Spotlight 10 Marine litter
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (10 класс) по теме

Миронюк Лилия Александровна

Данная презентация предназначена для 10го класса, учебник Spotlight. Module 5, Going green. К данной презентации я использовала видео http://The_waste_dump_of_our_planet_-_a_look_at_Marine_Litter.

А так же аудио приложение к Spotlight 10


Файл marine_litter.pptx2.42 МБ

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Слайд 1

Подготовил: учитель английского языка II категории Миронюк Л.А. Marine litter

Слайд 2

How are the following related to the text ? Read and translate: Broken glass – There might be broken glass in the sand and I can not see it. It would be very dangerous for the people on the beach. Fishing net – Sometimes you can find pieces of fishing nets on the beach. It makes the beach look very dirty. They can injure animals, too. Drinks cans – People drink soft drinks from cans and not everyone throws them in the bin when they are finished.

Слайд 3

- Plastic bags – People bring food in plastic bags. If they leave them behind they are dangerous to animals. - Plastic buckets and spades – People use them to build sandcastles but they can be left behind very easily. Sometimes you can find them lying on the beach, making it very untidy. - Beach balls – A nother fun toy you can find on any beach. When they burst, nobody wants them and they are left behind on the beach. - Food wrappers – People often leave them behind causing litter.

Слайд 4

С hoose the right answer -They say you have an environmental awareness day at school today. What does it mean? -It’s a special day when we learn what we 1) don’t have to/should do to protect the environment. You know, how we 2) can/mustn’t help to save the planet. -That sounds interesting. What do you do? -Well, for a start, everybody 3) should/can’t walk or cycle to school to save energy. And we 4) mustn’t/must make sure we don’t waste energy. -I see. Besides, we 5) ought/should recycle paper, glass and plastic. -You are right. I think you 6) had better/have to have an environmental awareness day at your school, too.

Слайд 5

Check your answers: - They say you have an environmental awareness day at school today. What does it mean? -It’s a special day when we learn what we 1) should do to protect the environment. You know, how we 2) can help to save the planet. -That sounds interesting. What do you do? -Well, for a start, everybody 3) should walk or cycle to school to save energy. And we 4 ) must make sure we don’t waste energy. -I see. Besides, we 5 ) should recycle paper, glass and plastic. -You are right. I think you 6) have to have an environmental awareness day at your school, too.

Слайд 6

Look the video. Answer the question: What can we do else to protect the environment?

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