Урок-игра в 3-м классе
план-конспект урока по английскому языку на тему

Хабибулина Елена Сергеевна

План-конспект урока в 3-м классе по тема "Животные, который час, притяжательный падеж"


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Предварительный просмотр:

Lesson “On the textbook’s pages”

Цели и задачи:

  1. Обобщение лексического материала по теме “Who lives in fairy-tales”.
  2. Тренировка лексико-грамматического материала по теме.
  3. Развивать устойчивую мотивацию к изучению иностранного языка посредством расширения словарного запаса и эмоционального воздействия на учащихся.
  4. Воспитание чувства товарищества, коллективизма, способствовать социализации ученического коллектива.


  1. Жетоны
  2. Картинки по теме «Животные»
  3. Раздаточный материал
  4. Презентация к  уроку
  5. Кроссворд

Ход урока

  1. Организационный момент

Teacher:  Good morning, children!

Today we have a special lesson. It’s a game-lesson “Jungle Call”. Today you’ll recite poems, guess riddles and crossword and do other interesting tasks. I hope the lesson will be interesting for you and you’ll enjoy it. Look, please, there is our jury. And now let’s start our lesson. Look, what I see??? I see you can divide into two teams. Please, teams, take you places, we start our travel. We’ll travel by ships on the sea. We visit different Islands.  Look at maps you have.

  1. The first Island is “Presentation”

Well, children, the first Island is Presentation. You must present you team and you captain. Who wants to be the first?

We are “Animals”. We are clever, cunning, brave, and strong. In our team we have: Wolf – Kolya, Crocodile – Stas, Squirrel - Ira, Hare – Ira, Tiger – Margarita, Lion – Oleg. Our captain is Fox – Alina.

We are “Flowers”. We are energetic, brave, clever, nice. In our team we have: Chamomile – Ruslan, Daisy – Lera, Narcissus – Milana, Tulip – Masha, Bluebell – Zhenya, Dandelion – Mussa, Cornflower – Olya. Our captain is a beautiful Rose – Karina.

Well, I see you are ready to competitions.

  1. Riddles

The next Island is Riddles Island. Let’s see how you know to guess different riddles. Please, start.  

  1. This animal lives in the forest. It’s neither big nor small. It likes to eat carrots and it is afraid of fox and a wolf.
  2. This animal is very big. It has a very  long nose. It lives in India and Africa. It likes to eat leaves.
  3. This animal lives at home or in the street. It’s man’s friend. It can run, but cannot fly and climb.
  4. This animal lives in the river or near the water. It’s green. It can jump and swim, but it can neither run nor climb.
  5. Clean, but not water, white, but not snow, sweet, but not ice-cream. What is it?
  6. Cold, snow. What season is it?
  7. I haven’t wings, but I fly, I haven’t eyes, but I cry. What am I?
  8. It has one face, two hands, it goes, but it stands?
  9. Where we can see roads without cars, forests without trees, cities without houses?
  10.  What it always coming, but never arrives?

Well, done. I see you know different riddles. You are rather cute and clever children.


  1. The next Island is Grammar Island

Now, children I want to see how you know the difference between much and many. Look at pictures on the blackboard and say: Much or many.

Very good, children!

  1. Time Island

 And now, look, the next Island is Time Island. Here you must say us: What time is it? By turns. Look at the blackboard, please.








Well done, children.

  1. Actor Island

Teacher:  I see you are tired a little. Now we’ll have a rest. Look! We are on Actor Island.  I know you like animals. The following task is to show us an animal from the pictures you have. You mustn’t say any word.  And the other team try to guess the animal.

Well, I see you are very good actors.  

  1. Poem Island

Teacher: The next island is Poem Island. You must recite poems you know.

Well, children. You know many English poems.

  1. Translator Island

The next island is Translator Island. Let’s remember, children как мы говорим по-английски когда нужно сказать, что вещь принадлежит кому-то. Правильно. Сначала мы говорим чья вещь, а потом называем саму вещь и не забываем об запятой с «с». Look at the blackboard and try to translate


Card 1

Card 2

  1. Мамин конверт
  2. Написать письмо
  3. Зеленые глаза
  4. Красивое лицо
  5. Отправить письмо
  6. Дом почтальона
  1. Карандаши Хоббита
  2. Получить открытку
  3. Маленькие уши
  4. Большой нос
  5. Хитрые глаза
  6. Плакаты друзей

Well done, you are clever children.

  1. Crossword Island  

Teacher: Look! It’s a Crossword Island. Let’s guess the crosswords and know the keywords. You must go to the blackboard and write a word. One by one.

















































день рождения






















Very good, children. Now I know you are very cute, clever, good children.

Подведение итогов.

Teacher: It’s time to count our cards and to know who was won. You see, that cards are of different color.  Every color has its number. Look and count.

Команды подсчитывают жетоны.

Teacher: How many points has “Animals”?

“Jury”: The team has 20 poins.

Teacher: How many points has “Flowers”?

“Jury”: The team has 18 points.

Teacher: The winner of our game is the team “Animals”. Congratulate the team “Animals”. Each participant receives a present.

Teacher: Thank you for the lesson. I satisfied by your work.  Please, say me:

  • Do you like the lesson?
  • Yes,  I like
  • Do you like your work at the lesson?
  • Yes, I do
  • Do you want to have such lessons more often?
  • Yes, we do.

Teacher:  Good bye, boys and girls.

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