План открытого урока английского языка в 5 классе по теме «Путешествие по России» по учебнику Афанасьевой «Rainbow English»
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (5 класс) на тему

Муллина Алия Дуфаковна

Поурочный  план урока английского языка в 5 классен по теме  в 5 классе  по теме "Путешествие по России" учебник  "Rainbow English" Афанасьевой О.В.


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Предварительный просмотр:

План урока в 5 классе по теме «Путешествие по России»

по учебнику Афанасьевой «Rainbow English»

Ход урока

Этапы уроков

Деятельность учителя

Действия учащихся

I Организационный момент .Погружение в атмосферу иноязычного общения.

T: Good morning, boys and girls! (P: Good morning, Good morning

Good morning to you

Good morning , dear teacher!

We are glad to see you!)

T: I am glad to see you too. 


T: How are you today? (P: We are fine thanks. And you?)

T: I’m fine, thank you. T: Sit down, please!

T:_________What is the date today? (P: Today is the twenty seventh of March.)

T: _______What day of the week is today? (P: Today is Saturday.)

T: Who is on duty today?( P:I am on duty today.)

Who is absent today? (P: Elen is absent).

T: Thank you____

Учащиеся приветствуют учителя.

Учащиеся проверяют готовность к уроку.

II  Проверка домашнего задания

- Let’ s check your home task.  Open your copybooks and write down today’s date, class work. Now we shall write the word dictation. Are you ready? Write down  the numbers from 1 to 9 it will be the  part 1, and from 1to 5 it will be the part number 2.

  1. Rich
  2. Ocean
  3. Large
  4. Fresh
  5. Deep
  6. Extend
  7. Powerful
  8. That
  9. Do a city

You have prepared the story about an interesting place in our  country or abroad. -Thank you for your work.

Ответы детей.

Дети делают (заранее подготовленный) пересказ  текста о городах и интересных местах нашей страны

III Актуализация знаний Повторение

уже изученного мате риала по темам Travelling и


Now I’d like you answer to my questions:

-Do you like travelling? With whom do you usually travel? Are your trips are short or long? Do you bring souvenirs to your friends and family from your trip? What souvenirs do you like to buy? Where would you like to go – to the north or to the south of Russia? Do you always travel in summer? Do you sometimes travel in winter?

Ответы детей.

Дети дают полные ответы на вопросы.

III   Совместное определение целей и задач урока;

мотивация учебной деятельности

1.- So, you have answered to different questions about traveling. Today we shall start a new Unit 6.What do you think? What are we going to talk about in this Unit ? Watch the video please.

Show us this city on the map.

- You are right. Today and during the next lessons we ‘ ll speak about Russia.

Now we will listen to the text about one of the Russian city Vladivostok.

Show us this city on the map.

  1. Работа с учебником.

 Open your Students Books on page 92, exercise 1. ___ read the  task  and translate it. Are you ready to listen to the text? Let’s begin.

Tell me please, which sentences are true?

Who gave the right answers show me cards with   happy face, who made mistakes show me cards with sad faces.

-What do we study during the lesson?

OK, and now, change the cards. Listen to another dialogue and check.

Ответы детей.

Дети смотрят видео и дают ответ.

I think we are going to talk about Russia.

Показывают на карте

Ответы детей.

I think it is c) and b)

Можно сделать карточки Show us this city on the map.











IV  Физминутка.

V Первичное усвоение новых знаний

Первичная проверка понимания

Первичное закрепление.

Введение новой  лексики по теме урока

Информация о домашнем задании, инструктаж по его выполнению.


Are you tired? Ok, let’s have a rest.

First take your toothbrush. Next add a small amount of toothpaste… Now let’s sing and brush!!!

2.Look at the screen and try to read and translate the text…. 

It takes me 10 minutes to get to school usually, but yesterday, it took me 7 minutes to get to school, because I was in a hurry. What about you? How long does it take you to get to school?

Who can guess what the new structures  will we learn during   today’s lesson?

Let’s read the rule on p.93

- Now work in groups. Try answer the question How long does it take you to get to school by bus\by car \ by bicycle?

The task is to read the dialogue.

P1 How long does it take to get to your school?

P2 It takes me twenty minutes by bus.

Now open your copybooks, write down today’s date, class work. Do the Exercise 4 on p.93.Make two sentences.

Now let’s listen and read  new words. Exercise 6 on p.94.

  • Your homework  is р. 95, 8,9,10.

Now you can make your choice. ex.8 or ex.7

From ex.9 you can choose  3 sentences with translatin.


 - Dear boys and girls!

Thank you very much for your work.

Did you like the lesson? Show me the cards with sad or happy face.

Did you know anything new?

What have you learnt today?

Now you can tell

  • Today your marks are…

Учащиеся  выполняют действия и пропевают слова песни под видео.

Приложение 4.

Ответы детей.

Работа в парах. Задают вопрос с новой структурой и отвечают используя  an hour\ half an hour

Выполняют упр. в тетради.

Дети слушают и повторяют за диктором новые слова.

Ответы  учащихся.

Учащиеся узнали новые слова и выражения по теме «Россия» и научились употреблять  в речи структуру It takes… to get

Учащиеся получают оценки  за работу на уроке

Учащиеся выбирают и записывают домашнее задание.

Рисунок 2

  1. Индивидуальная работа

T: Great! Now you are ready to make the plan of travelling yourself. Choose any country you like and write down the plan. You can use the list of basic words. Рисунок.3

P1: P2: P3: (учащиеся работают индивидуально, пишут план путешествия в определенную страну по желанию, по необходимости пользуясь опорными схемами)

T: Well done, my friends! At home you can draw up your plans. Be creative!


Рисунок 3

IV. Рефлексивно-оценочный этап

  1. рефлексия деятельности

T: You worked well. Take the sheets of paper on your desks and fill in the table. Рисунок.4

P1: P2: P3: (учащиеся оценивают уровень своих знаний и умений)


Рисунок 4

  1. открытки

T: I have some postcards for you. Come up to the table and choose any you like. Hope, they’ll remind you of our lesson.  It was my pleasure to work with you today. Have a nice travelling!

  1. завершение урока

T: That’s all for now. Good-bye!


Ход урока:

I этап. Организационный момент.


Цель: настроить обучающихся на работу.

T: Good morning, boys and girls! (P: Good morning, Good morning

Good morning to you

Good morning , dear teacher!

We are glad to see you!)

T: I am glad to see you too. 

T: It’s time to say “Hello!”(P: Hello!”)

It’s time to say “Hello!”(Hello!”)

It’s time to say “Hello!”(Hello!”)

And start our lesson. 

T: How are you today? (P: We are fine thanks. And you?)

T: I’m fine, thank you. T: Sit down, please!

T:_________What date is it today? (P: Today is the twenty seventh of March.)

T: _______What day of the week is today? (P: Today is Saturday.)

T: Who is on duty today?( P:I am on duty today.)

Who is absent today? (P: Elen is absent).

T: Thank you____

II этап. Определение темы занятия и постановка целей занятия.

 Цель: предугадать тему урока в русле интерактивного проблемного подхода. 

T: Today the theme is…. Look at the screen. What can you see here?(Слайд №11)Who can guess the topic of today’s lesson? (Обучающиеся предлагают различные варианты темы урока, учитель фиксирует ответы обучающихся на доске.)

P: How long will it take to get to England !!! (Слайд №12) (На экране появляется название темы урока.)

T: Yes, you are right! Today we shall learn to explain the way and to find out how long it takes you to get to different places.

III этап. Фонетическая зарядка.

Цель: настройка речевого аппарата на иноязычное произношение; снятие произносительных трудностей. 

T: At the beginning of our lesson we shall remember some English sounds and learn to read some words. Please, look at the screen, (Слайд №15) listen and repeat: an application, to apply for something, a full name, a family name, marital status, male, female, recent, to attach , an embassy, appropriate , a correspondence.

T: Now, please, read these words one by one for one word. Work in pairs and read the words to each other. Anna, please read all the words. (Обучающиеся читают по одному слову друг за другом, затем работают в паре, а затем один из обучающихся читает все слова вслух.)

T:Thank you for your work.

IV этап. Речевая зарядка.

Цель: развитие неподготовленной речи обучающихся.

T: Let’s play the game “Make up guestions using the words”. Divide into three groups. Each group should make up as many questions as can and translate them. Look at the screen. (Слайд №18) Слова для составления вопросов: an application, to apply for something, a full name, a family name, marital status, male, female, recent, to attach , an embassy, appropriate , a correspondence.

P: Обучающиеся делятся на группы и составляют как можно больше вопросов из предложенных слов и переводят их.

Примерные вопросы: What is your mother’s full name? What is your father’s family name? What is his address? What do you have to take to the embassy? What is her correspondence address? etc.

V этап. Закрепление предлогов места и лексики по теме «Сколько времени потребуется, чтобы добраться до Англии» в устной речи, развитие навыков монологической и диалогической речи, аудирования и чтения.

Цель: Развитие навыков общения через различные формы работы.

T: As you remember at the previous lesson we learnt some phrases how to be polite and how to ask correctly the way and also to give people information when they need it, especially when they are in some place they don’t know very well. We also learnt prepositions of place. Let’s repeat these phrases and prepositions. Please, look at the screen. (Слайд №21, 22, 23) (Повторение изученной на предыдущем уроке лексики и грамматики)

T: The next task is to listen to the text between Misha and Rob and find (Слайд №25, 26) 

  1. the name of a bus company
  2. the name of  an airline

c)   the word for a very big boat which can carry (перевозить)   buses and cars

d)   the price for a bus ticket

  1. the price for a plane ticket

(Слайд №26) 

Misha:  How are we going to get to England?
Rob:     The cheapest way is by bus. Eurolines go all over Europe.
Misha:  But how can we get to England by bus? England is an island!
Rob:     Oh, that's not a problem. In France the bus goes on a ferry. It is a big boat, which can carry buses, cars and people.
Misha:  How much is the bus then?
Rob:     A single ticket is
9-10-64.jpg52 if you are 12 years old and 9-10-64.jpg148 if you are older.
Misha:  That's really cheap! I am twelve. How long does it take?
Rob:     I don't know. We must find out.
Misha:  What about the plane?
Rob:     It is the fastest way. It took me only three and a half hours to get to Russia from England. But it was expensive! I paid
9-10-64.jpg350 for   a return ticket with British Airways.
Misha:  And what about the train?
Rob:     I don't think it's a good idea. It will take a long time to get to England by train and it is more expensive than the bus.

T: Let’s check up. Who wants to act out the dialogue? (Двое обучающихся читают диалог, остальные слушают и если неправильно исправляют.)

T: Now look at the conversation, listen to it once more and complete the sentences with information from the text. You may open your exercise books and make necessary notes. p 97ex 6 (Обучающиеся слушают диалог ещё раз и делают необходимые записи в тетради )


  • ... the cheapest way, because a ticket ... only   52.
    ... the fastest way, because ... Rob only three and a half hours to get
    from ... to ... .
    But it was .... It cost    350.

  • To go by bus is the cheapest way, because a ticket costs only   52.
    To go by plane the fastest way, because it took Rob only three and a half hours to get
    from Russia to England.
    But it was expensive . It cost    350.

T: Let’s check up. Who wants to answer? (Обучающийся читает предложения, остальные слушают и если неправильно исправляют.)

T: Work in groups again. Look at the screen. Here you can see the map of Agen Cute’s house. (Слайд №29) Each group gets the card with the task, so study the map and explain the way from one place to another one.


Describe the way from the theatre

Describe the way from the shop

Describe the way from the Granny’s house

(Двое обучающихся из группы выходят к доске, один рассказывает путь, а второй показывает.)

VI этап. Физкультминутка.

Цель: снятие умственного напряжения, сохранение работоспособности.

T: Are you tired? Let’s have a rest. Look at the screen (Слайд №32) do and repeat after me.

Look at the window, look at the door. (посмотрите на окно, посмотрите на дверь)

Look at the ceiling, look at the floor. (посмотрите на потолок, посмотрите на пол)

Will you stand up? (встаньте)

Hands up! Hands down! (поднимают и опускают руки)

 Hands on hips! Sit down! (руки на пояс, садятся)

Hands up! To the sides! (руки наверх, в стороны)

 Bend left! Bend right! (наклоняются влево, вправо)

One, two, three... Hop! (прыгают)

One, two, three... Stop! (останавливаются).

Stand still! (успокаиваются)

Sit down!!!(садятся)

T: Well done!

VII этап. Активизация речевого оборота It takes me … в устной речи.

Цель: развитие навыков диалогической и монологической речи.

T: Every day we go to the different places: to the shop, to the library, to the stadium, to school, etc. It is interesting to find out how long it takes you to get to different places. I’d like you to remember the word combinations “It takes me …” and “How long does it take you to get to …?”

You will work in pairs, ask each other and fill in the table. (Слайд №34,35)

T: You may open your textbooks at p.96 ex.2. The information from this exercise can help you to do the task. I give you 4 minutes for this task. 

T: How smart you are!

VIII этап. Подведение итогов урока. Рефлексия. (Your results)

Цель: получение достоверной информации о достижении всеми обучающимися запланированных результатов обучения, качественное оценивание работы класса. 

T: It brings us to the end. Thank you for your work. I hope the information from our lesson will be useful for you. What have you learnt at the lesson? You can use the card “Your results”. (Слайд №37,38) 

P: We have learnt how to describe and to ask the way and use the phrase it takes me … . It can be useful during our travelling abroad.

T: You were very active today. Thank you for your work. Your marks are …(Выставление отметок.)

IX этап. Домашнее задание.

T:Your home tasks: Student’s book p.100, ex. B (draw a map of your own place and try to speak about it).

 (объяснение домашнего задания) (Слайд №39)

Резервный материал

T: We have a few minutes to relax and to play a game. (Слайд №40)

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