Модальные глаголы и их эквиваленты
консультация по английскому языку на тему

Валль Валерия Дмитриевна

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Предварительный просмотр:


can / to be  able to – могу, умею (физическая возможность что-либо сделать)

I can play the piano, (умею) Не can answer the question, (может)

I am able to help you. (могу)

He is able to come to the meeting. (может)

I cannot swim, (не умею) He cannot understand, (не может)

I am not able to meet you. (не имею возможности)

Can you sing? (умеете?) Can you help me? (можете?)

Are you able to come tomorrow? (сможешь)

may / to be allowed to – можно (иметь разрешение)

You may take my pen. (можете)

I am allowed to walk alone. (разрешено)

You may not touch it. (нельзя)

I am not allowed to go out at night. (не разрешено)

May I come in? (можно?)

Are you allowed to travel on your own? (разрешено)

must / have to - должен

You must obey the school rules. (должен)

I have to buy a present for my granny. (мне нужно, то есть я сам это решил для себя)

You must not go there, (нельзя)

I don't have to go there. (не надо)

Must I learn it by heart? (должен?)

Do you have to go there? (надо?)

should / ought to – следовало бы

The shop assistant should be polite to the customers. (следовало бы)

The shop assistant ought to be polite to the customers. (следовало бы)

You shouldn’t miss the lesson. (не следовало бы)

You didn’t ought to miss the lesson. (не следовало бы)

need – нужно, необходимость чего-либо

I need new shoes. (нужно)

I don’t need this book any more. (не нужно)

Do you need this book?

Упражнение 1. Вставьте подходящий по смыслу модальный глагол или его эквивалент:

Foreign students in Britain (1) ________ usually stay with family or they (2) _______ be able to find a cheap hotel if they’d (3) ________ be on their own. Those who (4) _______ to improve their English very quickly normally stay with a family. Students who come to Britain for more than three months (5) _______ register with the police. If you stay for less than three months, you (6) ________ register at the police station. All foreign students (7) ________ to register with a doctor although it is not compulsory. You (8) ________ need medical help during your stay. If you fall ill, you (9) _________ go directly to a hospital unless it is a serious emergency. Phone your doctor first.

Упражнение 2. Вставьте подходящий по смыслу модальный глагол или его эквивалент:

  1. In my country you ____________ get married when you are 16.
  2. Women ___________ vote in England until 1922.
  3. Last night I __________ get into my house because I had forgotten my key.
  4. I phoned the Gas Board because I thought I ___________ smell gas, which is very dangerous.
  5. “Hello. Is that the dentist? ___________ I make an appointment to see you, please?
  6. I’m learning car mechanics because I want ___________ to service my own car. It costs a fortune if you send it to the garage.
  7. Many night animals ______________ see very well, but they have a highly developed sense of smell.
  8. If you __________ do this exercise, you’re very clever!

Упражнение 3. Вставьте подходящий по смыслу модальный глагол или его эквивалент:

  1. A. What time _________ we ____________ leave for the airport?
  1. It’s only a thirty-minutes drive,  so we _______ go until about 3.30. I __________ do my packing I haven’t start yet!
  1. I have an interview for a job next week, but before the interview I _______ have a  

     medical examination.

  1. How did you damage your bike? You ______ learn to look after your toys. When I was your age, I ____________ clean my bike every night.
  1. There’s a new Indian restaurant just opened that you should go to. It’s wonderful! You ____________ book, though, because it’s so popular already.
  2. I’m sure she didn’t mean to upset you. You _______ take things so personally.
  3. I hate __________ get up on cold, winter mornings.
  4. I hate _________ tell you this, but you’ve just got a parking ticket.
  5. I have perfect teeth. I ____________ never __________ have a single filling.
  6. I think I’ve put on weight. I ___________ watch what I eat in future.
  7. I don’t think a career in the army would suit me. I ______ wear a uniform, for a start.
  8. You _____________ worry about me. I can look after myself.
  9. The doctor said I’ve got conjunctivitis. I ______ put drops in my eye three times a day.
  10. What a wonderful meal that was! You _____________ gone to so much trouble!
  1. I got something for my cough from the chemists’s, so I ______ go to the doctor’s.
  1. I was very concerned about how my daughter would find going to her new school, but I ____________ worried, because she loved every minute.
  2. You _________ take out travel insurance, but it’s a good idea, just to be on the safe side.

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