Secondary education in the UK
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (10 класс) на тему

Презентация к уроку английского яызка в 10 классе.


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Слайд 1

Secondary education in the UK .

Слайд 2

All education in England is divided into two sectors: public and private. Public schools are free and British citizens study there. Foreign children may be admitted to the public schools of Great Britain only on the third level of education (16 years ).

Слайд 3

The academic year in England consists of three semesters, separated by holidays: Autumn – from September to December, winter - from January to the end of March and spring - from April to early July.

Слайд 4

School uniform in England is required, but each school chooses the option, plus the obligatory element of the form - a distinctive symbol of the school.

Слайд 5

Food . Breakfast is the choice of cornflakes, bacon, scrambled eggs, biscuits, fruit juices, tea. For lunch, students chose from a few hot dishes. For dessert are pechёnosti, fruit or fruit yogurt. Dinner is a couple of hot dishes to choose from, fruit and the obligatory traditional tea with bread, butter and jam.

Слайд 6

Traditions and rules . You can not leave the school grounds without permission from the duty teacher or house-master, or engage in any foreign affairs during the prep-half.

Слайд 7

Accommodation . Traditionally, children under 14 years old live in rooms of 4-8 people, seniors living in two - three, and 16 and 17 years of private rooms are available with all the necessary furniture.

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