План открытого урока по английскому языку «Kyzyl sightseeing tour» , посвященный 100-летию г. Кызыла
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (8 класс) по теме

Ензак Алевтина Биче-ооловна

План открытого урока


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План открытого урока по английскому языку

«Kyzyl sightseeing tour» , посвященный 100-летию г. Кызыла

Цели и задачи:

Воспитание чувства любви к родному городу через иностранные языки. Развитие экологического воспитания учащихся. Развитие устной речи в монологической и диалогической форме. Развитие умения пользоваться некоторыми компьютерными навыками. ТСО: компьютер, проектор, экран.

План урока.

I. Организационный момент.

Приветствие гостей.

П. Основная часть.

Путешествие по достопримечательностям города Кызыла.C:\Users\F70A~1\AppData\Local\Temp\FineReader11\media\image1.jpeg

III. Заключительная часть.

Ход урока.

  1. Организационный момент. Приветствие гостей.

(на экране репродукция скульптурной композиции «Косуленок с матерью»

Учитель встречает гостей по тувинскому обычаю. Она держит в руках голубой кадак с чаем в пиалах.

Т: Welcome to Kyzyl! Good morning!

We always meet our friends and see them off  here. It’s a sculptural composition “ A  roe with its baby”. It is a symbol of  love to Motherland and ecological care of nature.C:\Users\F70A~1\AppData\Local\Temp\FineReader11\media\image2.jpeg

And it symbolizes the hospitality of Tuvan people.

We are glad to see you very much. We invite you to the English lesson devoting to the 95th birthday of Kyzyl.

  1. Основная часть. Путешествие по достопримечательностям города.

Т: And now we shall make some excurses to the past of our town.

Ella: Kyzyl is the capital of Tuva. In the connecting

place of Kaa-khem and Bee- khem it was founded in 1914 by the Russian workers and peasants.C:\Users\F70A~1\AppData\Local\Temp\FineReader11\media\image3.jpeg

In May 1914 the bases of the first houses were laid here. In August 1914 the first houses were dwelled. And Kyzyl was named Belotsarsk.

Till 1925 Kyzyl had many names. In Tuvan it was named  Khem-Beldiri. Russian citizens named it Krasnyi or Gorodok. After the National Revolution in December, 1925 it was recalled Kyzyl. In 1921 it became the capital of Tuvan People’s Republic.

In 1961 it became the capital of Tuvan Soviet Autonomous Republic.

On the 12th of December, 1990 it became the capital of

the Republic of Tuva.

Ailana: Now Kyzyl  is the capital of our republic. Kyzyl is an important, political, administrative, cultural and scientific centre of the Republic with the population about 94500 people. Kyzyl is divided into 4 parts: The East, The South The right Bank and The Centre. The territory of Kyzyl is 21365 gectar. In Kyzyl  there are more than 180 streets. The main streets are Lenin and Kochetov Streets. In Kyzyl there are many sights such as the Musical Drama Theatre, the National Park, the Pushkin Library, the National Museum and many others.

Teacher: Now we are passing the river Yenisei. It is our new bridge over the river Ulug- Khem.


Мой Улуг-Хем!

Тебя я слышал всюду

 Зимой и летом.

 Осенью и весной

Всегда живой- ты был подобен чуду

Как старший брат- ты был всегда со мной Когда мне в жизни нелегко бывало

С тобою встреча силы придавало.

(автор        )

My Ulug- khem! I’ve heard you everywhere

In winter and in summer

In autumn and in spring

You like wonder always alive

As an elder brother

You were  always with me

When it was hard in my life

Our meeting gave me strength!

(перевод стих. Ооржак Г.С., Сундуй 3. М)

Т: Now we are coming to the Centre of Asia.

(на экране - обелиск Центр Азии)

Синее синего сатина

Лазурь, что разлилась вокруг

Так вот, где Азии середина Она в Туве, в Кызыле, друг!


Nadezhda: In Kyzyl there are many monuments. They are: the Monument to Red Partizans, the Monument



to the Participents of Great Patriotic War, the Tank of the first tuvan tankists. They bring up in people patriotism and sense of pride of the heroes of Great Patriotic War, who gave their lives for peaceful sky above our heads.

Chechena: Historical memory always live and will live in our hearts. We are at the monument to Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, the founder of the Soviet Socialist Country.C:\Users\F70A~1\AppData\Local\Temp\FineReader11\media\image4.jpegC:\Users\F70A~1\AppData\Local\Temp\FineReader11\media\image5.jpeg

Mirad: Let’s go to the bust of SalchakKalbak- KhorekovichToka, who was the head of the Republic for more than 20 years. Now you can see S. K. Toka’s Monument.

T: Let’s contrinue our tour. We are going along Lenin Street to the National Museum of 60 heroes.C:\Users\F70A~1\AppData\Local\Temp\FineReader11\media\image6.jpeg

Aigulia: The National museum of “ 60 heroes” is located not far from the building of Historical faculty. The museum was founded  in 1925. There you can  see the works of outstanding artists and exhibits of rare animals of Tuva. A well- known investigator Vladimir Petrovich Yermolayev took an active part for the formation of the Tuvan National Museum “ 60 heroes” Especially I’d like to show you an exhibit of a tuvan yurt. It is the most ancient dwelling of tuvan people. Every year many interesting exhibitions take place in our museum. We like to visit museum very much. When you are in the museum you feel as if you are in a different world.C:\Users\F70A~1\AppData\Local\Temp\FineReader11\media\image7.jpeg

T: O’key! Let’s continue our tour. We are coming to the National Park, the pride of our republic.

Описание: C:\Users\F70A~1\AppData\Local\Temp\FineReader11\media\image1.jpegТ: Let’s go out of the Park. Here you can see a beautiful white building.

Mengi: It is the Buddhist Temple “Tsetsenlig” We come here and purefy ourselves. We take part in the worships. There are a lot of people especially on big holidays.

T: Let’s cross Lenin Street and go along Kochetov Street to the centre of the town.Описание: C:\Users\F70A~1\AppData\Local\Temp\FineReader11\media\image2.jpeg

Inga: There you can see a magnicifent marble building with the national flag on the top. It is the House of Government of the republic. The Head of republic government works here.

Описание: C:\Users\F70A~1\AppData\Local\Temp\FineReader11\media\image3.jpeg

Описание: C:\Users\F70A~1\AppData\Local\Temp\FineReader11\media\image4.jpeg

Betty: It is a beautiful and modem building of the Musical Drama Theatre named after a well- known dramatist and one of the first and famous actors Victor Kock-ool. In this theatre you can see concerts, plays, different festivals and many others.

T: Let’s come into the theatre and have a rest from our tour. Our tour is coming to an end. Our town is developing and will develop. It is getting more and more beautiful. We love our town and we hope that you liked it and will remember it for many years ahead.

(на сцене театра)

Nadezhda      Tuva, you are a land

                         of peaceful labour:

        You         are a         part        of mighty Russia

Of all working people, friend and neighbour.                                         Oh,my love land, you are my fate.

Alim:            Особенный, неповторимый                                                                    Цветок, что в зиму цветит         

Таков  ты, мой         город любимый

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