СОШ c углубленным изучением английского языка и музыки № 368 “Лосиный остров”
Афониной Ирины Александровны, учителя английского языка
Тема урока: У.Шекспир. Жизнь и творчество.
Цель урока: активизировать потенциал знаний, умений и навыков говорения и аудирования по теме у учащихся 6-го класса.
- расширить лингвострановедческий компонент знаний учащихся;
- развивать навыки аудирования (как со зрительной опорой, так и без нее);
- развивать навыки коммуникативной компетенции (с помощью системы упражнений);
- воспитывать уважительное отношение к истории и культуре страны изучаемого языка.
Пути реализации поставленных задач:
- организация обучения для реализации практических задач в реальной жизненной ситуации;
- использование разнообразных приемов и методов работы на уроке;
- изменение роли учителя- статус «консультант», «помощник».
Оснащение урока: мультимедийная установка, экран, магнитола, компьютер.
План урока
1.Вступительное слово учителя. Постановка задачи.
Good morning dear boys and girls. Good morning dear guests. Today we are going to have an unusual lesson: we are going to speak about a great poet and playwright William Shakespeare.
I hope you will help me to do it. The aim of our today’s lesson is to learn more about this great man and we shall begin with the words you see on the screen.
“All world’s a stage,
and all the men and women merely players:
they have their exits and entrances;
and one man in his time plays many parts…”
(As You Like It Act II, Scene 7)
He really thought so, but why? We shall try to find the answer to this question today.
2.Активизация речи учащихся с опорой на имеющийся в их распоряжении материал.
T: Look at this portrait of the writer. What can you tell us about him?
P1: William Shakespeare is the world’s greatest poet and dramatist. Every Englishman knows more or less the works of his country’s greatest poet. Words and phrases from Shakespeare’s writings have become part of the English language and are used by all.
P2: Shakespeare made fuller use of the English language than any other writer. There is no better way for a foreigner or an Englishman to understand the richness of the English language than by studying how Shakespeare used it.
3.Фонетическая разминка. Чтение названий пьес Шекспира и деление их на группы: трагедии, комедии, исторические драмы.
T: What do you know about Shakespeare’s plays?
P3: Shakespeare wrote 38 plays. Among them are tragedies such as Hamlet, King Lear, Othello, Macbeth; comedies such as All’s Well That Ends Well, Twelfth Night, Much Ado About Nothing; historical dramas such as Henry IV, Richard III.
4. Выполнение упражнений разного типа для активизации устной речи учащихся.
Now let us do several exercises and see if you understood the information about Shakespeare you read at home.
A) Translate from Russian into English: В) Interpret the following phrases:
-эти близнецы похожи как две капли воды; 1. He makes gloves-
- в конце 16-го века; 2. He writes plays-
- в начале 17-го века; 3. To work as an actor-
- к тому времени; 4. Different stories staged in a theatre-
- мало что известно о; 5.Sad stories with the unhappy ending-
- для личного чтения; 6.Young people from 13 to 19 years old
- его пьесы до сих пор идут… 7. A comedy-
: 2
C) Finish the following sentences: 1. William Shakespeare is…
2. William Shakespeare was…
3. His father John Shakespeare lived in…
4. William was the third child …
5. Shakespeare’s great plays…
6. He stopped writing in…
7. He was buried in the…
5. Работа по цепочке в режиме Р1-Р2, Р3-Р4…
Look through the biography of William Shakespeare once more and ask each other questions:
Questions: Supposed answers:
1. When and where was 1.William Shakespeare was born in Stratford-upon-Avon
Shakespeare born? on the 23rd of April in 1564.
2. What was his mother? 2. His mother Mary Arden was a daughter of a farmer.
3. What was his father? 3. His father John Shakespeare was a glove-maker.
4. What kind of education did he 4. He got a good classical education at
get? King’s New School (a kind of a grammar school).
5. How old was he when he 5. He was only 18, when he married
married Anne Hathaway? Anne Hathaway.
6. What was she? 6. She was a daughter of a farmer.
7. How many children did they 7. They had three children: Susannah,
have? then twins –a son Hamnet and a daughter Judith.
8. Why did he leave Stratford? 8. We don’t know exactly why he did it.
9. What did he become in London? 9. He became an actor, a writer and a poet.
10. When did he produce most of 10.He produced most of his known
his known work? work between 1589 and 1613.
11. When did the company build 11.In 1599 a partnership of company
the Globe theatre? membership built the Globe theatre.
12. What plays were performed in 12. Julius Caesar, Othello, King Lear
that theatre and what happened and Macbeth were performed there.
to that theatre? On the 29th of June 1613 a cannon set fire
to the Globe and burned the theatre to the ground.
13. When did Shakespeare retire 13.In 1613 he stopped writing and
and go to live in Stratford? went to live in Stratford.
14. When did he die and where was 14. Shakespeare died on the 23rd of April in1616
he buried? and was buried in the chancel of
the Holy Trinity Church in Stratford-upon-Avon.
6. Высказывания учащихся с опорой на показанные слайды. (Презентация «Экскурсия по Стрэтфорду»).
7. Учащиеся суммируют полученную информацию о Шекспире в самостоятельных высказываниях по его биографии.
Let us summarize the information about the biography of this great man. How much do we know about the life of this great man?
P1: Although the name of William Shakespeare is well-known in the world, we know very
little about his life. He was born on April 23rd in 1564 in Stratford-upon-Avon. His mother,
Mary Arden, was a daughter of a farmer. His father John Shakespeare was a glove-maker
who had an office in Stratford-upon-Avon.
P2: Little is known about William’s childhood. He got his education at the Grammar school.
He got married in 1582 to Anne Hathaway and had three children, Susannah, the eldest,
then twins- a son Hamnet, and another girl, Judith.
P3: William lived in Stratford until he was twenty-one, when he went to London. We don’t
know exactly why he did it. Some people say that the reason was his love of poetry and theatre.
There is a story that Shakespeare’s first work in London was holding rich men’s horses at the theatre door. But nobody can say whether this story is true.
P4: Later, Shakespeare became an actor and a member of one of the big acting companies.
Soon he began to write plays for his company and in a few years he became a well-known author.
P5: Shakespeare’s work as an actor (although he usually acted only small parts) helped
him greatly in writing of his plays. He knew the stage and that helped him to write the most wonderful plays ever written.
8.Выполнение заданий в формате ГИА. Развитие навыков диалогической речи.
Учащимся раздается 5 карточек – заданий.
I think it’s time to speak about Shakespeare’s works. I’ll give you the cards. Read the task attentively and talk about Shakespeare’s works in a given situation.
Card1. You are at the box-office. You would like to buy two tickets for one of Shakespeare’s plays. They must not be expensive. Your deskmate is a box-office clerk. Use the following expressions: - Are there any… - Would you like… - Haven’t you got… - Let me see… - How much… - Here you are… |
Card2. You are going to the cinema and would like to see one of the screen versions of one of Shakespeare’s plays. Speak about it using the words:- to be on
Примерные ответы учащихся:
1. At the Box- Office.
- Are there any seats left for Saturday night?
- Would you like them in the stalls?
- Haven’t you got anything cheaper?
- Let me see…I’ve got two free seats in the dress circle.
- How much are they?
B – 7.50
A- OK. I’ll take them. Here is 15 pounds. Thank you very much.
B- Here you are. I hope you will enjoy the performance
2. Going to the Cinema.
A- There’s an interesting film on at the “Pobeda” cinema.
B- Shall we go and see it?
A- I think it’s a good idea. When and where shall we meet?
B- I’ll wait for you outside the “Pobeda” at about ten to six.
A- Fine. I’ll try not to be late. Bye.
B- See you soon.
3. At the Library.
A- Hello.
B- Hello.
A- Have you read this book?
B- Oh, yes, I loved it. Has Shakespeare written any other plays?
A- A great number. Shall I choose a book for you?
B- Do, please.
A- Try this. It’s very famous and very good.
B- “All’s Well That Ends Well by William Shakespeare.
I’d love to try it. Thank you.
A- You are welcome.
4. At the Library’s Counter.
A- Hello … Are you waiting to take out a book?
B- Yes, but I must give back this book first.
A- Oh, let me see! What is it?
B- It’s a book of comedies written by William Shakespeare.
He is one of my favorite authors.
A- My favorite writer is Mark Twain. His “Adventures of Huckleberry Finn” are
wonderful. And what are Shakespeare’s comedies about?
B- Oh, they are about people. They show how some misunderstanding may lead to
some troubles, but people always find the way out. I laughed a lot when I read the book.
A- Which comedy did you like most?
B- “Twelfth Night”. It’s my favourite one.
A- Oh, I think I shall take this book and read this comedy too
5. Speaking About Books at School.
A- …
B- Yes?
A- Can you help me?
B- Certainly. What’s the problem?
A-I need your advice. I have read all the books of poetry we have got at home. And I want
to borrow some really good stuff at our library. Can you think of any good book?
B-Have you read Alexander Pushkin’s?
A- Of course I have. I have just finished Ruslan and Ludmila.
B- I see. Let me think… Do you like Shakespeare?
A- I do. I read King Lear not so long ago.
B-Have you read his sonnets?
A- No. What are his sonnets about?
B- They are about his love to a beautiful lady.
B- Great. Thanks for your help … I knew you would give mea piece of good advice.
9.Знакомство учащихся с сонетами Шекспира. (Развитие навыков аудирования и чтения).
T: William Shakespeare was not only a great playwright; he was a great poet too. If you read
the biography of Shakespeare well I think you have learnt something about his sonnets.
Will you share this information with us?
P: Published in 1609, the Sonnets were the last of Shakespeare's non-dramatic works to be printed. Scholars are not certain when each of the 154 sonnets was composed, but evidence suggests that Shakespeare wrote sonnets throughout his career for a private readership.
T: Now let us listen to one of his sonnets .It is sonnet 130.
My mistress’ eyes are nothing like the sun;
Coral is far more red than her lips’ red;
If snow be white, why then her breasts are dun;
If hairs be wires, black wires grow on her head.
I have seen roses damask’d, red and white,
But no such roses see I in her cheeks;
And in some perfumes is there more delight
Than in the breath that from my mistress reeks.
I love to hear her speak, yet will I know
That music hath a far more pleasing sound;
I grant that I never saw a goddess go;
My mistress, when she walks, treads on the ground.
And yet, by heaven, I think my love as rare
As any she belied with false compare.
Look at the slide, listen to the sonnet once more, mark the stress and the intonation, and try to read it in the same manner.
And now I would like you to listen to the translation of this sonnet. It was made by one
of the most talented translators of the poems in the world by Samuel Marshak.
Recite the translation of the sonnet, please.
Ее глаза на звезды не похожи,
Нельзя уста кораллами назвать;
Не белоснежна плеч открытых кожа,
И черной проволокой вьется прядь.
С дамасской розой, алой или белой,
Нельзя сравнить оттенок этих щек,
А тело пахнет так, как пахнет село.
Не как фиалки нежной лепесток.
Ты не найдешь в ней совершенных линий,
Особенного света на челе,
Не знаю я как шествуют богини,
Но милая ступает по земле.
И все ж она уступит тем едва ли,
Кого в сравненьях пышных оболгали.
(С Маршак)
10. Просмотр учащимися 2-х минутного фильма о театре Глобус.
T: Look at this slide. We are in London again. Do you know what building it is?
Right you are. It is the Globe theatre, the place where many of Shakespeare’s plays were shown for the first time. Would you like to tell us what you know about this building?
P: In 1613 Shakespeare stopped writing and went to live in Stratford where he died in 1616. Shakespeare was buried in the chancel of the Holy Trinity Church two days after his death.
A monument was built to him in Stratford and in the Poets’ Corner in Westminster Abby.
T: Let us see the film.
11.Высказывания учащихся по просмотренному фильму.
What new interesting information have you learnt from the film?
1. The Globe was built on the bank of the river Thames.
2. There were only three theatres at that time in London.
The Globe was the third one.
3. We saw the only surviving contemporary picture of the Globe theatre.
4. The Globe theatre was fussy, crowdy, noisy, and the actors had to attract the attention of the audience.
5. Rich people sat at the theatre and poor people stood around the stage.
6. On the 29th of June in 1613 the original Globe theatre burnt down during
the performance of Henry the 8th.
7. The reconstruction of the theatre began in 1989.
8. The new Globe theatre was opened on the 12th of June in 1997.
12.Завершающее знакомство с биографией Шекспира. (Слайд-могила Шекспира)
Последние высказывания учащихся по биографии писателя, чтение эпитафии и объяснение ее содержания.
T: And now we are going to speak about the last years of Shakespeare’s life
P1: In 1613 Shakespeare stopped writing and went to live in Stratford where he died in 1616. Shakespeare was buried in the chancel of the Holy Trinity Church two days after his death. A monument was built to him in Stratford and in the Poets’ Corner in Westminster Abby.
T: Shakespeare was buried in the chancel of the Holy Trinity Church two days after his death. Read the epitaph carved into the stone and try to explain what it means.
P2: Good friend for Jesus sake forbear
To dig the dust enclosed here
Blessed be the man that spares these stones,
And crushed be he who moves my bones.
P3: The epitaph carved into the stone slab covering his grave includes a curse against moving his bones, which was carefully avoided during restoration of the church in 2008.
T: Thank you very much.
13. Выводы по изученному материалу.
T: Our lesson comes to its end, so let us say a few words about Shakespeare, his work and his influence on theatre and literature.
P1: Shakespeare was a great humanist. He believed in man and wished people of his country
to be wiser and happier.
Four hundred years later his plays are still acted – not only in England but in the whole world.
P2: Shakespeare's work has made a lasting impression on later theatre and literature.
In particular, he expanded the dramatic potential of characterization, plot, language,
and genre. Until Romeo and Juliet, for example, romance had not been viewed
as a worthy topic for tragedy.
P3: In Shakespeare's day, English grammar, spelling and pronunciation were less
standardized than they are now, and his use of language helped shape modern English.
14.Прослушивание романса на стихи сонета Шекспира в переводе на русский язык.
Now we shall listen to the translation of Shakespeare’s sonnet set to music. Listen to this song and try to find and read this sonnet in the original.
15. Our lesson is over. I thank you for you good work and help. I hope that our lesson will be the starting point in your learning and reading Shakespeare’s works. Thank you once more. Good bye.
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