Тест Правило инфинитива. 10 класс
тест по английскому языку (10 класс) на тему

Мажура Ольга Владимировна

Тест- на усвоение правила инфинитива 10-11 класс. Содержит несколько вариантов, может быть ипользован на уроке  контроля.


Microsoft Office document icon Тест Инфинитив. 10 класс69 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Тest 3    Infinitive 10 cl                                          

  1. Put –ing form, to- infinitive, without  to:


  1. Ann  suggested  me                    (return) the DVD to the video club.
  2. Fred can                                     (explain) you this task.
  3. The teacher made                       (clean) classroom today.
  4. Would you like                           (drink) coffee with us?
  5. I don’t let                                    (take) my sister my things.
  6. You’d better                                (help) you with heavy suitcase.
  7. Garry likes                                    (drive) the car to his work.
  8. I’m looking forward to                  (travel) to Spain next week
  9. I can’t wait                                     (see) you again.
  10. Fred managed                                 (do) his work in time.
  11. Sally was glad                                  (see) her fried  as soon as possible.
  12. You must                                         (hurry up) or you’ll be late for a match.
  13. Rick denied                                     (do) extreme sports.
  14. When do you want                          (go) tonight?
  15. They cannot imagine                        (live) in another country.
  16. Ann can’t stand                                (choose)     presents.
  17. I can’t help                                        (wonder) that is wrong with him.
  18. Thanks, I’d love                                (spend) free time with my ftiends.
  19. Wendy isn’t good at                         (cycle).
  20. Helen promised                                  (do) all housework.
  21. It’s no use                                          (talk) to Sam, he won’t change his mind.


  1.  Put the verbs into brackets in–ing form, to- infinitive, explain differences in meanings

  1.  Do you remember                      (switch) coffee maker off before she leaving for work this morning?
  2. After telling me about family, Jane went on                (talk) about his life in New-York.
  3. If you can’t get sleep, try                 (drink) some hot milk?
  4. Henry has stopped                           (watch) TV, she is doing homework now.
  5. John went on                                    (talk) about his life in Sochi all day.
  6. Donna tried                                      (open) the door, but she couldn’t.
  7. I regret                                              (inform) you about test result.
  8. We are sorry                                      (give) her secret away.


Тest  10cl

  1. Put –ing form, to- infinitive, without  to:


  1. Would you like                        (go) clubbing tonight?
  2. You’d rather                            (check) your test carefully.
  3. I don’t mind                             (play) this game again.
  4. Let me                                        (help) you with heavy suitcase.
  5. Alice  hates                                  (take) things from other people.
  6. I can’t wait                                  (listen )  to  new song.
  7. Tony risks                                    (lose) his wallet again.
  8. Sam must                                    (see) a doctor as soon as possible.
  9. It’s no use                                    (talk) to Sarah, she won’t change her mind.
  10. You had better                             (hurry up) or you’ll be late for a match.
  11. I’m looking forward to                (travel) to India next summer.
  12. What do you want                        (eat) tonight?
  13. I cannot imagine                           (live) in another country.
  14. Ann went to the party without                  (bring) her a present.
  15. I can’t help                                   (wonder) that is wrong with him.
  16.  I’d love                                        (join) you.
  17. Dan  isn’t keen on                         (cycle).
  18. Laura was happy                            (meet) me after school.
  19. Nina reminds me                           (return) the DVD to the video club.
  20. My mother made                           (clean) my room today.


  1.  Put the verbs into brackets in–ing form, to- infinitive, explain differences in meanings

  1. After telling me about trip, Nora went on                (talk) about  life in London.
  2. If you can’t wake up, try                               (wash) with cold water.
  3. Maggie didn’t remember                           (switch) TV off before she leaving for school today?
  4. Henry has stopped                                 (go ) to gym after he had got into good shape.
  5. Jana went on                                          (offer)  us some drinks.
  6. Anne tried                                             (open) the chest, but she couldn’t.
  7. I regret                                                  (tell) you bad news.
  8. I’m sorry                                               (interrupt) your discussion.

Тest 3           10 cl                                    

  1. Put –ing form, to- infinitive, without  to:

  1. What do you want                      (eat) for lunch?
  2. I cannot imagine                          (live) in another country.
  3. David went out without             (ask) his teacher.
  4. I can’t help                                  (wonder) that is wrong with him.
  5.  I would love                              (join) you.
  6. Dan  isn’t keen on                     (play) football.
  7. Laura was happy                       (meet) me after school.
  8. Nina reminds me                       (return) the DVD to the video club.
  9. My mother made                       (clean) my room today.
  10. I don’t mind                              (watch) this film again.
  11. Let me                                      (help) you with heavy suitcase.
  12. Ronald hates                            (take) the car to the garage.
  13. I can’t wait                               (hear)  your news.
  14. Fred risks                                  (lose) his job.
  15. Sam must                                  (see) a doctor as soon as possible.
  16. It’s no use                                  (talk) to Bob, he won’t change his mind.
  17. You had better                           (hurry up) or you’ll be late for a match.
  18. Zack enjoys                                 (do) extreme sports.
  19. I’m looking forward to              (travel) to Australia next week.
  20. What do you want                      (eat) tonight?
  21. I cannot imagine                          (live) in another country.

  1. Put the verbs into brackets in–ing form, to- infinitive, explain differences in meanings

  1. Jana went on                                     (offer)  us some drinks.
  2. Anne tried                                         (open) the chest, but she couldn’t.
  3. I regret                                               (tell) you bad news.
  4. I’m sorry                                            (interrupt) your discussion.
  5. After telling me about trip, Nora went on                (talk) about  life in London.
  6. If you can’t wake up, try                     (wash) with cold water.
  7. Maggie didn’t remember                     (switch) TV off before she leaving for school today?
  8. Henry has stopped                               (go ) to gym after he had got into good shape.

Тest 3                 10 cl                              

  1. Put –ing form, to- infinitive, without  to:


  1. Sally can                                    (explain) you this task.
  2. The teacher made                       (clean) classroom today.
  3. I don’t let                                   (take) my sister my things.
  4. Ann  suggested  me                    (return) the DVD to the video club.
  5. You’d better                               (help) you with heavy suitcase.
  6. Dennis hates                               (drive) the car to his work.
  7. We are looking forward to              (travel) to Spain next week
  8. I can’t wait                                  (see) you again.
  9. You must                                     (hurry up) or you’ll be late for a match.
  10. Rick denied                                  (do) extreme sports.
  11. When do you want                       (go) tonight?
  12. They cannot imagine                     (live) in another country.
  13. Ann can’t stand                             (choose)     presents.
  14. I can’t help                                    (wonder) that is wrong with him.
  15. Thanks, I’d love                             (spend) free time with my ftiends.
  16. Wendy isn’t good at                      (cycle).
  17. Helen promised                              (do) all housework.
  18. It’s no use                                       (talk) to Sam, he won’t change his mind.
  19. Would you like                                (drink) coffee with us?
  20. Fred                                                  (do) his work in time.
  21. Garry was glad                                  (see) her fried  as soon as possible


  1.  Put the verbs into brackets in–ing form, to- infinitive, explain differences in meanings

  1.    Do you remember                        (switch)  off  cooker before she leaving for work this morning?
  2. If you can’t get sleep, try                (drink) some hot milk?
  3. After telling me about family, Jane went on                (talk) about his life in New-York.
  4. Helen has stopped                           (watch) TV, she is doing homework now.
  5. John went on                                   (talk) about his life in Moscow all day.
  6. Donna tried                                     (open) the door, but she couldn’t.
  7. I regret                                            (inform) you about test result.
  8. We are sorry                                    (give) her secret away.


Тest  10 cl

  1. Put –ing form, to- infinitive, without  to:


  1. Alice  hates                                (take) things from other people.
  2. I can’t wait                               (listen )  to  new song.
  3. Tony risks                                  (lose) his wallet again.
  4. Sam must                                  (see) a doctor as soon as possible.
  5. It’s no use                                  (talk) to Sarah, she won’t change her mind.
  6. You had better                           (hurry up) or you’ll be late for a match.
  7. I’m looking forward to              (travel) to India next summer.
  8. What do you want                      (eat) tonight?
  9. I cannot imagine                          (live) in another country.
  10. Ann went to the party without                  (bring) her a present.
  11. I can’t help                                 (wonder) that is wrong with him.
  12.  I’d love                                     (join) you.
  13. Dan  isn’t keen on                     (cycle).
  14. Laura was happy                        (meet) me after school.
  15. Nina reminds me                         (return) the DVD to the video club.
  16. My mother made                         (clean) my room today.
  17. Would you like                            (go) clubbing tonight?
  18. You’d rather                                (check) your test carefully.
  19. I don’t mind                                 (play) this game again.
  20. Let me                                          (help) you with heavy suitcase.


  1.  Put the verbs into brackets in–ing form, to- infinitive, explain differences in meanings

  1. Henry has stopped                              (go ) to gym after he had got into good shape.
  2. Jana went on                                       (offer)  us some drinks.
  3. Anne tried                                           (open) the chest, but she couldn’t.
  4. I regret                                                (tell) you bad news.
  5. I’m sorry                                             (interrupt) your discussion.
  6. After telling me about trip, Nora went on                (talk) about  life in London.
  7. If you can’t wake up, try                     (wash) with cold water.
  8. Maggie didn’t remember                      (switch) TV off before she leaving for school today?

Тest 3        10 cl                                      

1.Put –ing form, to- infinitive, without  to:

  1. Nina reminds me                          (return) the DVD to the video club.
  2. My mother made                          (clean) my room today.
  3. I don’t mind                                  (watch) this film again.
  4. Let me                                           (help) you with heavy suitcase.
  5. Ronald hates                                  (take) the car to the garage.
  6. What do you want                         (eat) for lunch?
  7. I cannot imagine                            (live) in another country.
  8. David went out without                 (ask) his teacher.
  9. I can’t help                                     (wonder) that is wrong with him.
  10.  I would love                                  (join) you.
  11. Dan  isn’t keen on                          (play) football.
  12. Laura was happy                            (meet) me after school.
  13. It’s no use                                       (talk) to Bob, he won’t change his mind.
  14. You had better                                (hurry up) or you’ll be late for a match.
  15. Zack enjoys                                     (do) extreme sports.
  16. I’m looking forward to                   (travel) to Australia next week.
  17. What do you want                          (eat) tonight?
  18. I cannot imagine                              (live) in another country.
  19. I can’t wait                                      (hear)  your news.
  20. Fred risks                                         (lose) his job.
  21. Sam must                                         (see) a doctor as soon as possible.

2.Put the verbs into brackets in–ing form, to- infinitive, explain differences in meanings

  1. Jana went on                                         (offer)  us some drinks.
  2. Mary didn’t remember                          (switch) TV off before she leaving for school today?
  3. Henry has stopped                                 (go ) to gym after he had got into good shape.
  4. Anne tried                                              (open) the chest, but she couldn’t.
  5. I regret                                                   (tell) you bad news.
  6. I’m sorry                                                (interrupt) your discussion.
  7. After telling me about trip, Nora went on                     (talk) about  life in London.
  8. If you can’t wake up, try                        (wash) with cold water.

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