Дополнительные материалы для 6 класса
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (6 класс) на тему

Лексико-грамматические материалы для 6 класса


Предварительный просмотр:

Unit 2. Theatre

Form 6th 

Useful words and phrases:

The Bolshoy Theatre

The Maly Theatre

“All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players”. (W. Shakespeare)

Turn off the phones, the performance is about to start.

To be a theatre goer/lover

A matinee performance/an evening performance

A row

The stalls

The orchestra stalls

The pit

The boxes

The dress circle

The balcony/the upper circle

The gallery

A tragedy/a drama/a comedy/a musical/love-story

What’s on at the theatre today?

The cloak-room

The house is full today.

To book the tickets (by telephone/in person at the box office of the theatre/online)

To collect tickets from the box office

On the day of the performance

To applaud

Who is playing the leading role?

The cast

To enjoy the play

The curtain is going up/down.

The interval

To be a flop

To cause admiration

Musical theatre, puppet theatre, opera house,

Refreshment room




A dressing room

A conductor

An usher

A Foyer

Unit 2. Theatre

Form 6th 

Useful words and phrases:

The Bolshoy Theatre

The Maly Theatre

“All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players”. (W. Shakespeare)

Turn off the phones, the performance is about to start.

To be a theatre goer/lover

A matinee performance/an evening performance

A row

The stalls

The orchestra stalls

The pit

The boxes

The dress circle

The balcony/the upper circle

The gallery

A tragedy/a drama/a comedy/a musical/love-story

What’s on at the theatre today?

The cloak-room

The house is full today.

To book the tickets (by telephone/in person at the box office of the theatre/online)

To collect tickets from the box office

On the day of the performance

To applaud

Who is playing the leading role?

The cast

To enjoy the play

The curtain is going up/down.

The interval

To be a flop

To cause admiration

Musical theatre, puppet theatre, opera house,

Refreshment room




A dressing room

A conductor

An usher

A Foyer

Предварительный просмотр:


1. Write the words into the crossword.






  1. The part of a theatre where actors, dancers, etc stand and move.
  2. A short time between two parts of a play or concert.
  3. A person who acts in plays, films or television programmes.
  4. All the people who are watching or listening to a film, play, concert or the television.

2 Read the information and answer the questions.

  1. Where can you find the Globe Theatre?
  2. When was it built?
  3. Whose plays were performed here?

3 Choose a, b or c.

  1. The original Globe Theatre was built ………

a) by the River Thames.                b) far from the River Thames.        

c) not near the River Thames.

        2. The original Globe Theatre was built …………

            a) in the 15th century        b) in the 16th century        c) in the 17th    century

        3. William Shakespeare was a famous ………….. in England.

            a) king        b) actor        c) writer

        4. There was a …… in England when Shakespeare’s plays were first   performed.

            a) king                b) queen                c) emperor

        5. ………….. caused the fire in the theatre.

            a) A man                b) An actor                c) A prop

Предварительный просмотр:


Topical Vocabulary Test

1. Name types of the theatre you know: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. What is your favorite type of play? Explain your choice:


3. Name the pictures:



_____________          _______________                        ______________



_____________                        ______________________________






4.  Choose the best variant:

 Cloakroom/ box office/ encore/ in the wings/ puppet theatre/ farce/ bill-board/ matinee/ house full/ rehearsal

1. After the play the actors got an __________

2. We couldn’t get any tickets because the_____ was _______

3. We went to the ______________ with our children

4. Leave your raincoats in the ___________!

5. I don’t like to go to the theatre in the evening, I prefer____________

6. You can book tickets by phone or buy it in the _________________

7. Actors were still _____________________

8. They had a lot of ___________, but the play wasn’t good enough

9. They saw a ________________ in a street and wanted to see this play

10. I prefer ___________ as a kind of play

5. Translate from Russian into English:

1. Мы пришли посмотреть популярную современную пьесу


2. Билетерша проверяет наши билеты


3. Они хотят купить программу для того чтобы узнать кто играет главную роль


4. Декорации были замечательными


5. Если ты сидишь на задних рядах в большом театре, то тебе будет плохо видно и слышно


По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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