Урок пресс-конференция
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (5 класс) на тему

Колганова Марина Викторовна

На уроке ребята вспомнят английские поговорки, узнают некоторые традиционные рецепты и обменяются впечатлениями от виртуального посещения Англии и России. А также повторят Past Simple.


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Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

I like ice-cream, She likes sweets, I like biscuits, He likes cheese. I like coffee, You like tea, I love you, Do you love me?

Слайд 2

I ♥ , She ♥ s I ♥ , He ♥ s . I ♥ , You ♥ . I ♥ you, Do you ♥ me?

Слайд 3

A watched pot The proof of the pudding Too many cooks An apple a day Tastes You cannot make an omelette You cannot eat your cake Neither fish First come, Better one small fish

Слайд 4

A watched pot / never boils. The proof of the pudding / is in the eating. Too many cooks / spoil the broth. An apple a day / keeps the doctors away. Tastes / differ. You cannot make an omelette without breaking eggs. You cannot eat your cake / and have it. Neither fish / nor flash. First come, / first served. Better one small fish / than an empty dish.

Слайд 6

Russia Britain Monday - January, 5 . St. Petersburg We visited the Hermitage. The Hermitage is the most famous Russian museum in the world We watched a Russian film. Tuesday - January, 6. St. Petersburg We visited St. Isaac’s Cathedral, Avrora. ( Avrora was a very famous Russian ship and now it is a museum .) We learned about Russian cuisine and how to cook Russian dishes. We learned how to cook kutya and vzvar. Wednesday - January, 7. St. Petersburg We had Christmas dinner, tasted Christmas goose with apples, baked potatoes, salted cucumbers, kutya, vzvar and blini. Listened to Russian music and danced. Thursday - January, 8 . Moscow We visited ”, a chocolate factory, “Red October” and learned many interesting things about sweets and chocolate. We tasted Russian chocolate and pelmeni with salted mushrooms. We learned to cook pelmeni. Friday - January 9. Moscow We visited the Kremlin and the Red Square. Had a competition on Russian cuisine Monday - December,23 . Brighton. We visited the Royal Pavilion, which is very beautiful. We learned to cook English traditional dishes, such as Christmas pudding and mince pies. Tuesday - December, 24. Brighton. We visited Alton Park. There are many attractions there. We enjoyed traditional English tea with sandwiches, biscuits and a cake. They usually have tea at 4 or 5 o’clock. Wednesday - December, 25. Brighton. We went to the chirch. We had Christmas dinner, tasted Christmas Pudding, Roast Turkey with carrots, potatoes, plums and peas and mince pies. We listened to some English music. Thursday - December, 26. London. We visited the Tower of London and Cadbury World, learned a lot about making chocolate and why it is such a wonderful food. We learned to cook biscuits and sandwiches. Friday - December, 27. London. We visited Buckingham palace and Westminster Abbey. We had a competition on English cuisine.

Слайд 7

When … ? How long … ? What cities … ? What places of interest … ? What dishes … taste? What … learn? What dishes … traditional for Christmas in … ? What Christmas traditions …? What … like most of all?

Слайд 8

A RECIPE (English Pudding) A RECIPE (Russian Blini) Warm 100 grams of butter. Break three eggs into a bowl and add 1 glass of sugar. Beat the mixture. Add the butter, some raisins, pieces of plums, some boiled rice and nuts into the bowl and mix . Leave for an hour. Add three tablespoons of brandy and baking powder into the bowl and mix with some flour. Pour the mixture into a shape. Bake for about 40 minutes in a hot oven. Break one egg into a bowl. Add 3 glasses of milk and 1 glass of water. Add 1 tablespoon of salt, 3 table-spoons of sugar and 3 tablespoons of oil. Mix everything and add 2 cups of flour. Mix properly. Take half a ladel of batter and pour it on a hot frying pan. Wait a moment and turn the pancake over. When it is ready, put it on a plate and butter it. Eat with sour cream, honey or jam.

Слайд 9

LET”S MAKE A CAKE I Let’s make a cake, let’s make a cake Put in all the things that we like best A little bit of this, a little bit of that What shall we put in first? -What shall we mix into the cake first? -Eggs! And we will mix in the eggs, mix in the eggs Store and store and store and store and… II Let’s make a cake, let’s make a cake Put in all the things that we like best A little bit of this, a little bit of that What shall we put in next? -What shall we mix in next? -Ice-cream! And we will mix in the ice-cream, mix in the ice-cream Store and store and store and store and… III We’ve made a cake, we’ve made a cake Mixed in all the things that we liked best A little bit of this, a little bit of that Now we’re going to eat it up!

Слайд 10

-For breakfast English people usually have… -The English prefer tea with… -English people have lunch at … -In England they have dinner (the biggest meal) at … -In Russia we have dinner (the biggest meal) at … -For Christmas English people usually cook …

Слайд 11

-For Christmas Russian people usually eat … -For Christmas the Polish usually cook … -For Christmas German people usually eat … -For Christmas the Dutch usually cook … -People in Great Britain, Germany, Poland, the Netherland and America celebrate Christmas on … -People in Russia celebrate Christmas on … -A good breakfast on 1, January is very important in…

Слайд 12

-Tea and Coffee, Tea and Coffee, -Milk and Sugar, Milk and Sugar, -Strawberries and Cream, Strawberries and Cream, -Chocolate Cakes and Chocolate Biscuits, Chocolate Cakes and Chocolate Bbiscuits, -Fish and Chips, Fish and Chips, -Soup!

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