презентация "Можем ли мы жить в мире?" 9 класс
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (9 класс) на тему

презентация к заключительному уроку по теме "Конфликты" 9 класс


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Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Can we learn to live in peace? What is conflict?

Слайд 2

What is the conflict? – It’s a harmful thing. That makes us rude and cruel. It breaks relationship and peace And starts the fights and quarrels. What should we do? Who has to help us live without conflicts? Don’t do to people harm! And learn TO LIVE IN FRIENDSHIP!

Слайд 3

Conflict Conflict (from the Latin. Conflictus) - clash or struggle, hostility. Conflict is actual or perceived opposition of needs , values and interests

Слайд 4

1 . Family conflict 2. Political c. 3.Religious c. 4.c. between friends 5.c. between countries

Слайд 5

Conflict in a family -between children and parents -between wife and husband -between sisters and brothers

Слайд 6

It’s important to resolve the conflict peacefully -you can lose respect and trust of each other -your family can crush -you would have bad relations at home -you would feel annoying and have stress -your life would be intolerable

Слайд 7

What people should do - discuss your problems, don’t keep silence -every member of your family can have his own opinion, respect it -find compromise -don’t forget that you are FAMILY, you are the closest people, you love each other

Слайд 8

Fiction example -”Jane Eyre” by Charlotte Bronte

Слайд 9

Conflicts between friends -you don’t want to make concessions to each other -you have own opinion and want to do as you want -you are the selfish persons

Слайд 10

Peaceful resolution -losing friends is easy but finding out is difficult -one old friend is better then two new ones -you will study with this person or people some more years

Слайд 11

What should you do -discuss your problems, don’t keep silence -ask your friends to help you, they can be a mediator -go to bed, morning is better then night

Слайд 12

Fiction example «Два капитана» В. Каверин

Слайд 13

Conflict between political parties -senator John McKean(republican party) and Barak Obama (democracy party)

Слайд 14

Sharp political fight -parliament in every country symbolizes power, it’s face of state -deputies should be polite with each other in spite of discord. -fighting is absolutely inadmissible thing

Слайд 15

Fiction and non-fiction example -everyday news (TV, Internet, newspapers)

Слайд 16

Ecological conflicts

Слайд 17

-between aboriginals and civilization -between animals and people -between nature and human

Слайд 18

Why we need of peaceful resolution -we want to live on the clean blue planet -without nature we are nothing -aboriginals have the right to live as they want, just in forest, without electricity, fishing and hunting as long ago

Слайд 19

What people should do -to protect nature -to help endangered animals -do not oppress aboriginals

Слайд 20

Fiction and non-fiction examples -stories by Еремей Айпин -news on TV and newspapers

Слайд 21

Why do they often happen? Conflicts may lead us to … Can we resolve them peacefully?

Слайд 22

Remember that being out of control will keep from solving the problem. Here is some advice how to cool off. Count down backwards from 10. Close your eyes and take deep breaths. Think of a peaceful place or something that makes you happy. Slowly say over and over to yourself, "Take it easy."

Слайд 23

What is your usual way of addressing conflicts (avoidance, collaboration, compromise, competition, accommodation)? Does your approach differ depending on situation?

Слайд 24

We should learn to observe the laws of coexistence

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