Конспект открытого урока в 5 классе на тему "School clubs"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (5 класс) на тему

Пономаренко Регина Равилевна

Конспект открытого урока в 5 классе на тему "School clubs"


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Предварительный просмотр:

The 5 th grade. The theme is school clubs

-Good morning children! I’m glad to see you.

-Let’s say good morning to our guests.

-Ok, sit down!

-How are today? I see, that you are in a perfect mood today!

-Ruzal, come up to the blackboard and fill this poster. At this moment, let’s speak about weather. What is the weather like today?

-I would like to begin the lesson with tongue twisters. Do you know tongue twister about lorry? About irregular word ‘think’? about tongue twister? About elephants? About ice cream?

-Good for you. Thank very much!

-Now, boys and girls I want you to watch the video. You should say what this video is about.

-Ok, let’s discuss. What was this video about? …….

-Milada, do you agree with Kamilya?  Фраза согласия

-How can we say another words? Yes, of course – school clubs.

- Tell me please, do you go to school clubs? Raise your hands. How many of you goes to school club? Very good.

- What school club are going to?.......

-Ok. Well done. Now take, please, a small shit of green paper and write down , what school club are you going to.

- Hand me this papers please.

- Who goes to photography club? Emiliya, please tell us some information about photography club.

-Thank you. Sit down. Now, let’s imagine that we are in photography club. Look at the blackboard. Here we have photos and descriptions. The task is to match the photo and an exact club. Do it in written form please in your exercise-books.

-1 minute to do this task. Ok, let’s check. Elvina, read please.

-Let’s evaluate your work. Raise red circle, if you managed to do this task without mistakes. Raise yellow if there were one or two mistakes, and blue one if there were a lot of mistakes.

- Well done, Everybody were correct. Remind me please, who goes to singing club? _________, please tell us something about singing club.

- It is interesting to go to singing club, yes. Фраза согласия

- Let’s imagine that we are at the singing club. Each of you has an envelope in your desk. Open it. Here is a song, but it’s not a simple song. There are some tasks in it. Put all this shits in front of you. While we listen a song, you need to collect the first couplet and to fill the gaps in the  second and third couplets. Ok? We will listen this song once, after making this tasks we will sing it.

-Ready, was it difficult for you to do it? Let’s check. Is everything correct? Andrey, read please the first couplet in right order. Ksyusha, what words were hidden here?

- Yana, do you agree? Фраза согласия

-OK, let’s sing it all together.

- Well done. Let’s evaluate your work. How did you manage to do this task. Raise your cards: red, yellow or blue.

-Good for you. Very good results. Thank you.

- Boys and girls, does anybody go to computer club? _________ tell us something about your club.

- Now, let’s imagine that we are in sitting at the computer club. Each of you has a netbook at your desk. Open it. Let’s take some grammar. Here is the task. You need to write down the right form of the verb. I give you 5 minutes.

- Please, don’t hesitate to check your answers.

- Now, let’s evaluate your work. Raise the red card if you did all your best, and blue if you should learn English better.

- I see you are tired, let’s warm up a little. Stand up everybody.  I will name the school club- you should show the actions.

  • Water World club
  • Dancing club
  • Singing club
  • Sport club
  • Tennis club

- Very good. Sit down. Let’s continue our lesson. I remember, that somebody is going to sport club. Andrey, tell us about Sport club. East or west sport is best, what is the sentence? …… Oh, I also prepared one proverb for you. Я читаю, потом хором с детьми. How to translate it? Malika welcome. Tell me, please, do you know the Russian equivalent of this proverb. Do you agree? Do you think so? Фраза согласия.

- I know the right way of your learning this proverb in one minute. Let’s check. Who will read it? Ok. The next slide. Read one more time, please. So, the next one, and the last. So…..

Who can read the whole proverb.

-Well done, we see that it is very easy to learn the proverbs. Do you agree with me? Фраза согласия.

-Remind me, please, who goes to drawing club? Armine, tell us something about this club.

Она рассказывает про кружок и говорит об эмблемах.

-Well done. Thank you very much. Do you remember you have answered my questions in shits of green paper? I’ve made a diagram. Let’s have a look. We can see that the drawing club  is the most popular in our class, but dancing club is the least.

- But now, at the end of our lesson I want you to answer what school club would you like to attend?

- We’ve know a lot information about school clubs, so what school club would you like to attend? Отвечают по одному устно.

- Now, please, work in pairs. Ask your partner about his/her favour. Take a blue paper and fill the table.

- Hand me this papers please. Oh, I see that everybody wants to attend more than two clubs. It’s perfect. Look at the diagram, here we can make a vivid conclusion, that our lesson awoke your interest. Do you think so? Фраза согласия.

- Let’us finish our lesson! You к home task will be to write a letter to a pen friend about your school clubs. Stand up everybody, I want to finish the lesson with a proverb: East or West – school clubs are best!!! Thank you for the lesson.  

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Спасибо за интересный урок! Желаю успехов!