разработки по фонетике
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (8, 9 класс) на тему

Пискунова Ирина Михайловна

Данный комплекс позволяет развивать не только  навыки аудирования, а также грамматические конструкции,правописание,мотивирует учащихся


Файл last_christmas.docx15.33 КБ
Microsoft Office document icon mad_world.doc26.5 КБ
Файл within_temptation.docx13.17 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:

"Last Christmas" is a song by British pop duo Wham!, released  in 1984,It was written by George Michael, one half of the duo. The song has been covered by many artists throughout the years.

               The Beatles - Last Christmas

Last Christmas

I gave you my heart

But the very next day you gave it away

This year

To save me from tears

I'll give it to someone special

Once bitten and twice shy

I keep my distance

But you still catch my eye

Tell me baby

Do you recognize me?


It's been a year

It doesn't surprise me

"Last Christmas"

I wrapped it up and sent it

With a note saying "I love you"

I meant it

Now I know what a fool I've been

But if you kissed me now

I know you'd fool me again

Last Christmas

I gave you my heart

But the very next day you gave it away

This year

To save me from tears

I'll give it to someone special

A crowded room

Friends with tired eyes

I'm hiding from you

And your soul of ice

My god I thought you were

Someone to rely on


I guess I was a shoulder to cry on

A face on a lover with a fire in his heart

A man undercover but you tore me apart

oh oh

Now I've found a real love you'll never fool me again


Past Tenses.

        1)Write the introduction of the song.


2)Find in the song  « Last Christmas» and introduction past forms of the verbs and translate them into Russian.










       3)Fill the table in using the verbs from the song «Last Christmas»


Participle I

Participle II

     4) Transform the following text in past tense.

  1. I give you my heart__________________________________________________________
  2. But the very next day you give it away___________________________________________
  3. I'll give it to someone special___________________________________________________
  4. Save me from tears___________________________________________________________
  5. I keep my distance____________________________________________________________
  6. Do you recognize me?_________________________________________________________
  7. It doesn't surprise me__________________________________________________________
  8. Now I know what a fool I'm______________________________________________________
  9. I know you will fool me again_____________________________________________________
  10. I'm hiding from you_____________________________________________________________
  11. Now I find a real love ___________________________________________________________



        5) Put the words below in the gaps.

Last  gave  I'll give catch wrapped sent kissed thought were was tore have found Friends with tired eyes


          1) _____Christmas I _______you my heart, but _______________day you __________ it away

          2)This year _______________it to someone special

          3) But you still _________________my eye

          4) I ___________it up and ___________________it

          5) But if_______________ you me now

         6)My god I ________you __________someone to rely on

         7)I guess I _________a shoulder to cry on

         8)You _________me apart

         9) I________ a real love

         10) Friends __________ eyes


Предварительный просмотр:

active vocabulary:

1.Familiar faces- знакомые лица

2.Worn out – избитый, банальный

3.To fill up – заполнять

4.To run in circles- ходить по кругу

5.To feel good – хорошо себя чувствовать

6.To be nervous – быть взволнованным

7.To look through – пронизывать взглядом, смотреть насквозь

8.To drown sorrow – утопить печаль

9.To hide head – укрываться, прятать глаза, замыкаться

10.Expression – эмоция

Fill in the gaps:

All around me are __________________
____________ places, ____________ faces
Bright and early for the daily races
Going no where, going no where
Their tears are ________________ their glasses
No ___________, no ____________

____________ I wanna ___________ my sorrow
No tomorrow, no tomorrow

And I find it kind of funny
I find it kind of sad
The dreams in which I’m dying
Are the best I’ve ever had
I find it hard to tell you
I find it hard to take
When ______________________ its a very very
Mad world, mad world

Children waiting for the day
They _____________________
Happy birthday, happy birthday
And I feel the way
that every child should
Sit and listen, sit and listen
Went to school and I ___________________
No one knew me, no one knew me
Hello teacher tell me what’s my lesson
____________ right t____________ me, ___________ right _____________ me

And I find it kind of funny
I find it kind of sad
The dreams in which I’m dying
Are the best I’ve ever had
I find it hard to tell you
I find it hard to take
When _______________________ its a very very
Mad world, mad world
Enlarging your world
Mad world

Предварительный просмотр:

Within Temptation – Final Destination

  1. Write down all the verbs used in Present Continuous (after listening the song, without consulting the text)

  1. Insert the following verbs in the text using the proper form: to come, to suffocate, to search, to close, to turn, to find, to wait.

I've given my final moment, 
But it __________ back on me 
On every corner I turn I can feel it waiting 
And just a moment of awareness, 
I can easily slip away. 
And then I’ll be gone forever!

I  __________,
I  __________for a way to get through. 
To turn it away.

It __________ , always trying. 
Feel the hands of fate 
They __________ . 
Tell me what's the reason? 
Is it only inside my head? 
Can't take it no more.

All around me I see danger 
And it  __________ in on me 
Every second I can hear it 
I can't stand the feeling inside of me. 
'Cause the speed of me is jaded. 
And it will be my end.

But no one faced what  __________my way. 
And I will let my fear fade away 
Whatever may be, I’ll have to find out.

  1. Listen to the tape and ill in the gaps:

I've given my final moment, 
But it __________ back on me 
On every corner I turn I can feel it waiting 
And just a moment of awareness, 
I can easily slip away. 
And then I’ll be gone forever!

I  __________,
I  __________for a way to get through. 
To turn it away.

It __________ , always trying. 
Feel the hands of fate 
They __________ . 
Tell me what's the reason? 
Is it only inside my head? 
Can't take it no more.

All around me I see danger 
And it  __________ in on me 
Every second I can hear it 
I can't stand the feeling inside of me. 
'Cause the speed of me is jaded. 
And it will be my end.

But no one faced what  __________my way. 
And I will let my fear fade away 
Whatever may be, I’ll have to find out.

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