Мониторинг смыслового чтения 6 класс
методическая разработка (6 класс) по теме

Данный мониторинг проверяет уровень сформированности навыков смыслового чтения у учащихся 6 класса. Работа составлени на основе материалов учебника Happy К.И. Кауфман и М.Ю. Кауфман.


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Предварительный просмотр:

  1.  Read the text. Choose the best name for the story:

  1. The wizard.
  2. Father and son.
  3. A trip to the future.
  4. The Stone of Destiny.
  5. The story from the past.
  6. Robin helped his country.

     Once upon a time there lived a boy. His name was Robin MacWizard. He lived in Edinburgh five hundred years ago. His family was his father and grandmother because Robin’s mother died when he was two years old. His father was a wizard and the boy could do a lot of magic things too. Robin was also very clever and brave.

     At that time Scotland was very weak and poor, and life was very difficult.

     Robin and his father wanted to help their country. “Scotland must be strong and rich again,” they always repeated.

     Robin believed in an old Scottish legend about the Stone of Destiny. He believed that the Stone could help his country. But the stone was lost for Scotland. It was in London in Westminster Abbey.

     And one day Robin travelled in time to the London of the future. While he was there, something happened, the door to his time closed and the boy couldn’t return.

     His father was very sad, because he couldn’t help his son. The wizard couldn’t eat or sleep. He could only sit by the window and wait. One cold winter morning he looked out the window – his son Robin was there. Robin went back home without the Stone of Destiny and he never answered his father’s questions about the future.

  1. Choose the right answer:

  1. Robin’s father was …
  1. a poor man.
  2. a great wizard.
  3. the Scottish king.
  1. Robin could
  1. do some magic things.
  2. speak a lot of languages.
  3. swim well.
  1. The Stone of Destiny was
  1. in Edinburgh.
  2. in London.
  3. in Tunbridge Wells.
  1. Robin travelled in time, because
  1. He wanted to help his country.
  2. He wanted to see his relatives in the future.
  3. He wanted to see his mother.

  1. True (T), False (F) or No Information (N):

  1. The boy lived in Edinburgh seven hundred years ago. ____
  2. Robin could play football very well. ____
  3. The Stone of Destiny wasn’t in Scotland. ____
  4. The life in Scotland was very difficult. ____
  5. Robin could return to his time. ____

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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