Конференция Телевидение в нашей жизни
методическая разработка по английскому языку (10 класс) на тему

Овсянникова Ирина Александровна





Цель: активизировать умения и навыки устной речи(монологической и диалогической), аудирование; развивать умение вести групповую беседу с высказыванием, аргументацией своей точки зрения; формировать рациональное отношение к выбору форм проведения свободного времени; развивать навыки творческой и самостоятельной работы.


Тип урока: урок-конференция.

Оборудование: мультимедийная доска, раздаточный материал, аудиозапись диалога, плакаты-высказывания про телевидение, фонограмма, бейджики.


Speaker 1. Let me introduce myself. I’m Alexandra Mitchel. I’m in the Press Centre now. Today the conference on television is held in this place. Here, at the conference, you can see representatives of press, radio and television, famous announcers, psychologists, sociologists and a great number of correspondents. The conference has just begun and I want you to listen to the debates.

Speaker 2. How do young people spend their spare time? What leisure activities do they prefer?

These and other questions were asked in our sociological survey. The results of the opinion poll conducted among young people living in big cities and in the country add up to the following hierarchy of pastime: music in combination with such forms of group activities as discos, concerts, clubs come first, followed by Internet, theatre and reading. Then come films, museums amateur arts and engineering, and finally, TV and classical music. The questionnaire circulated among pupils of the 9-11 forms.


Демонстрация диаграммы и обсуждение результатов


















Listening to music








Amateur Acts




Speaker 2. Most young people admit they do not know how to plan their leisure time.

According to the poll, the actual priorities are as follows: TV comes first, followed by the Internet, reading, films, listening to records, going out, dances and discos, then come concerts, museums, amateur arts, and finally, theatre.

Speaker 1. It is difficult to imagine the modern society without television and films.

What programmes and TV channels do you prefer and why?

What place does television take in your life?

Today we are going to discuss these questions during our conference.

And now let me introduce our guests.


Знакомство с гостями программы.


Sergey Tropov, aged 28, a young and promising scientist. Scientific exploration is his life. Rather tired. Likes cinemas and television very much, but understands it as entertainment versus art. He goes to the pictures to relax and to enjoy himself. Believes that all people go to the cinemas to have a good laugh and to forget all their worries. Thinks that the comedies are the best films, the actors always are in top form.


Oleg Kuznetsov. 20 year old youth, a great cinemafan. His favorite actress is playing the leading role in the feature film “Titanic”, which Oleg likes very much. He is struck by the artistic quality of certain scenes. He is not impressed by the comedies or horror films. Thinks that, acting is most important for the success of the film, while the plot is insignificant. Oleg is for feature films.


Anna Larina, aged 25, a teacher of Russian literature.

Doesn’t think it is possible to discuss advantages or disadvantages of television. Doesn’t think it is possible to discuss feature films and comedies and action films as they belong to different genres. Each is fine in its own way. The feature reflects a human creature and his ideas. Its excellence lies in its power over other people’s minds. The comedy gives you a short and pleasant rest, a kind of relaxation. All films are nice. Television is good for many purposes.


Boris Ronin, aged 47, a well-known film director who has made quite a number of feature and popular science films. Always works in this genre. Thinks that a comedy is a simple entertainment. It contains pleasant images but teaches you nothing. You like it because it is unreal, offers and escapes. But it does’t affect the spectator. He leaves the theatre in the same darkness with which he entered it. Naturally, Boris is for serious films, but he thinks that television is the best way for making money.


Rita Strogova, aged 60, a pensioner, prefers serious films, which make her think a lot and raise many problems. Dislikes people who produce and like comedies and other TV programmes for entertainment. Thinks that people who watch such programmes don’t want to be bothered, they don’t want responsibility, they want to remain asleep. Rita is against entertainment television.


Helen Grabova, aged 35, a famous actress, starred in many films. Sees a lot of advantages in television. Likes all kinds of films but she never gives judgments about her colleagues. Thinks that an artist can no more judge another artist than one child can judge other children. Each person has his particular vision. You can’t wear someone else’s glasses; they would fit badly, sometimes television can be harmful.


Обсуждение недостатков и приемуществ телевидения, видов телевизионных программ, рейтинга их популярности, обсуждение любимых телепрограмм или телепрограмм, которые не нравятся, жанровые разновидности фильмов.


For television.


+ Television brings the world to our living-rooms. We see people in our country and in other lands and learn of their customs, occupations, opinions, problems.

+ We become better informed by watching documentaries, scince programmes, discussions and by learning the most important economic, social and political issues of the day.

+ Television is good entertainment.

+ Watching TV programmes we become better informed about events at home and abroad, increase our knowledge in many fields of life: arts, science, sports, politics and some others.

+ Thanks to television we have good opportunity for self-education, listening lectures on history, biology, physics, economics and other subjects.

+ Television is very helpful to those who can’t leave their houses, say, old people, invalids or mothers who stay at home with their babies.

+  We became more cultured people by learning more of the arts.

+ We see great events which will pass into history. We can see famous people.

+Television programes gather big audiences. Apart from their entertainment value, they provide useful topics of conversation.


Against television.


-         Television is not serious art. It is just entertainment.

-         Some pupils do their homework in front of television set. Others rush their homework so they can watch television. In either case, the quality of the work is affected. Some pupils are so attracted by television they do not do their homework at all.

-         Many boys and girls watch television on Sunday afternoon, while outside activities would do them so much good.

-         Some children have made television their main leisure activity and they are not enriching their personalities by developing hobbies and belonging to clubs.

-         Television may lead to poor health, through rushed meals, lack of sleep, lack of exercise, eyestrain.

-         Many children no longer read book. This will seriously affect their performance in higher forms, for reading is the key to all higher studies, and needs constant practice.

-          People begin to forget the art of conversation. They sit glued to the television screen instead of visiting their friends and relatives.




. Why is television the most popular entertainment in people’s home life today?

. How much time do you spend on watching TV every day? And your relatives?

. How many TV channels have you got?

. What TV programmes do you watch to get information about current events (national or international) and about the latest achievement in science and culture?

. How often are educational programmes produced on television?

. What kinds of films, concerts are presented by entertainment channels and programmes?

. What is your favorite TV programme and why?

. Why do you like / dislike advertisement intervals during TV programmes?

. What kind of advantages are there about watching video films?



-         Watching TV is the way some people spend most of their spare time.

-         Perhaps this proves something about TV programmes; on the other hand it proves something about people.

-         All TV channels produce a good mixture of music, entertainment, drama and serious discussions.

-         All succeed in presenting news interestingly, but most programmes are aimed at the mass market.

-         Television can be very helpful to those who carefully choose the programme they watch.

-         To sum up, television provides us with not only a great amount of information but a pleasant way to relax.

-         On the other hand there are some disadvantages of watching TV.

-         Television prevents us from splendid communication with each other, separates us from the real world, takes all our free time.

-         So television influences greatly our lives, health, thoughts.

-         To many adults television becomes more real than their own lives and they can’t solve their problems as quickly as TV actors do.

-         People have made television their main leisure activity ignoring newspapers and books.

-         Some investigations show that a lot of children got used to watching fights, murders and other kinds of violence, becoming indifferent to suffering of other people.

-         But tastes differ and it rests with you to decide how television affects your life.


Домашнее задание. Инструкции к его выполнению.


Outline for motion picture review.


Task: Give a review of a film you have recently on TV seen and liked or disliked.


Remember: a review should guide and inform. A mere retelling of the story is not a review.


Type of film: feature film, comedy, black-and-white, short…


Production: What studio released the film? Was it co-production? Was the film dubbed?


Story (plot): Is it by a well-known author? Is the story original? True-to-life? What is the climax of the story? Is the ending logical?


Direction: Who directed the film? Was the introduction of characters and scenes skillful? Are useless scenes included?


Photography: Is it artistically done? Are there good shots? Are close-ups used effectively?


Acting: Name the leading characters. Are there any stars? Any outstanding performances of minor roles? True-to-life interpretation of characters?


Sound effects: Does speaking or acting predominate? Does the dialogue seem real? Do actors speak effectively? Are characteristic noises employed? Is the music suitable?


Critics: What do critics say about the picture? Are their opinions sound? Do you share their points of view?


General impression and conclusion: The impression the film made on you. How was the effect achieved? Do you think this film is worth seeing?


Оценивание учебных достижений учеников.

Завершение урока-конференции.


Microsoft Office document icon урок-конференция56 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:



Цель: активизировать умения и навыки устной речи(монологической и диалогической), аудирование; развивать умение вести групповую беседу с высказыванием, аргументацией своей точки зрения; формировать рациональное отношение к выбору форм проведения свободного времени; развивать навыки творческой и самостоятельной работы.

Тип урока: урок-конференция.

Оборудование: мультимедийная доска, раздаточный материал, аудиозапись диалога, плакаты-высказывания про телевидение, фонограмма, бейджики.

Speaker 1. Let me introduce myself. I’m Alexandra Mitchel. I’m in the Press Centre now. Today the conference on television is held in this place. Here, at the conference, you can see representatives of press, radio and television, famous announcers, psychologists, sociologists and a great number of correspondents. The conference has just begun and I want you to listen to the debates.

Speaker 2. How do young people spend their spare time? What leisure activities do they prefer?

These and other questions were asked in our sociological survey. The results of the opinion poll conducted among young people living in big cities and in the country add up to the following hierarchy of pastime: music in combination with such forms of group activities as discos, concerts, clubs come first, followed by Internet, theatre and reading. Then come films, museums amateur arts and engineering, and finally, TV and classical music. The questionnaire circulated among pupils of the 9-11 forms.

Демонстрация диаграммы и обсуждение результатов





Listening to music




Amateur Acts


Speaker 2. Most young people admit they do not know how to plan their leisure time.

According to the poll, the actual priorities are as follows: TV comes first, followed by the Internet, reading, films, listening to records, going out, dances and discos, then come concerts, museums, amateur arts, and finally, theatre.

Speaker 1. It is difficult to imagine the modern society without television and films.

What programmes and TV channels do you prefer and why?

What place does television take in your life?

Today we are going to discuss these questions during our conference.

And now let me introduce our guests.

Знакомство с гостями программы.

Sergey Tropov, aged 28, a young and promising scientist. Scientific exploration is his life. Rather tired. Likes cinemas and television very much, but understands it as entertainment versus art. He goes to the pictures to relax and to enjoy himself. Believes that all people go to the cinemas to have a good laugh and to forget all their worries. Thinks that the comedies are the best films, the actors always are in top form.

Oleg Kuznetsov. 20 year old youth, a great cinemafan. His favorite actress is playing the leading role in the feature film “Titanic”, which Oleg likes very much. He is struck by the artistic quality of certain scenes. He is not impressed by the comedies or horror films. Thinks that, acting is most important for the success of the film, while the plot is insignificant. Oleg is for feature films.

Anna Larina, aged 25, a teacher of Russian literature.

Doesn’t think it is possible to discuss advantages or disadvantages of television. Doesn’t think it is possible to discuss feature films and comedies and action films as they belong to different genres. Each is fine in its own way. The feature reflects a human creature and his ideas. Its excellence lies in its power over other people’s minds. The comedy gives you a short and pleasant rest, a kind of relaxation. All films are nice. Television is good for many purposes.

Boris Ronin, aged 47, a well-known film director who has made quite a number of feature and popular science films. Always works in this genre. Thinks that a comedy is a simple entertainment. It contains pleasant images but teaches you nothing. You like it because it is unreal, offers and escapes. But it does’t affect the spectator. He leaves the theatre in the same darkness with which he entered it. Naturally, Boris is for serious films, but he thinks that television is the best way for making money.

Rita Strogova, aged 60, a pensioner, prefers serious films, which make her think a lot and raise many problems. Dislikes people who produce and like comedies and other TV programmes for entertainment. Thinks that people who watch such programmes don’t want to be bothered, they don’t want responsibility, they want to remain asleep. Rita is against entertainment television.

Helen Grabova, aged 35, a famous actress, starred in many films. Sees a lot of advantages in television. Likes all kinds of films but she never gives judgments about her colleagues. Thinks that an artist can no more judge another artist than one child can judge other children. Each person has his particular vision. You can’t wear someone else’s glasses; they would fit badly, sometimes television can be harmful.

Обсуждение недостатков и приемуществ телевидения, видов телевизионных программ, рейтинга их популярности, обсуждение любимых телепрограмм или телепрограмм, которые не нравятся, жанровые разновидности фильмов.

For television.

+ Television brings the world to our living-rooms. We see people in our country and in other lands and learn of their customs, occupations, opinions, problems.

+ We become better informed by watching documentaries, scince programmes, discussions and by learning the most important economic, social and political issues of the day.

+ Television is good entertainment.

+ Watching TV programmes we become better informed about events at home and abroad, increase our knowledge in many fields of life: arts, science, sports, politics and some others.

+ Thanks to television we have good opportunity for self-education, listening lectures on history, biology, physics, economics and other subjects.

+ Television is very helpful to those who can’t leave their houses, say, old people, invalids or mothers who stay at home with their babies.

+  We became more cultured people by learning more of the arts.

+ We see great events which will pass into history. We can see famous people.

+Television programes gather big audiences. Apart from their entertainment value, they provide useful topics of conversation.

Against television.

  • Television is not serious art. It is just entertainment.
  • Some pupils do their homework in front of television set. Others rush their homework so they can watch television. In either case, the quality of the work is affected. Some pupils are so attracted by television they do not do their homework at all.
  • Many boys and girls watch television on Sunday afternoon, while outside activities would do them so much good.
  • Some children have made television their main leisure activity and they are not enriching their personalities by developing hobbies and belonging to clubs.
  • Television may lead to poor health, through rushed meals, lack of sleep, lack of exercise, eyestrain.
  • Many children no longer read book. This will seriously affect their performance in higher forms, for reading is the key to all higher studies, and needs constant practice.
  •  People begin to forget the art of conversation. They sit glued to the television screen instead of visiting their friends and relatives.


. Why is television the most popular entertainment in people’s home life today?

. How much time do you spend on watching TV every day? And your relatives?

. How many TV channels have you got?

. What TV programmes do you watch to get information about current events (national or international) and about the latest achievement in science and culture?

. How often are educational programmes produced on television?

. What kinds of films, concerts are presented by entertainment channels and programmes?

. What is your favorite TV programme and why?

. Why do you like / dislike advertisement intervals during TV programmes?

. What kind of advantages are there about watching video films?


  • Watching TV is the way some people spend most of their spare time.
  • Perhaps this proves something about TV programmes; on the other hand it proves something about people.
  • All TV channels produce a good mixture of music, entertainment, drama and serious discussions.
  • All succeed in presenting news interestingly, but most programmes are aimed at the mass market.
  • Television can be very helpful to those who carefully choose the programme they watch.
  • To sum up, television provides us with not only a great amount of information but a pleasant way to relax.
  • On the other hand there are some disadvantages of watching TV.
  • Television prevents us from splendid communication with each other, separates us from the real world, takes all our free time.
  • So television influences greatly our lives, health, thoughts.
  • To many adults television becomes more real than their own lives and they can’t solve their problems as quickly as TV actors do.
  • People have made television their main leisure activity ignoring newspapers and books.
  • Some investigations show that a lot of children got used to watching fights, murders and other kinds of violence, becoming indifferent to suffering of other people.
  • But tastes differ and it rests with you to decide how television affects your life.

Домашнее задание. Инструкции к его выполнению.

Outline for motion picture review.

Task: Give a review of a film you have recently on TV seen and liked or disliked.

Remember: a review should guide and inform. A mere retelling of the story is not a review.

Type of film: feature film, comedy, black-and-white, short…

Production: What studio released the film? Was it co-production? Was the film dubbed?

Story (plot): Is it by a well-known author? Is the story original? True-to-life? What is the climax of the story? Is the ending logical?

Direction: Who directed the film? Was the introduction of characters and scenes skillful? Are useless scenes included?

Photography: Is it artistically done? Are there good shots? Are close-ups used effectively?

Acting: Name the leading characters. Are there any stars? Any outstanding performances of minor roles? True-to-life interpretation of characters?

Sound effects: Does speaking or acting predominate? Does the dialogue seem real? Do actors speak effectively? Are characteristic noises employed? Is the music suitable?

Critics: What do critics say about the picture? Are their opinions sound? Do you share their points of view?

General impression and conclusion: The impression the film made on you. How was the effect achieved? Do you think this film is worth seeing?

Оценивание учебных достижений учеников.

Завершение урока-конференции. 

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