Диагностическая контрольная работа
тест по английскому языку (10 класс) на тему

Чуричева Ирина Валерьевна

Диагностическая контрольная работа № 1

Для учащихся 10 классов по учебнику К.Кауфман “Happy English.ru” 


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Диагностическая контрольная работа № 1

Для учащихся 10 классов по учебнику К.Кауфман “Happy English.ru”

  1. Complete the telephone conversation with the words or expressions from the box.

Carla is going to England for the first time next week. She is going to stay with her pen friend, Cathy.

CATHY:  Hello, 857 6783

CARLA: Hi Cathy. It’s Carla

CATHY: Oh! Hello! How are you&? Are you ready to come to England?

CARLA: Yes, I’m looking forward to it. I just called to ask you a few questions.

CATHY: Sure,  (1)………………………………………?

CARLA: Well, what’s the weather like over there at the moment?

                (2) …………………………………….bring warm clothes.

CATHY: (3)……………………………… It’s been quite cold here recently.

                You know English weather!

CARLA: Yes, I’ve heard about it. Another thing, (4) ……………………………

                 Get from the airport to your place.

CATHY: I think it would be better if you come straight into central London,

                then we could meet after I finish work.

CARLA: OK. (5)……………………. the best way of getting into the city?

CATHY: Sure. When you arrive, go to the taxi rank..  

CARLA: (6)…………………………………..?

CATHY: Oh, it’s a queue of taxis. There’s one just outside the airport building.

CARLA: OK. Taxi, I’ve got that (7)……………………. I tell the driver?

CATHY: Ask him to take you to the HMV record store in Oxford Street.

CARLA: HMV?  (8)…………………………………………….?

CATHY: His Master’s Voice, it’s the name of the record company I work for.

CARLA: OK. I’ll meet you there at 5:30 next Friday. One last thing, (9)…………………

                phone number (10)…………………………… something goes wrong?

CATHY: Yes, of course. It’s 857 6783

CARLA: OK. Thanks. I’ll see you next week!


2.  Fill in the gaps with the right words from the box.

1 They had to pay a lot of money for ……………………………..

2 Before the security check, you’ll have to ……………your pockets and………………your jackets.

3 An electronic ticket may be …………… because there are often many special offers from different        airlines online.

4 Heathrow is known for its …………………….

5 My friend is looking for……………. because her baggage is heavy.

3. Choose the right answer.

1. They saw a lot of people when they arrive……………. the station.

a) in                                         b) at                                   c) to

2. If I want to find…… more information about something I look for it in the Internet.

a) against                                b) for                                 c) out

3. Russia is famous……. its talented writers and poets.

a) for                                       b) in                                  c)   with

4. Last week we organized a school party and I was responsible………….music.    

a) to                                         b) in                                 c) for

5. This boy is a real pain in the neck. He always gets involved…………. bad companies.

a) with                                     b) of                                c) in

4. Put the verbs in brackets in the right form.

1. My brother (arrive) tonight.

2. Where (be) she now? She (do) her homework.

3. My parents (be) in St. Petersburg now. They (have) a good time.

4. Every year we 9spend) our holidays in a summer camp,

5. Your plane (arrive) at the airport at 5 p.m. It isn’t going to be late.

5. Choose the expression that suits best.

1. When you arrive at the airport, you should pay attention to the check in desk / signs / queues.

2. If you don’t want to miss your train, you should come  on time / by time / at time  to the railway station.

3. My cousin often gets involved with  bad boys. His parents say that he is a pain

in the heart / in the back / in the neck.

4. My computer is rather old. I want to keep it / get rid of it / empty it.

5. At the check-in desk passengers have to show their boarding passes / sharp objects / tickets.



1) How can I help  

 2) I don’t know whether to    

 3) I would if I were you

4) I’m supposed to      

5) Could you tell me

6) What’s a taxi rank

7) What should          

8) What does that stand for

9) Can you give me your work    

10) In case      

2  1)Excess weight.     2) Empty,  take off.   3) Really cheap.      4) Queues.      5) A trolley.    

3 1) at      2) out    3) for    4)for       5) with

4  1) will arrive     2) is.  is doing     3) are.  are having.    4) spend     5) arrives

5  1) signs     2) on time    3) in the neck    4) get rid of it      5) tickets.


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