Тест к тексту о Дж. Куке
тест по английскому языку (6 класс) на тему

Козориз Анна Николаевна

Тест к тексту из учебника "Английский с удовольствием" М.З.Биболетовой 6 класс


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Предварительный просмотр:


1 James Cook was….

1) a famous English scientist

2) a famous English explorer

3) a famous American explorer

2 James Cook studied ….

1) New Zealand and Australia

2) New World (Central America)

3) India and the East

3 What was the crew of Cook’s ships?

1) only the sailors

2) the sailors and the scientists

3) the native people

4 Who killed James Cook?

1) the native people

2) the crew of the ships

3) the sailors

5 When did he die?

1) 1780

2) 1779

3) 1776

6 Where was he born?

1) Central America

2)  New Zealand and Australia

3) Yorkshire, England

7 How many trips did he take as a captain?

1) two

2) four

3) three

8 Where did the Cook’s team stay for the winter during his last trip?

1) on Hawaiian Islands

2) in Portugal

3) in New Zealand

9 When did his team return home from the last trip?

1) 1763

2) 1780

3) 1772

10 James Cook sailed around…

1) the Atlantic Ocean

2) the Arctic Ocean

3) the Pacific Ocean        

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