Урок- игра " Кто хочет стать миллионером".
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (7, 8, 9 класс) на тему

Бычина Ирина Павловна

Урок проводится с целью обобщения изученного материала по теме «Великобритания»; совершенствования навыков устной речи; активизации страноведческого материала. Форма урока способствует повышению мотивации к изучению иностранного языка. Материал представлен в виде презентации.



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Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

“Who Wants to Be a Millionaire”

Слайд 2

Приветствие Good afternoon children.

Слайд 3

Цель игры Today I invite you to take part in the game. Who wants to be a millionaire? The purpose of the game is to check up your knowledge of Maths , History, Literature, Geography , Astronomy and to practice your English , of course.

Слайд 4

Отборочный тур I announce the beginning of the qualifying round. Let us look who will be the first to answer the following question

Слайд 5

Правила игры …, I want to remember you rules of this game. You will have to answer 15 questions. If you answer all the questions, you will get a million. There are 2 fire-proof sums. There are: 1.000 roubles and 32.000 roubles . During the game you can use three promptings. Look at the blackboard. They are: 1) That is assistance` e help 2) The guest` s help 3) The audience’s help And you have the right to stop the game at any question, if you don`t know the answer.

Слайд 6

Questions to the Qualifying round I

Слайд 7

1 Who was the first man on the Moon? Bell b) Armstrong c) Newton d) Neznayka 2 The Beatles were… composers b) pop singers c) doctors d) teachers

Слайд 8

3 Who discovered America? George Washington b) The Indians c) Christopher Columbus d) Winnie – the – Pooh 4 Which is the capital of the U. K. of G. B. and N. I.? Plymonth b) Liverpool c) Edinburg d) London

Слайд 9

5 What’s the English for “ между ” above b) between c) inside d) under 6 Who discovered pencilin ? Constable b) Fleming c) Armstrong d) Walt Disney

Слайд 10

7 What is the most popular sport? chess b) swimming c) football d) basketball 8 What is the American equivalent for the English word “form” а) store b) mail c) grade d) line

Слайд 11

9 Look at the picture and name the sport boxing b) soccer c) jogging d) racing 10 Finish the proverb “Too many cooks…” makes perfect b) makes waste c) spoil the broth d) never boils

Слайд 12

11 Who was the first Englishman in Russia? Captain Cook b) Francis Drake c) Richard С hancellor d) Mark Twain 12 Which article is used with”… Pacific Ocean”? an b) a c) the d) –

Слайд 13

13 Complete the idiom. “Bold as…” a fox b) an eagle c) a mule d) a man 14 What dish do the Englishmen always eat on Thanksgiving Day? roast chicken b) roast beef c) roast turkey d ) roast fish

Слайд 14

15 Which variant corresponds to the Russian sentence. Мои родители хотят, чтобы я не был ленивым. a) My parents want me to be lazy. b) My parents want me not to be lazy. c) My parents don’t want me not to be lazy. d) My parents want me to be not lazy.

Слайд 15

Questions to the Qualifying round II

Слайд 16

1 Look at the picture and name the game. golf b ) tennis c ) cricket d) fishing 2 What`s the Russian for “the children`s ball”? a ) мяч ребенка б) мячи детей с) мяч детей d ) мячи ребенка

Слайд 17

3 Which part of Great Britain has this flag? Wales b) Scotland c ) England d) Northern Ireland 4 What would you say Could you pass me a scone ? No , thanks b) It`s OK c ) Yes, here you are d ) Help yourself

Слайд 18

5 Which word doesn`t match the others? artist b ) doctor c ) composer d ) winter 6 Choose the antonym to the word “early” light b ) popular c ) late d)clever

Слайд 19

7 Which is the smallest planet in the solar system? Mercury b) the Earth c ) Venus d ) Pluto 8 Which holiday do the English celebrate on the 31-st of October New Year`s Day b ) Christmas c ) Easter d ) Halloween

Слайд 20

9 How many stripes are there on the American flag? thirteen b) thirty c ) fifty d ) sixty 10 What`s the English for « вдоль »? across b) behind c ) round d) long

Слайд 21

11 Complete the idiom. “Let the cat out of the…” bag b ) box c ) car d) house 12 What`s the English for « навещать »? Look out! b ) look at c ) look up d ) look in

Слайд 22

13 Which is the capital of the USA? New York b ) Washington DC c ) Los Angeles d)Santa Barbara 14 Which word is used only in Singular? book b ) fruit c ) friend d) money

Слайд 23

15 Where is the Fellowship Christian Academy situated? a ) in Florida b) in California c) in Georgia d ) in Ohio

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Данный урок является завершающим в цикле уроков по страноведению Британии по УМК О.В. Афанасьевой, И.В. Михеевой в 6 классе. На этом этапе в игровой форме проверяется уровень усвоенных знаний....