Productive reading (продуктивное чтение)
статья по английскому языку ( класс) на тему

Владение технологией продуктивного чтения, особенно в век избытка информации, является необходимостью. Умение эффективно использовать информацию из текста характеризует образованного человека. В настоящее время смысловое чтение является метапредметным умением.


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Productive reading (продуктивное чтение).

Nowadays productive reading is a necessary skill of well-educated person. It contributes to choose the most useful information from the text, and means effective reading for gifts and details.

 School education involves teaching children the technic of productive reading. What does the productive reading mean?

Productive reading is a reading for a close understanding of content and message of the text.

The realization of productive reading method includes three stapes of text activity:

Pretext activity

Text activity

After text activity

Pretext activity helps to motivate students for the following reading. Discussion of the picture, connected with the text is a part of predicting reading. Teacher can make a puzzle to arouse interest in the topic. Problem question is a part of brainstorm activity. Students give their opinions about problem topic and then in a process of reading they meet solution. Method “forecasting the content” implies working with the title. Music also helps to create atmosphere as in the text. All these tasks involve students in reading.

At the beginning of the text activity, the teacher ask students to read for a gist, just to compare ideas about the content before and after reading; then comes reading for details. Students do tasks while reading, that is why this stage has name “reading for details”.

There are several methods of text activity.

1. Plan. Children read the text, then divide it into paragraphs, choose key words in each paragraph and make a plan.

2. Cluster. Cluster is a graphic picture. It has the center (where the main idea, problem, clue word is written) and connected clusters (where solutions, associations are written).

3. Insert (Interactive Notation to Effective Reading and Thinking) provides students opportunities for detail search. They highlight information in the text as already knew, new, thought other, do not understand and want to know more.

4. Wh-question words. Students complete the table with question words about facts from the text. This activity may be organized in pairs.

5. Fishbone. This is a picture of fish where the problem or clue question is in the head; facts are written on upper bones and solutions or conclusions are on lower bones.

These activities teach students to read thoughtfully and distinguish essential material.

After text activity involves reflection and express personal view on the text:

Summary. It is a brief retelling. Summary introduces key points of the text and performs the content.

Project. Teacher may ask students to make a project on the new topic. This method contributes comprehension of new information from the text into the system of knowledge.

Creative tasks (songs, pictures, poems, performance) express students’ attitude on well-read text.

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