Holiday problems
методическая разработка по английскому языку (8, 9, 10 класс) на тему

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Предварительный просмотр:

Holiday problems

Have you ever thought of the most frequent holiday problems

people face? Discuss in pairs. Now read about the holiday problems

Britons face. Compare with what you have discussed.

New words

Briton’s holiday problems listed












Lost passports, hospital visits and arrests are among the

main problems UK tourists experience on their travels, the

Foreign Office has revealed.

It has listed problems encountered in some of the most

popular destinations.

In Spain, which had 16 mln British visits in 2004–2005,there were 4,774 lost passports and 1,663 arrests. There were 41 rapes, and 1,243 people died.

The Foreign Office said some problems were unavoidable,

but others could be prevented with better preparation.

The report, called British Behaviour Abroad, lists the 10

countries where Britons required the most consular help in

the year to March 2005.

Spain was the UK’s top destination and saw the most

instances of consular help – 11,837.

But overall, most Foreign Office assistance was for general

advice. In Spain, there were 5,602 cases where general

advice was sought.

The US, which had 6.5 mln visits, was the country about

which Britons had the most enquiries, with 7,090 cases

where advice was wanted. It also had the most arrests after

Spain – 1,460.

After Spain, France had the most deaths, with 294 fatalities

among the 15 mln UK visits.

There were 33 reported rapes in Greece – the highest

proportion when the number of visits (3 mln) were taken

into account.

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