Мониторинг по чтению для 6 класса
тест по английскому языку (6 класс) на тему

Мельникова Мария Александровна

Данная работа представлена двумя заданиями на проверку понимания прочитанного.В этом же документе  содержатся ключи к заданиям.


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Предварительный просмотр:


Grade 6

1. Read the text and write the words in the correct spaces.

The Tower

Far away, in a small place that is called ‘Pyrgos’, there was a tower: a tall tower, a scary tower!

Who was it (1) __________ by?

The tower was called The Stone Tower. The people who lived near it were frightened by it. They were told that many years ago, in 70 AD, a strange man named Juan was brought to Pyrgos. He wanted to make a tall tower. He drew pictures and he chose the place for his tower.    

When was it (2) __________ ?

The place that was chosen for the tower was across the river from Pyrgos. First, a bridge was built. It was built in ten days by twenty men. Then, for five months people looked for stones to make the tower. The stones were carried across the river. Hundreds of people worked for forty years to make the tower. The tower was finished in 110 AD.      

Who was it (3) __________ by?

The tower was very large, but it was grey. A painter was needed! And a genius was found. A great painter named Valdez came from a city 30km away to work on the tower. For twelve years he worked and worked and finally it was finished!  

How was it (4) __________ ?

Then twenty years later, in 142 AD, the people of Pyrgos were woken up by a terrible noise one morning. Was it the river? No, it was a fire! There was a fire in the tower! The people didn’t know what to do so they ran.  

Who was it (5) __________ by?

Many, many years later a twelve-year-old named Imelda was out walking. It was a clear day and she climbed a steep hill to get a good view of the river. She was surprised to see something strange in the distance – it was a group of stones. It was the tower!

2. Read the text and write the headings in the correct spaces.

1 _______________

This week’s weather is going to be a bit weird and there will be a lot of changes during the week. Well, that’s common for spring weather. Today is Monday and it’s going to be warm with no clouds in the sky. It will be sunny and a perfect day for going to the beach. Enjoy it while you can, because it will be the last day like it all week! This bright, sunny weather is soon going to change.

2 _______________

Tomorrow’s forecast is for terrible weather. A thunderstorm will move into the area in the morning – no more sun and no more clear skies. We will see thick, black clouds, a lot of rain and strong winds on Tuesday. In the afternoon there will probably be lightning and thunder during the storm. Take your raincoat and your umbrella with you when you go out.

3 _______________

On Wednesday the storm will end and the weather will be a bit better. We will see a few showers in the day and clear skies in the afternoon again. But this light rain will only last for a short time. The evening will be dry. The temperature will fall and you might want to get some warm clothes to wear.

4 _______________

On Thursday we won’t see the sun at all. There will be dark clouds which mean we will have grey skies for the whole day and cool temperatures into the evening. In the evening, there will be quite a bit of fog.

5 _______________

Friday’s weather will be very cold I’m afraid. In fact, if you live in higher areas, you will see frost on the ground. The mountains will have a bit of snow too. And of course, temperatures will fall with the snow and ice. It won’t seem like spring at all!

Test Grade 6


  1.  Read the text and write the words in the correct spaces.

The Tower

Far away, in a small place that is called ‘Pyrgos’, there was a tower: a tall tower, a scary tower!

Who was it (1) designed by?

The tower was called The Stone Tower. The people who lived near it were frightened by it. They were told that many years ago, in 70 AD, a strange man named Juan was brought to Pyrgos. He wanted to make a tall tower. He drew pictures and he chose the place for his tower.    

When was it (2) built?

The place that was chosen for the tower was across the river from Pyrgos. First, a bridge was built. It was built in ten days by twenty men. Then, for five months people looked for stones to make the tower. The stones were carried across the river. Hundreds of people worked for forty years to make the tower. The tower was finished in 110 AD.      

Who was it (3) painted by?

The tower was very large, but it was grey. A painter was needed! And a genius was found. A great painter named Valdez came from a city 30km away to work on the tower. For twelve years he worked and worked and finally it was finished!  

How was it (4) destroyed?

Then twenty years later, in 142 AD, the people of Pyrgos were woken up by a terrible noise one morning. Was it the river? No, it was a fire! There was a fire in the tower! The people didn’t know what to do so they ran.  

Who was it (5) discovered by?

Many, many years later a twelve-year-old named Imelda was out walking. It was a clear day and she climbed a steep hill to get a good view of the river. She was surprised to see something strange in the distance – it was a group of stones. It was the tower!

2. Read the text and write the headings in the correct spaces.

1 Lots of sun

This week’s weather is going to be a bit weird and there will be a lot of changes during the week. Well, that’s common for spring weather. Today is Monday and it’s going to be warm with no clouds in the sky. It will be sunny and a perfect day for going to the beach. Enjoy it while you can, because it will be the last day like it all week! This bright, sunny weather is soon going to change.

2 Thunderstorm and lightning

Tomorrow’s forecast is for terrible weather. A thunderstorm will move into the area in the morning – no more sun and no more clear skies. We will see thick, black clouds, a lot of rain and strong winds on Tuesday. In the afternoon there will probably be lightning and thunder during the storm. Take your raincoat and your umbrella with you when you go out.

3 Light showers

On Wednesday the storm will end and the weather will be a bit better. We will see a few showers in the day and clear skies in the afternoon again. But this light rain will only last for a short time. The evening will be dry. The temperature will fall and you might want to get some warm clothes to wear.

4 Dark day

On Thursday we won’t see the sun at all. There will be dark clouds which mean we will have grey skies for the whole day and cool temperatures into the evening. In the evening, there will be quite a bit of fog.

5 Like winter

Friday’s weather will be very cold I’m afraid. In fact, if you live in higher areas, you will see frost on the ground. The mountains will have a bit of snow too. And of course, temperatures will fall with the snow and ice. It won’t seem like spring at all!

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